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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Land fill it will give some one some thing to work out what the hell they where used for in a zillion years Time! I might wack one of these beasts in if things get any worse than the Norton! http://www.barsnake.com/about/index.html
  2. Love um or loath um? Well since owning the Bandit 12 the only bike I have owned with them fitted I hated them from day 1 apart from making the the bars 2" wider I can see no point in having them. OK they suppose to dampen vibration, I found that if the bike is set up correctly no worn out and incorrectly balanced parts There is no need. I chucked mine in the bin and did 125 miles today not a blind bit of difference.sorted.
  3. Shame it was a taser, shoot the chave! http://uk.news.yahoo.com/knocked-down-pc-chases-driver-083013373.html
  4. A biker named Zhang Bo rode into an open manhole and ended up in hospital. Bo, 28 - from Changchun, Jilin province, eastern China - hadn't spotted the missing cover and was sent flying over the handlebars when the front half of his bike disappeared into the hole. He sustained a broken jaw and fractured skull. "The manhole cover had been stolen to melt down for scrap. It's an increasing problem," said a police spokesman. Now see the picture! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/picturesoftheday/8676838/pictures-of-the-day-2-august-2011.html?image=1
  5. Check this out a little to close! http://www.wimp.com/vegetablemarket/
  6. Twin shock Bandits Ice cream vans Petrol lawn mowers on castrol R
  7. I think its going to be good for London my son!
  8. It will handle now, Nice pair of Hagons.
  9. why do they call the airport the terminal?
  10. Careful now! http://edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/Police-sold-me-a-stolen.6808936.jp
  11. Beautiful Body Art draws a huge crowd with its eye-catching colour and pictures in Ningguo, East China's Anhui province. China. China is hoping this art will attract more visitors to the region. See you there !!!!! [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my- images/684/article13027725898530b9.jpg/][/URL]
  12. http://video.nytimes.com/video/2011/07/08/automobiles/collectibles/100000000895665/two-classics-one-car.html 108 years old! drives around in this old beast nice motor to.
  13. This may have been done before? What do you recon will be the next true classic bike?. My mate recons his Triumph TT600. Ive know idea may be an early Bandit 1200?
  14. http://www.bsaownersclub.co.uk/Events.html
  15. http://www.crash.net/road+racing/video/171351/1/watch_the_stunning_2011_tt_review_trailer.html
  16. Lockheed 104G Starfighter was called a missile with a man in it, and was rightly called the widowmaker for its poor low speed handling due to the tiny wing span and the downward ejector seat that was rubbish at low altitude. they also crashed alot!
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