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Posts posted by SLGray

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    EAR Recoded

    No "new" content this time, but I've gone through the EAR files and updated all animals so they are on par with the coding on latest releases (except for Velociraptor, Deinonychus and Protarchaeopteryx, which are getting revamped in due time).

    What's new:

    -Now all animals have a minimum of 3* "regular" variants, and a rare albino/leucistic variant. This meant some new variants for quagga, warrah and giant warthog.
    *Killer penguin only has 2 regular variants since it seemed like more than enough for this animal.

    -All variants are consistent through all lifestages (young/juvenile/adult/old), for any animals that are placed, created at the lab, or born/hatched at the zoo.


    -Rare variants can be obtained by placing or creating at the lab, with a 5% chance. They can also be obtained by breeding, but using two normal colored parents means a really low chance (0.5%) which becomes much higher when one parent (45%) or both (90%) have the rare coloration themselves.


    -On the other hand, "regular" variants are completely random, to ensure that you don't end up with all your animals looking exactly the same after a few generations.

    -Deinosuchus, Diprotodon and Elephant Bird also have their "patternless" variants coded as genetically different, meaning that if you breed two patternless adults, babies will also be paternless 90% of the time. I did this because I know some people are not too fond of the BF patterns, so by doing this you can use (almost) only the paternless skins if you prefer.

    -Slow growth added to all animals (earlier ones were missing it).

    -Added compatibility with more enrichment and shelter items such as heat lamp and dino prey dummy for Deinosuchus, extinct shelter for cats.


    -Scaled down the resolution of some young skins for smaller animals, the difference is barely noticeable ingame but results in reduced file size. I've also been able to reduce the amount of xmls by a lot, which results in slightly smaller file size and hopefully also better performance.

    -Various fixes, such as:

    • Updated model for Saber-toothed cat based on feedback


    • Resized several animals to more accurate sizes
    • Fixed issue with food floating outside the mouth of some animals when they eat
    • Added missing sounds to juvenile animals
    • Fixed a bugged behavior on Diprotodon
    • Other minor fixes

    Also to reiterate, you absolutely need my variant selector script for variants to work:.


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