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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. Sounds good- what's on the menu tonight? Hey Toulouse! How are you today?
  2. Been looking at flights to go see my mum in June, but the new Headmistress of the infant school is a witch and its been like banging my head against a brick wall to get permission to take the kids out of school. So it not interesting but its been hard work What have you been up to? Any new with the house yet? Nothing doing on the house front. Ooooh! She sounds like a horror! Our head seems really good - all we had to do to get G out for Disneyland Paris was fill in a form saying when we would be away and when we got back and bingo, permission granted. The form said you could have up to 10 days but anything over that would be unauthorised absence. Quite lucky really.
  3. Awww - so I've missed everyone again! Still not eaten yet either so will be disappearing in about half an hour or so to have tea.
  4. Hello lovely! What have you been up to today? Anything interesting?
  5. Sorry all - better go and get something done with my day since it is now 11am! Lovely to chat and thanks again Kijo. Will send some stuff to you later. Have a good day everyone. xxxx
  6. Yay - found him!!! May not be here for a few, G has decided that he wants to take Boo fishing! Need to supervise otherwise all my rare food will end up in the pond. See you in a bit.
  7. That's what I did - searched for petling and his name! I will have to go and trawl through my chest and see if I can find him. BRB
  8. Ahhh! It will all still be there later hon. No need to rush to do it now. I'm a bit sad actually - I put one of my petlings in my chest last night after I had fed them as I wanted to change the colour my other one with a petling biscuit and didn't want the wrong one to eat it. Now I can't find him.
  9. Sounds very organised Toulouse.
  10. Oooooh! The original or the Johnny Deppp one? Ah well, at least she's reading!
  11. It's fab isn't it! Oh - what are they watching Boogs? G has had a good morning and is amusing himself really well. T is just about to build his Thomas the Tank Engine track for him! Have to say - he normally requires more attention than this.
  12. Thanks Toulouse! They are all so cute but I love the tiger. Awww Boogs - big for you. Wish I could help out. Very lucky this weekend OH actually has 2 whole days off. :o
  13. I haven't seen the second one but OH took little one to the cinema when he was off and they both really enjoyed it. Boogs - all OK there?
  14. Yeah! We just watched the first chipmunk movie again this morning! Thanks for the tips kijo - I will gove it a go now. I think I can do the avatar thingie - just wasn't sure the best way to save them. See you later Frannie - sleep well.
  15. Sorry you're nor feeling good kijo. Hope things improve soon. I will send some stuff to you for your comps - I love what you did to BooBear! Frannie - I don't know how you cope getting up twice! I can live with about 4 hours sleep (in fact I usually do) but disturbed sleep is so hard to deal with. Haven't heard of that film Toulouse - but then that's not really a surprise, it hasn't got a chipmunk in it and I'm pretty sure it's not animated so not on the radar of a 4 year old!
  16. Hope you are feeling better today Toulouse. What film are you thinking of watching? Not that I get to see any these days unless they are kids films! Frannie - 4.15am! eeeeekk! You must be shattered.
  17. Kijo! I love those - BooBear looks soooooo cute! I left a note on the other thread too. Thank you so much. I just need a lesson on how to get them so I can use them now. I know you don't play actively any more but can I send you some stuff to use for your competition? Maybe some of this weeks TWS?
  18. BooBear

    Hidenii Costumes

    Oh Kijo! I love them all!!! Will have to change them daily! Thank you soooooooo much! Now all you need to do is give me a lesson in how to get them from here to store them somewhere I can add them to avatar! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  19. Hello me twin! Nope - still in for the moment. How's the mood in the Boogie household with the Portsmouth news yesterday? Frannie! How are you and the family? All well I hope. Heehee! Now it's just Daddy building the K-Nex thing - little one went off to his bedroom to find something better to do!
  20. Oooooh!! No I haven't looked - will go now. Yay! Thank you.
  21. Good thanks hon, how are you today? Any exciting plans for the weekend?
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