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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Later BG. I'm having a little weep to myself, just listened to Luther Vandross - Dance with my Father again, and it's set me off.
  2. Thanks BG...I opened a new thread, Chitter Chatter part 2>>>
  3. Part 2, we've slowed down lol. Chat and Gift that's what we're here for...
  4. The UK Monarch's Official birthday is celebrated on either the first or second Saturday of June, because it's an outdoor parade. King Edward VII (beginning of last Century) had his birthday in November, so he moved the official celebrations to summer in the hope the weather would be better for the activities The current Queen's birthday is soon - April 21. That's the history lesson for today, lol. The weather doesn't really have a lesson, it has a mind all of its own!
  5. It's not SO very hard this week, roll up! roll up!
  6. ^ strange ??? Someone recommended The Hangover to me this weekend, anyone seen it? (just going to get that yoghurt and fruit)
  7. Kijo. Who's going to start the new thread?
  8. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Week Commencing Monday 12th April 1020 - Japan Week List of TWS showing item cost and the number of each item we have received. This week we have 3 people away. Furniture Store Living - Pink Kotatsu with Sleeping Cat - 3,000 coins 1 Bedroom - Modern Pink Futon - 1,500 coins 1 DIY Windows and Doors - Zen Garden Door - 2,000 coins 1 Clothes Girls - Purple Kimono - 550 coins 2 Purple Traditional Headpiece- 450 coins 2 Pink Zori Sandals - 225 coins 2 Boys - Red Hatchimaki - 200 coins 2 Market - Toys Princess Doll - 800 coins 1 Water YoYos Pink 1: Purple 1: Green: 1 (all 200 coins each) Pink Teru Teru Bozu - 275 coins 1 Pink Paper Crane - 125 coins 1 Thanks to Novia; cblu
  9. It's annoying when they're just pot luck isn't it
  10. I've seen a few pets with blue wigs on Just doing the Gift Registry List...
  11. Hiya Dawn, see you later maybe I have some apricot yoghurt in the fridge and some tropical fruit pieces in one of those see-through tubs you get now, instead of cans. Might go for that. Can you have a rest day today BG?
  12. Thanks, I think I need more than help though - a SWAT team or something Mmmm I'm hungry, have you both had breakfast?
  13. I think you can only claim one per friend per day. He got a lovely gold one - still need the Mosaic, that's proving tricky. Am really tired. No idea what's wrong with me, but I couldn't sleep last night and ended up disturbing IMOM most of the night
  14. Hiya BG I just saw that as I was in his account for the Gift Registry - thank you x
  15. OK Sometimes I get in a bit of a down mood, can't be bothered to do anything and all that. I need to get busy this week though, as I rashly invited friends to stay over for this coming weekend - but the invitation was extended when I stupidly thought all the house decluttering and redecorating would be done by now. Reality is that it's as far off as it ever was!
  16. Yep seems it's a Quarterly event, instead of annual ...unless of course, anyone knows of any more? He must be pretty ancient by now!
  17. I'm sorry, that's a little while now. Is it just your feelings or has anything happened?
  18. Hi Leo, how are you doing today honey? bit chilly here to say the least!
  19. We had this issue when he was a member of C&G, he had a different birthday listed on his FB profile (at that time he was saying it was September) then he posted just before the 25th December on C&G Birthday thread that it was Christmas Day, so I asked him directly, and he posted there that it's definitely 25th December no question ... here's his quote from Page 2 of the thread Oh yes, i got facebook years ago and i was not old enough to qualify, but onj here i used my real dob So now he has April, July, September and Christmas Day
  20. Good Morning C&G even those of you who're still sleeping
  21. Please excuse my really basic effort, I just don't use photo image programmes or anything with images, not as a rule, but anyway, I've had a little go z00nie was very pleased that his audition for Treasure Island had gone so well, and he got a supporting role ...but little did they know, that between takes, he was dreaming of even better success Kermit better hang on to that pirate's hat!
  22. OK, well, I really ought to go and get my kitchen curtain back up again, on my own, so hope the weight isn't too much Wish me luck!
  23. I caught the egg, it was orange Sorry I thought I posted a reply saying I'm trying something for Tweet's competition - it's very challenging!
  24. Oooh not on PS atm, was just having dinner Wish - Antiques Road Show now *sigh*
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