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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Still on the phone, it's ED. Not sure why Dennis is ill, hope Socks hasn't bowled him over and hurt him.
  2. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Just on the phone, don't mean to be rude.
  3. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    You're not kidding! Have you watched this week at all? Not sure the mutton woman is really female! Andy reminds me of David Blunkett - eek!
  4. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Is it one of her own creations again? Apparently she's a fashion designer
  5. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Rib Eye's my favourite too! and Dauphinoise and tomatoes are one of my most favourite things. Talking of food, am going to watch Come Dine With Me now - they're a really weird bunch this week, have you been watching?
  6. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    What kind of router have you got? Mine's Netgear and although they have a great reputation, mine's not very good. Dinner sounds delish, although cous cous seems to be a bit out now in favour of bulgar wheat? My OH doesn't like it either, must be a boy thing We're having rib eye steak, dauphinoise potatoes and roasted tomatoes, but later on.
  7. Well done Dawn! Will dish out the extra entry prizes I owe you guys on Zoonie's rounds. Tanya and Toulouse also got an all correct entry, but Dawn's name was on the toss of a coin called by Mr Zoonie (IMOM) - I'll drop off something for you two as well.
  8. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Army - you need to give us chance honey! As I said OH just came home (and I also had to reset the router, which is in one of its dodgy phases again)
  9. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Hiya Army, how are you doing? That's the thing about it Wish, sounds very glam, but far from it.
  10. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    I know how you feel as twice my OH has worked away all week, and by the time he got home Friday nights he was done for, and Sundays it was preparation and an early night for the very early start. One time he did it for about 14 months! My day? Had a funny start, early for me too but then I went back to sleep later for half an hour and it's made me tired again. Other than that, mmmm, paperwork, lots of it, and - Dennis isn't very well OH has just come in.
  11. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Ooooh early today, I still have my coffee How are you my friend?
  12. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Aaaw Rina, sorry I missed you Just sorting out the NtD Café competition.
  13. Thank You to Everyone who's participated. Firstly - competition now closed ... and secondly, here are the answers...
  14. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Bye Kijo, laters. Nice to see you Bee - it's a sign! I'm sorry I also have to run, gaaah things that wont wait. xxx
  15. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Yes, do, what's the closing date?
  16. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    I should think so Kijo, looks fabulous
  17. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Is it you and your mum moving together? We've moved a lot and usually draw up a list of pros and cons for each property we viewed (unless it was just a real No-No) That said, when we moved to this house, our daughters hadn't even seen it Oh my - call him back
  18. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    I was awake for ages and then fell asleep for half an hour, so I was late coming downstairs in the end Paige, how did you feel about Queensland? did you find any houses you liked?
  19. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Dodgy connection today Had such a strange morning, woke up about twenty to five and thought IMOM was still in bed with me, worried he'd overslept and missed his train, but he wasn't there really - very odd.
  20. Zoonie

    March Chat Part 4

    Good Morning, who has the matchsticks for my eyelids please? ♫my first, my last, my everything♫ -how about that?
  21. Zoonie

    March Chat Part III

    Wish, I also want to see lots of places, but I take the attitude that our home is 24/7 365-6! so that's top priority. I only seem to do a real minimum of visits these days, gaaah, and now I have to go do dinner. We're having Gloucester Old Spot sausages made with leek and ginger, mash, onions, mushy peas and gravy - aaah comfort food! Bought the sausages at a farm shop at the weekend. So, I'll top you up and take my leave, for now.... x
  22. Zoonie

    March Chat Part III

    but it didn't matter
  23. Zoonie

    March Chat Part III

    I was lagging behind
  24. Zoonie

    March Chat Part III

    She's very 'full of herself' as well, isn't she. The G&T goes without saying Wish, no sooner the word than the deed in this house We're both going to be in it for the long haul then! Personally, I can't stand the composite, for me, there's something too false about it, no better than laminate, although, obviously it is (better) We had granite in the last house and the one before that, and in the bathrooms too - and if we moved, and didn't have granite tops, I'd change them immediately. There's a big variation in colours and prices though, so you can shop around (and buy them direct not through the kitchen suppliers) Do you have a back door to your utility? could you perhaps make it just a corridor shape with a sink and racking for boots, shelving and pegs etc.? More of a boot room than a utility? We have a double door larder cupboard and it's fabulous, you can get SO much in there instead of cupboards above and below) Then perhaps have your washing machine/dryer, fully integrated, and make the kitchen more square? Hmmmm I have heard some Horrible things about Miele appliances lately and they are so pricey but not, it seems, as reliable as they used to be. Luckily for us it had a free 5 year guarantee. The washer/dryer has been very good indeed. We'd only have been boring you BG
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