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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Zoonie

    Hidenii Costumes

    You can swap Zoonie over, he wont mind, he's always up for a laugh
  2. Zoonie

    Hidenii Costumes

    Bee, put Bee on Yaaay
  3. Back. FF crashed and then I had a bit of a 'you must excuse me' moment iykwim? Ugh! Hi Frannie, Hi Wish, WB Tanya, I said Hi before but just missed you.
  4. Thanks you two. Absolutely love that link Kijo, right up my street. LOL was watching the other videos too!
  5. Zoonie

    Hidenii Costumes

    That's tremendous You already did Zoonie, lol, how cute.
  6. Does this link work for you? http://www.kodakgallery.co.uk/ShareLanding.action?c=69rwpf6d.124bf50lt&x=0&h=1&y=3n0vwr&localeid=en_GB&cm_mmc=site_email-_-site_share-_-core-_-view_photos_album
  7. Mine's not exciting, don't feel well - just one of those times when you want to wrap yourself in a snuggly blanket, grab a bunch of pillows and a book and curl up. We're still in the middle of the work on the bathroom, do you feel like a look?
  8. Morning Bee how are you today? Hee Hee Kijo, yes like the one in PS, or, like this one (without the disguise!!! - reminds me of our conversation before lol) PS oh yes Bee, of course, baguette (sorry, chewing)
  9. I know! You do indeed have one missing
  10. No worries, yes, it's fine for me now. Sometimes it's to do with permissions? (not quite sure) Thanks will send the potion over
  11. I'll be ok Kijo thanks, just having a wallow in grimness, like you do sometimes. IMOM's going to make me a grilled bacon and tomato sandwich on a crisp French Stick (not sure you have that kind of bread?) Yummy. And it'll be a slow release rather than a sugar hit. See you T
  12. I don't care for chocolate though Kijo - don't have any in the house. If anyone ever gives me chocolates as a present, they get passed on and given to the girls or the neighbours.
  13. I'm just slobbing around watching TV, no energy today at all, feel grim.
  14. ♫Greased lightning♫ WB
  15. Good Morning, no music today, sports news on TV instead. Is the superbowl party tonight Tanya?
  16. Closing this one tomorrow evening (I'm on GMT)
  17. Marie, honey, you need to fix your Facebook link, it's taking me to my own homepage. Send me a F/R and I'll send you a potion tomorrow, also Frannie gets a potion, and Wish, who actually got the most correct answers, but doesn't like the potion, can have a chocolate gift - as can Paige, just because she likes chocolate so much Hopefully ALL happy campers!
  18. OK will catch you next time, hope your day goes ok. Let me know about what I might help with for the Hunt next time Byeee x
  19. My FB feed is just weird, weird now, I liked it before the last change! Are you ready yet Kijo?
  20. I think Winter's always a bit bleak, but on the upside, when you've gone through a bad time, things are definitely going to start looking up. I think the way to look at those friendships is for what they were at the time, but it's a new time now coming along, and let's look forward to stronger friendships and better days. I meant to say - I just love having my hair washed for me
  21. Well you know, those people you lost out of your life? IMO they didn't really deserve to be there - and, better be alone in good company, than surrounded by bad. And as bored as you are in the short term, spring is on its way, new beginnings and all that - so let's hope you benefit from some stored energy! Oooh hair, I made an appointment for Wednesday, as my hair is far too long now and my fringe has totally grown out. I can't wait.
  22. Well, not every weekend can be fun filled hun, quiet times, which allow our minds and bodies to slow down, can be a good thing too you know. OK tuppence, is two pence, there are a 100 pence to the pound and the pound/US$ is £1=US$1.5603... so tuppence is not very much really, is it And yes, when do you start? all new beginnings are new opportunities and you never know what might come of them
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