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Everything posted by Holiday

  1. i love big rooms too but here all rooms are regular size i try to give them depth and make them look bigger if is possible
  2. hi everyone :blink: i love all previous entries... are so inspired !!! here is mine... is a cook shop and preaparation of candies !! i hope u like it
  3. hi ! :flowers: this is my entry in the day .... and at night .... is a park u can see from there the busy sea side road and the city at the back enjoy !!!
  4. well done :biggrin: : :biggrin: : i love your room
  5. I am Holiday i would like to show u my new house like it is now.... or at least a few hours ago... (u see i like changes a loooot !!! ) Here is my front garden... and the back garden is a park ... nice for a walk with the baby !! now i have 3 rooms with this week's items i hope u like them one for daycare one for art lesson and one for music lesson of course there is my kitchen .... my BBQ garden ... my bedroom ... my food shop .... my new magic room .... my fish/kitchen room ... a big garden and i couldn't decide which one to show u... or my x-mas room... and the last one ....
  6. u really mean u don;t know how to do that in the game??
  7. hi again !! of course i can not put an entry this week but i wanted to share with u 3 rooms / classes i made .... enjoy..... :blink: this is for daycare this is for art lesson this is for music lesson
  8. maybe becouse mini zoo is not good for real animals .... but the idea for ps is nice
  9. thank u all very much my pet friends :59: i know was hard to find a winner this week... all entries were great for one more time i realy try hard to decorate each room and i try to make it realistic i am soooo glad u like it thank u.... thank u.... thank u ..... :4:
  10. thank u my pet friends :blink:
  11. se euxaristo gavrina !!! mporeis na me kaneis add an 8es
  12. your house is beautyful !!! :biggrin: : wellcome :friends:
  13. Hi! everyone !! i was away for a while... i love all entries until now...are so creative :biggrin: : well done to all :friends: here is my entry.... i hope you like it " My tresure hidden in a cave on an island "
  14. I like all entries.... they are very creative... !! i like Borbonsito more and i thing is not a matter of the most overcrowded.... is about using many items and still look good
  15. Thank u very much all of course this is not an entry for this week's competition :blush2: : take care and keep on decorating
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