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About pugeyed

  • Birthday 03/25/1982
  1. as above bandit 600 carb heater wanted please
  2. Bought a 16gb one in the end, seems good so far, it's what I'm making this post on.
  3. cheers matt, so its just if i go for 16gb or 32gb
  4. thinking of geting one but need to know if it has a sd card slot? thanks!
  5. whats the difference then stan? the ends are mild steel and am pretty sure the pipe is too, great if you can do it !
  6. cheers chad does he do tig? i can mig and ark but even my little mig will blow holes in the piping. i can post it to him the pipes are about 6 inch long lol.
  7. hi folks need someone who can tig weld some fittings on the end of some oil cooler hoses for the xs project. Many Thanks in advance!
  8. thats the way i look at it matey, can always earn some more ........
  9. agree on checking the tensioner, most are stuck or at full capacity and just worn out, i got a tensioner made for the xs as nobody did them and the old one was 32 years old!
  10. so have had the renewl through from carol nash for the bandit and its £165 which i didnt think was too bad, had a quote through hastings and it came up as £78 fully comp, protected no claims, problem is they wont cover the braced swingarm on my bike. looking around has anyone used bikesure? just doing a quote online now for custom bike insurance.
  11. so bottom end is together, new conrod bearings , new main bearings, new gearbox bearings where i can, have ordered new steel clutch plates and ebc springs, already have new friction plates. still loads of stuff left to buy, (have made a list , which is depressing in itself) new rear wheel cover came today from germany after i melted the last one (ooops). more soon ( i hope)
  12. well been busy painting the engine, and it looks great, pics to follow, can nearly put it together soon just waiting for some more bits and bobs checked and cleaned the coils,replaced the leads and ht caps and covered the wiring connectors in liquid electrical tape.
  13. good idea ,but i can't use either version ,solid rear axle . and no mounting points for bolt on version
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