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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/patient-wakes-up-from-circumcision-to-find-penis-removed.html
  2. It's no social integrator, It's a one man isolator, A backbrain stimulator, A cerebral vibrator, Of Orgones Do not panic!!! do - not - panic Use your wheels it is what they are for,Do not attempt to use your own limbs Small babies should be placed inside the special cocoons And should be left, if possible, in shelters
  3. You need a bike for assault and battery, interception, ground support and reconnaissance. Not just a fairweather machine!
  4. Very Nice Them RFs where good bikes. very nicy a proper argon that!You'd rejoice in your uniqueness and consider every weakness something special of your own A nice RF900! By the way MY XS1100 handles like the blue one in the back ground
  5. well your asking for the ideal motorcycle I have been looking for 35 years and still not found it. I will need to think may take a wile! There is one though that comes close the Honda C90 cub, You may laugh but its the bigest seller on the planet. so it must be about right,
  6. Chris Barber's JB Ottilie Patterson 1957 Strange things happen everyday (Live)
  7. vinyl wrap thought that was a 70s punk band dude
  8. Dave I'll see you sometime later When I'm through with my Accumulator.
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