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Everything posted by Sanakan

  1. Sanakan...You can share my numbers with me...=) Lol~ Is that even possible??XD
  2. Sanakan

    Please Help

    Yes, it seems that they have altered the numbers a bit so as to make it easier for people to obtain the trophies...If you don't believe me, check the playfish forums.. I don't know if I should be glad about it or angry...cause I worked very hard to get the trophy and now newbies can get it easily..XD Hope this helped~
  3. Hi~ Too bad I missed the previous one~~XD Do you have a spare Mushroom Patch and Magic Mirror?? You are so generous!!
  4. I've watched it and it's really good! Too bad I didn't get to watch it on 3D, because when I watched the movie..I can tell that some parts of it are meant to be seen in 3D~~ I think the movie is really amazing, you should go watch it!! It won't feel like it's 3 hours at all~~ If possible, watch it in 3D~~
  5. I love it!! I'm lvl 24 right now and I'm trying to stop myself from playing everyday...otherwise, I wouldn't have a life..XD I just basically like every kind of farm games~~
  6. Woot! First post!!~ What a surprise!!~ My birthday is on the month of January!!~ My day is improving already~~ Oh, btw...my birth date is on the 19th of Jan..Thanks!! [/url]
  7. Yeah...I got one as well and accepted it just for the heck of it~~XD They usually ask you to invite TONS of friends or downloading something...just a scam...you can just ignore it~~
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