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Posts posted by jezza

  1. done the same a few years back .....sadie decided to get a exerceise bike and it ended up being used as a clothes horse in the bedroom (as they all do) , got up for a piss one night and stubbed my toe on it breaking it and bruising the top of my foot this also left me unable to work for a couple of days.

  2. well thats it , the bandit as gone. The chap travelled from westcliffe on sea to pick it up , nearly a three hour journey and rode it back . .....Had a text at 9.45 from him saying "these things sure go Very Happy " so it sounds like he's a happy chappy .

    It always worries me selling bikes/cars cos something silly is always bound to go wrong but it sounds like a happy customer this time.

    Right now off to view the parrot baby this morning.

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