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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I love this group....it is so nice to feel useful and to be know as something other than just Mum lol
  2. you forgot looking after 3 kids, including a toddler, cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing, being referee when hte kids start arguing.......... lmao
  3. Congratulations on designing such an amazing room
  4. My name is xena and I am a xylophone. I live in xiamen and today I am Xenophobic
  5. I love the kid rock song...deffinately one to sing along to
  6. What is your favourite feel good song?? I love build me up buttercup, always makes me sing along I've even got it set as my ring tone on my mobile
  7. I';ve just tried it on a member with no vm;s and the tab is still there...... when you cllick on there profile there are tabs at the top labled; visitors messages, profile , statistics, friends and contact
  8. click on a members profile button (under their avatar) then click the visitors message tab at the top
  9. pet society spoilers can be found on the home page as well as in PSFC news. They are the pictures telling you what is coming up in PS the following week
  10. I am Ursula and I am a umbrella. I live in Urugauy and today I am ugly
  11. I've never heard of that happening before :wow:
  12. my name is quincy and I am quiet. I live in Quebec and today I am quirky
  13. My name is Marmaduke and I am a mouse. I live in Madrid and today I am moaning
  14. My name is Frank, I am a french fry, I live in France and today I am Fruity
  15. My name is Amber, I am a Anteater, I live in Austria and today I am angry
  16. This is an alphabet game... All you have to do is fill in the missing words I will start with the letter A...the next person should have change them for words beginning with B and the next person C and so on...... My name is .............., I am a .............., I live in ............ and today I am ..............
  17. hiya and welcome to the group... There is a thread stickied at the top of this forum to add friends...can you post a message in there please
  18. lea75

    Fake Pet Society?

    not sure if I like that game...
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