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Everything posted by pinkyperry

  1. I just noticed it today that the language is changed, now having problem with reading it ... Anyone know how to change the language in Pet society ???
  2. omg !!! hopefully it will be all right soon!!! Cheer up !!!
  3. Ya wonder what is xmas item will there be in this year xmas !!!
  4. Please Mr Balls Up Woman can I have ball number 50 ... i will have any available number if 50 is not available ... Thanks
  5. pinkyperry

    Gimme 5.....

    nice one ... haha ... Edward Isabella Alice Jasper Carlisie Gimme 5 yellow item in pet society ...
  6. pinkyperry

    Gimme 5.....

    Haha ... 1. Bananas tree 2. Apple tree 3. Orange tree 4. Coconut tree 5. Strawberry shortcake tree Gimme 5 food in Ps that cost 10 coin ...(I counted before posting)
  7. My name is Lucy, I am a lovely person, I live in London and today I am Lucky
  8. Please Mr Balls Up Woman can I have ball number 18 ... Thanks
  9. YAPEE !!! Now can send up to 12 people per day ... Initially, we can only send 8 of it ... Cool right ???
  10. Unfortunately, the cat ran into a dog
  11. woah the rooms are all so beautiful decorated !!!
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