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Everything posted by mk

  1. have got some hangers but no pegs, locator 'balls' are seized (if they are meant to be sprung) £12 via paypal to mark-hiscock@ntlworld.com and i'll post on tuesday
  2. mk

    b12 bits

    blew up my mk1 bandit 1200, so apart from engine block and exhaust all parts are up for sale , just so you know it wasn'ta show bike and where everything worked really well some of it wasn't cosmetically pretty
  3. sorry no bling it was a workhorse, anyway after stipping things out today it seems that a valve adjuster either came undone or stripped and came out (haven't adjusted in over a year), somehow the valve spring got compressed and the collet came off which meant the valve fell into the piston chamber and it went a bit wrong , which is why i found lots of bits in the bottom of the engine and a big hole where the oil pipes return from rocker to pump,
  4. blew the 12 up on friday so apart from engine block and exhaust everythings for sale.
  5. thanks everyone , sorry for the late reply , its been a strange week, finished it by killing the b12 , hole in front of engine where it spat its oil all over a1(m) but feck it , its my birthday week so
  6. good luck with everything coming up , hope it all goes well and you get on the road soon
  7. Dear Santa please brings lots and lots of clothes for the poor children on daddy's computer
  8. mk

    happiest day

    happiest day of my life.... walked into the church.. saw my wife at the altar... walked up the aisle.. and kissed her.. then closed the lid...
  9. light & bitter (always a bit more than a pint) abbot and bottle of st edmunds thrown in (greene king pubs only)
  10. happy birthday, have a good un
  11. maiden tickets - o2 in august can't wait
  12. if they're only for reading , why not buy them cheap £5 jobbies from asda and use the saved money for something on the bike or beer tokens
  13. mk - my name's mark nuff said no imagination (ask the missus)
  14. theres a few more on here that are gay gis a kiss and i'll tell you who !!!
  15. bought some stuff called orajel when in america a few years back , have heard its available here now , its an anaesthetic gel you put round the area , so good if you get it on the side of your tongue that goes numb for a while as well , if not swill round with brandy , and as you drive a bit, spit it out no worries bout drink diving then
  16. its like a village missing that certain special person
  17. mk

    hello folks

    hello all, i'm mark, i'm in bedfordshire and i have a couple of bandits , recognise some familiar names already
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