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Everything posted by lea75

  1. me and my son tried this last night when it was on t.v. and it had no affect on either of us.....basically all it is is hypnotising you
  2. you cannot gift animals you have bought with cash coins!
  3. Hope you get loads of fantastic items out of them
  5. I think all kids do that to their Mum's .... I know mine do anyway lmao
  6. There is a way to get around this Don't put any doors in any of your lower rooms, just put a door in one of the bigger rooms, then people will automatically go into the room with the door in
  7. click on the icon I've circled in red...then just paste your you tube link in there and press ok
  8. click on the icon I've circled in red...then just paste your you tube link in there and press ok
  9. nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my teenager came running downstairs the one night screaming MUUUUUUMMMMMMMMM, so I got all worried When I asked him what was wrong he asked if I heard...so oobviously I said no, then he started jumping around and singing that...I nealy peed myself laughing
  10. I couldnt believe this was on kids tv the other night....needless to say my kids were not impressed with it
  11. lmao...yeah, yeah, blame it on Harley
  12. What song have you got stuck in your head right now?? This is mine
  13. As soon as I receive Grapeys GMB I will make the draw
  14. Broken Mystery Boxes?? Hey Pet Society fans! The latest mysterious items have just been hidden in mystery boxes across the village, so sign on to Pet Society via Facebook now to see what you can find! When Sirius visited the Mystery Store to try and talk to “?” today, he was muttering about tripping over near the pond while carrying a shipment of mystery boxes back to the store, and them all being broken. Luckily though, “?” was okay after the fall, and was able to get a new shipment in amazingly quickly! After talk of the fall, Sirius was finally able to gain some insight into the new mysterious items, “?” gave her a few clues, and she hurried home excitedly. So here they are, can you work out what they might be? A little bit cool! (Blue Mystery Box) A store of knowledge! (Golden Mystery Box) Heavenly circles! (Golden Mystery Box) via [blog.petsociety.com]
  15. Sorry I had to run out after posting these pictures I'll post the mystery box items now
  16. Make sure to check our video and Subscirbe to our channel
  17. OMG I'm going to be showing my age here lmao When I was younger I used to watch things like button moon, clangers, bagpuss....told you it was a long time ago lmao My favourite cartoon character is deffinately Tigger though...he always makes me smile...I've even got a Tigger tattoo
  18. yep As soon as that number is taken I can make the draw
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