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Posts posted by SLGray

  1. General Information:
    Creators: Royboy
    Expansions Required: EA
    Language:  Dutch and English
    Bugs: No Zoopedia

    Extra Information:
    Credits: Brach
    Description:Finally the download you have all been waiting for! The JP Rex!

    Bonus Features:
    Public Domain? X
    Original Models? X
    Original Sounds? ✓
    Baby Variants? X
    Baby Model? X
    Zoopedia? X



  2. latest?cb=20150217151818&format=original

    General Information:
    Creator: Royboy407
    Expansions Required: None.
    Language:  Dutch and English
    Bugs: None

    Extra Information:
    Credits: Thom for coding.
    Description: Reuploading with Roy's permission.

    Bonus Features:
    Public Domain: ✓
    Zoopedia: ✓
    Baby Model? ✓
    Permission to reupload? ✓


  3. latest?cb=20150125041541

    General Information:
    Creators: Royboy
    Expansions Required: EA
    Language:  English
    Bugs: None that i know please pm me if any.

    Extra Information:
    Credits: DM for the nodes, DG for the model and OS fo bug fixing
    Original Creators: --
    Description: Albertosaurus is here for your zoos

    Bonus Features:
    Public Domain? X
    Original Models? X
    Original Sounds? ✓
    Baby Variants? X
    Baby Model? X
    Zoopedia? ✓


  4. I added 3 more to the filter:

    • Arabian Nights - I have come across some designers who used models that have the filter for Arabian Nights.
    • Operation Genesis - Same as Arabian Nights filter.
    • Zerosvalmont - The designer sometimes forgot to capitalized his name as the filter.

  5. BqcQQBo.png

    General Information:
    Creator: Lgcfm
    Original Creator(s): ZTABC Team
    Language(s): Any
    Downloads Required: Artiodactyla, Carnivora
    Bugs: None known

    Extra Information:
    ZTABC for models and original skins.
    Azrael & magpiealamode for testing.
    Thom for bugfixing.

    Variant skins for animals made by the ZTABC Team, all based on real photos.
    These variants will show up in placed animals as well as those born in the zoo when they grow up.
    Depending on the variant some might be as common as the normal skin, or very rare (albinos and special patterns).

    Make sure they are below the original ZTABC files in your ZT2 folder for them to show up properly.
    Might conflict with other animal hacks or variants.


    Fallow Deer x8
    White-tailed Deer x3 + new baby skin
    Père David's Deer x4
    Bighorn Sheep x3
    European Reindeer x3

    Eurasian Lynx x3
    Serval x4

    Bonus Features:
    Public Domain? Yes, but credit ZTABC, my skins are just edits of their original ones.

    Deleting variants you don't want

    It is understandable that you might not want all these variants in your game, either because you don't use a certain animal, you don't particularly like those variants, you want to use alternative variants made by someone else, you don't want such a heavy file, etc. If that is the case you can easily delete those variants by doing the following:

    1- If you don't have a zipping program, get 7-Zip. It's very useful and completely free, so you won't ever be asked to buy it like with winzip.
    2- Open zzzzzzzzzzRR Variants.z2f using 7-Zip or another zipping program of your choice. No need to extract it.
    3- You will see a folder called entities inside, with more folders inside it. For every animal that you don't want variants of, you will need to delete two things:
    4- Go to entities/units/animals and delete the folders for the animals you don't want. Don't delete the ai folder.
    5- Go to entities/units/animals/ai and delete the .xml files for the animals you don't want. Note that the names will be a bit different depending on the animal.

    That's it, now your file contains only the variants you want.

    zzzzzzzzzzZTABC Variants.z2f

  6. elep_by_dragon_unit911_ddzf4a2-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD03MDgiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC8yYmY5NzMzMS0zOTg3LTRkMmMtODVjZS0xOGZmZDc4ZDY5ZGFcL2RkemY0YTItOWMwMWY1YTQtMGNiYi00MmYwLWI1MGItMjU0MDIwMDgzZTk2LnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMTI1In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.3HTKYmXiq5uZUmFWdYxabIktr12wMgubgn-I4bqzyBg


    General Information:
    Creator: DRAGON-unit911
    Expansions Required: None
    Downloads Required: Radical Remake
    Language: German and English
    Bugs: None known

    Extra Information:
    Credits: Aurora Designs for base model and skin, Lgcfm for coding.
    Description: The other species of African elephant. Male has a model variant with a broken tusk (placeable and breedable). Also includes slow growing up coding, and females will start reproducing again when their offspring become juveniles.

    Bonus Features:
    Public Domain: Ask AD
    Number of Variants: 3 skin, 2 model (male)
    Zoopedia: ✓
    Baby Variants? X
    Baby Model? ✓
    Permission to reupload? ✓

    zzzz_Du_African Forest Elephant.z2f

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