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Everything posted by bonzo-b

  1. The Bike`s still looking gawjuss Leigh
  2. Think that`s whats known as fightin talk mate... everyone knows black are quickest... after Bronze
  3. yesyesyesyes... only had a bloody inch in Oxfordshire last time... feelin short changed
  4. bonzo-b


    Hello to the flyingfish... welcome in mate
  5. XS1100... and i thought i had problems
  6. Sometimes its nice to know you`re gonna come out of a corner in one piece tho you forget.. i ride a 750Turbo... nothing is guaranteed.. especially getting through corners
  7. together. it doesn't work very well together as it happens THATS the munchies nah, that was not having anything else in the fridge. i wanted cheese on toast but i also wanted lemon curd on toast, so i thought i'd combine them. after all, people have cheese and jam sarnies. Cheese n Jam maybe not so good... Cheese n Peanut Butter Toasties... bloody awesome
  8. Mates GPZ1100 B2 is done up like that, but using Zepher running gear so it actually corners AND stops
  9. Thanks for that mate, nice to hear the old aircooled dinosaurs on full chat again ... you been looking on OSP ??
  10. SNAP. I also had lemon curd and cheese, on toast What together or seperate? together. it doesn't work very well together as it happens THATS the munchies
  11. i use old IE at work and have the same problem.... script errors all over the shop. Use IE 8 at home... no probs at all
  12. Best bike racing in the world BSB... see ya there.... course if you can`t get me centre transfer you`ll have to come outside with the plebs,.... i`ll stand you a beer tho mate regardless lol...make it a vino DONE !!
  13. Kin hell mate !! do you have any idea how much thats worth now... either 3000gt or 3000s was limited edition...like 30 of each... christ!! worth a small house in some places nowadays
  14. Best bike racing in the world BSB... see ya there.... course if you can`t get me centre transfer you`ll have to come outside with the plebs,.... i`ll stand you a beer tho mate regardless
  15. Cafe Racer looks like an old Suzuki GT 250... pre ram-air... about 1970-ish the middle one looks like a matchless G12 can`t see enough of the back one Aaaaaaah Cortina Mk 2....
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