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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I cant get in either I see from Mango's pics that they have bought the golden bear back
  2. It's for the top posters this week...that way everone has a chance of winning
  3. This week, for one week only, we are holding a top poster competition, and the winner will win any item from the cash shop up to a value of 20 cash coins!!!!!!!!! At the end of the week (Sunday 23rd May) I will have a look at the forum statistics at the top 10 posters for the week I will then use a random number generator to pick a number between one and 10. The person who is that number in the top 10 posters of the week list will win the prize of any item from the cash shop up to 20 cash coins!! Everyone can take part in this competition, including mods and admins. So good luck and get posting, but remember that spam is not cool and not only will your posts be deleted, but you could also face a warning...which would mean you could no longer take part in this competition Have fun chatting and getting to know each other even better Normal PSFC rules apply: Anyone with a current warning can not take part in this competition
  4. lea75

    tweet's milk trade!

    can I get a heart candle from you please hun...I collect them Which milk is it you are after?
  5. no, these are the new items released in PS every week
  6. how much are you after hun?
  7. yes, playfish have lifted the ban
  8. Now that Playfish have lifted the ban on trading Mermaid wigs, I can finally try and get some for Rosie This is the only wig that seems to look right on her lol Please leave your offer and I will get back to you as soon as possible
  9. Playfish have withdrawn the ban on trading treasure bait items and the mysterious flower seed flowers. This means that these items can now be traded for within PSFC
  10. first post updated: The ban has now been lifted on trading treasure bait items and mysterious flowers seed flowers
  11. heat rash is very, very small almost pinprick size spots. The immunisations your children have had (as long as they are the same as the UK) cover measles but not chicken pox. So it is possible that it is chicken pox. I'm sure chicken pox start on the back and chest and then spreads everywhere else...I know this is how it appeared with my eldest 2 (Phoebe hasnt had it yet) Jadine had chicken pox the same time as my neighbours daugher...jadine was covered head to toe, yet Bobbie only had a few spots, so I dont think you can go by how many spots they have Could you phone your Doctors and ask their advice? You have to be careful because if it is chicken pox then you have to stay away from pregnant women as it could be dangerous to them. To be honest if it is chicken pox then there is nothing the doctor can do for them anyway. Just keep her cool, calomine lotion on the spots to stop them itching, and junior paracetamol if her temp becomes high. This is just my opinion though hun....maybe you could post a pic of her spots, we do have a few nurses in here who might be able to tell from a pic? Huge hugs to you xxxxxxxxx
  12. That is fantastic news hun...its your turn next for the good news
  13. Have to agree with you there mamashishi I grew up in the 80's and hated it! The clothes were horrendous, the interior decorating was even worse, and apart from a few decent artists, most of the music was awful Deffinately not my favourite decade!!
  14. So glad to hear you have managed to find a private doctor. I will keep my fingers crossed for him tomorrow hun. Let us know how your Dad gets on xx
  15. Mermaid wigs cannot be traded for, you can only swap them for other Treasure bait items
  16. lea75

    Quotes are back!!!

    pm's shoule be fine now. Let me know if you have any problems
  17. Of course you are not a loser! I wouldnt even class your post as a rant lol Bad luck with the school elections, it much be so frustrating to of put in all that hard work and then for it to not work out how you wanted it. Nothing is ever in vain though, all your hard work will pay off somehow
  18. I am so glad to announce that forumotion have finaly fixed the issue with the quote function, and I have now been able to re-enable the quote function in the group I'm sorry that this was unavaliable for so long
  19. Oh sweetheart! My heart totally goes out to you, this must be horrendous for all of you. I cannot believe they have put the x-ray off until August, that is terrible! Try and stay stong hun, for your Mum, you know you have all of us to lean on and talk to when ever you need us Huge hugs and lots of love and positive thoughts being sent your way
  20. arrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh I just got kicked out while trying to send your items and now I'm under maintenance I will send them as soon as possible xx
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