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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. LOL sounds like our house, first time in ages I seem to have had time and space - if you don't count The Lads I'm just emptying IMOM's house, there's so much in there, too hard to display, so for a tally up, I thought of moving his stuff out of the chest and taking pics (screenshots) of all the Gift Registry stuff as a record. It's probably time to start trading some of the older stuff off or something, what do you think?
  2. Morning Frannie, how are you doing? Really sorry Kijo, will go back and check, I think I might have opened the message when I was half asleep, thought how lovely and meant to respond, but went off in a haze of fog! Catch you in a little while.
  3. Hi Sweetheart, I got the pics thanks, did I not reply Everything went a bit mad and only today am I likely to get back to normal. Did you see the FB account of our NYE? horrid (although the night out was good lol)
  4. Morning C&G, Just seen your post Armell, no chair? hope it shows up
  5. Tell me about it! Honey I have to go to bed, wakeup early tomorrow, so I'll love and leave you (I hate the time difference sometimes) Take care xxx
  6. You know what Mindy, we both still feel cold and tired - must be age catching up with us. It was absolutely horrendous, but an endurance rather than anything too dreadful, we weren't mugged, robbed, abused or the like, so - counting our blessings while still hopping mad that it was so unnecessary. Nothing like that's ever happened to us before. How was your NYE?
  7. See you BG. No cats allowed upstairs here. Mr Zoonie was back at work last week, and he's downstairs by 5am, but he wont throw the Lads outside, so I still have to get up to see to them! Properly back to routine tomorrow then!
  8. Hiya Mindy, you arrive just as BG is entertaining everyone with talk of her underwear again Happy New Year, how are you?
  9. so funny BG, we know their place... they think their place is wherever they want to be! Am now watching the last Celeb Big Brother, what trash TV it is
  10. Well, I can love animals big time, but IMO they have their place, and their place isn't my place, you know? We'll have to see. I think the man who's enquired would be a good owner, but, well, you know, Socks has been here a while now...
  11. I don't want cats on our furniture, oh no, but, everyone to their own. The enquiry for Socks is from a man I was helping with his enquiries about one of two brother cats who's gone AWOL. The remaining brother is now pining for company. If that might work, he'll go - but we'll only let him go to a really good home. Avira, hi honey - Happy New Year!"
  12. He's not ours yet Army, we're still just fostering him *whistles* He has an enquiry, so we shall see...
  13. I have puncture marks all around one wrist...Socks has been on the loose again too!
  14. aaagh he clamped his jaws around my wrist ... injury time out!¬
  15. Did you Google for him on Strictly Come Dancing BG? like Dawn said? I have to run and capture Socks, he's escaped upstairs - courtesy of Mr Z!!!
  16. I thought the i-player was UK only i.e. you have to have a licence to use it. Shame. Keep the BBC/Food and Saturday Kitchen link though as every week you'll be able to see the recipes. Well, as for Socks, hmmm....we'll see...
  17. Oooh you can get them? I didn't think you could get i-player outside of the UK! that's good. Mr Z and I are having a big convo about Socks. There's been an enquiry about him, but we're very militant about where he can go (or not ) If this man doesn't take him, well, let's just say he might not be going very far...
  18. Och well, as they say, you can choose your friends, but not your family - feel sorry for Bob though. http://www.jamesmartinchef.co.uk/pc.asp?xpath=&xpathid=&lang=eng have a look there too BG. I'm on a wind-down, am still not quite back from all the job-changing drama, closely followed by Christmas and the horrendous NYE aftermath. Normal service is waiting to be resumed
  19. Dawn!! Happy New Year my honey, sorry there was a bit of familial strife, we all get it one way or another hey? I lovess ya! You saw? added insult to injury/our Oyster cards are now absolutely deplete of credit, gaaah they diddled us big time! @BG James is a pastry chef by trade, he has a very sweet tooth. i think he has some recipe books out, or we can google his recipes?
  20. Happy New Year Tan Tan, will miss you, but enjoy your belated hols! x Mimz, totally misread your post as Never Felt Fitter Happy New Year! Oh yes, James Martin, he presents Saturday Kitchen, which we watch every Saturday morning Hello Armell, how are you? Happy Happy New Year!
  21. Absolutely freezing here Wish, don't think I've got right since NYE's adventure! Now shivering at the thought of you out on the golf course Brrrr. We've been working and watching the FA Cup games. Got racks of lamb in the oven, encrusted with a homemade curry paste, wonder what they will be like? (smells good)
  22. Frozen there, frozen here too brrrrrr. Good Morning from the UK *shivers*
  23. aaah well, it'll work out somehow or another. I have to go now BG, food shopping to do again *yawn* Good luck with your studies, see you next time x
  24. True, it's between them. For myself I wouldn't see it as throwing years away though - those years were what they were for the time it lasted, and if it's not working out any more, then really they'd be best starting over. Who knows, maybe splitting up might help them sort themselves out and later they might get back together and it would be better?
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