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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. HAAAAAAAAAAA now then back in 1976 when I was a lad I would ride my SS50 down to Braunstone cross roads and watch the bikes come and go to Mallory park,I would know almost all of them but now I am almost rubbish.They all look and sound the same ish
  2. some nice ones here Whats train spotting all about apart from train spotting I oftern see spoters but it looks way to boring for me.whats the kick?
  3. 24" tire lever tucks inside yer boot. I all ready had to chase scum out me van a few weeks back. I now refuse to work in a few places around town its bloody ridiculous!
  4. Just a few news paper headlines around the world make us look great. California LA Times news paper http://www.latimes.com/ Isreal Haaretz newspaper http://www.haaretz.com/news/international/three-killed-in-birmingham-as-looting-rioting-fan-out-to-other-british-cities-1.377995#article_comment Australian newspaper http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/breaking-news New Zealand http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/headlines.cfm?c_id=2
  5. Also knicked from else where but totaly agree with this person. I am from South Africa and I would guarantee that these riots would have been stopped in their tracks on the first day if we had deployed just 100 members from the South African Police Service (Riot Unit) in the UK. We have a history of violence and we know how to handle rioters properly the first time. We are not scared to use tear gas, rubber bullets and shear extreme force to get the job done. The UK police force looks pathetic and petty on the television and look better suited to look after 5 year olds in a crèche. It looks as though the only way forward for the UK to come right now, would be for the UK Army to be sent in and take control of the situation. In South Africa, the community would have stood up to these thugs on the first night as well, citizen arrests are common here and criminal activities are not tolerated or you pay the price.
  6. Your right Stu but I think most or all of us are so pissed off with these idiots its some times hard to contain what you scribble down.Cheers any way I passed by you yesterday late pm.
  7. Well said Luke. I see on the news good people are now patroling some of the streets in Enfield
  8. I though we might have a better night then I found that! what the place coming to.
  9. A 1,000cc Vincent HRD Touring Rapide, recently purchased for £33,433.33, was stolen whilst at the Vincent Owners Club annual rally at Fordingbridge in Hampshire. The new owner, Harvey Bowden from Cornwall, had only owned it for 6 days and had ridden up from Cornwall that morning. I am absolutely mortified he said. There are not may Vincents left and to have one stolen and broken up for spares is like losing a child. They are irreplaceable. For many years the bike had belonged to Stan Kirkham from Merseyside and was well known in the Club. Stan recently passed away and the bike passed on to Dave Kay from the Wirral who is the section organiser for the Vintage Motorcycle Club. Having owned it for five years he auctioned it on eBay just last month when Harvey was the winning bidder. The bike, registration number PVX 299, engine number F10 AB/1/2293, frame number RC 4193, was first registered in 1950 although made in 1949. It is very original and the only mods are the fitting of Craven panniers, not shown in the photograph, and a Givi tinted windscreen. Harvey had his first Vincent when a lad of 16 back in 1966. It was the top bike to have and although already 15 years old and out of production it was still the fastest bike on the road. Then, in 1972 Honda introduced the CB750 K2 and Harvey moved on to modern biking. His elder brother Marcus, who also had a Vincent HRD, has kept his and has done over 450,000 miles on it. Harvey is now nearing retirement and wanting to relive his youth started looking around for a Vincent so he could rejoin the club and play with his brother again. The two brothers had come up from Cornwall together to attend the Annual Rally, Marcus’ 45th rally and Harvey’s first for over 44 years. Peter Appleton, the rally organiser was very upset. It is the first time ever in over 50 years of club events that a bike has been stolen he said. It put a damper on the occasion and some owners left earlier than normal on the Sunday. The bike was stolen between 9.30 and 10.30 pm on the Saturday 6th August. Harvey had been working on the bike changing the front spark plug when he went down to the marquee for some supper and socialising with the other club members. Christine Bowden, his sister in-law, was asleep in the tent right next to the bike when it was stolen. She heard some voices and after getting dressed came outside and noticed the bike not there. Thinking Harvey might have moved it she came down to the marquee to find him, but by then it was too late. Another Vincent owner was leaving the campsite at the time and followed a white van that, on exiting the gate, turned the wrong way down a one way street. It is now believed the Vincent was probably in that van.The bike is fully insured with Carole Nash insurance so Harvey is hopeful that a full payment will be forthcoming. He then intends to look around again to find another Vincent whilst there are still some left. If you hear of anything suspicious ring Harvey on 07802 757576
  10. Cheers Sweban for your concerns, Lets wait and see how they deal with this tonight.its a disgrace and these people are scum have no place here Shoot to kill I say scum
  11. After sleeping on it, I also think being powerless against what is going on dose not help. If they set fire to my shop and I beat the living daylights out of them I would be in trouble big time. Anyway looting a shop for a box full of mobile phones is not a bad nights work,and just to get your wrists slapped and told off by the judge naughty boy don't do it again.
  12. Bet they ant light? postage would cost a bit
  13. And thay think we owe them a living ! so now we have to pay for this distruction and there dole Money beer n fags. SHOOT THE LOOTERS DEAD THAY WANT DO IT AGAIN
  14. Just got back from a 300 miler knackerd cuppa tea and put the telly on only to find out the chavs are burning buildings! Mad is an understatment I just want to go and bang a few heads so hard on the ground ......my bloods boilng need the ice cream van........
  15. Way to go mate education works every time
  16. what the hell are you on I want some
  17. To much of it add to the list of happy top tunes one love
  18. to Vote xs1100 as prime minister I sort um out one hell of ..........one love
  19. Thing is I find many of these petitions pointless. Yes, the government have set something up where if they get so many signatures on a petition (I assume this is one of those 'official' ones?) then they'll discuss it in parliament. Great. They already know what it is that's pissing us all off, why don't they address these issues NOW, not later. More govt. bullshit, designed purely to make it look as though they give a monkey's bum about what us proles think. They don't. Fuel won't come down in price I suspect, no matter if everyone in the UK capable of signing this petition actually did so. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/347
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