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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. I have never seen an Australian manufactured motorcycle. Were there many? What were they? When did they cease manufacturing? Read the death list at the bottom, and weep with me. check out the Vincent engine in one of them http://www.ozebook.com/ausmc/australia.htm
  2. Whatever party it is, if it belives that "The British motorbike manufacturers no longer exist" then it's so far away from being on the ball that it deserved to lose an election.or did it? http://labourlist.org/2009/01/heathrow-and-the-bnp/
  3. 13 years !!!!!!! live for the now you drop down dead any time cheerful old sod in I
  4. My 3 litre did 22 to the gallon I was on £25.00 a week and spent almost all of it on juice at the weekend after that I would cycle to work to skint to do owt.
  5. Hi Stan them 3.5 Rovers where beast m8 I would have liked the 3 liter granny.
  6. I passed my car test one week and bought a 300OGT MK1 V6 Ford Capri the next with 8 track sterio! I was drifting years ago!!!!!!!
  7. We drink in the Fox at Lutterwourth to miles from home never seemed botherd in the old daze then cruise up to ross services on the M1 coffee after last orders.any ime of year rain or snow in waxed belsaffs soaked no one cared it was a laugh. lol pictures of match stick men
  8. 78/79 I recon M69 opened in 77 I would have been on my 400F
  9. We would wear 2 pairs of jeans one clean the others filthy with oil and grease we called them rigids, and you would have cut off denim jacket with the sleeves cut off over your leather great days!
  10. I was in there years ago and the Hinkley and district MCC they met a pub on the A5 the Lime Kilns it was on a long straight bit of road we would sit out on a summers night with beer and fags as the lads arrived they would do a fly bye on the Jotas and the old Ducati Desmos and moto guzzi le mans they sounded wicked you could hear them miles away blaging down the M69 we could tell by the sound of some of the bikes who it was that was on there way! good times.
  11. Rally pics from the good olde days Leicester pheonix mcc http://www.lpmcc.net/1970/photos_004.htm
  12. Keeps the Bears away when camping!
  13. I the end you end up with more bikes than you shake a stick at!
  14. Tcut In fact I have used toothpast before
  15. Selling you Bike is against my religion hence you need one of these.
  16. One of these, I rode one for miles on sand the thing pulled wheelies In the Mojave desert, There is nothing on this bike that will rust its either plastic or alloy.
  17. To be honest I don't think that Suzuki build quality is that very good,and the salty roads would wreck it in minutes,for instance there are no dust covers on the brake caliper pistons! whats that all about?quick seize calipers,I could condemn the Bandit but you get the jist. I would flog it for as much as you can get for it and buy sumat like a KLR trail bike or some thing along those lines so that you and Mel can go for bimbles round the country lanes.180mph on wet roads can damage your health. Have a think, BMW R80 nice shaft with winter protection in my opinion of course
  18. Technology After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, Australian scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago. Not to be outdone by the Aussies, in the weeks that followed, an American archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet and shortly after, a story was published in the New York Times: "American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the Australians". One week later, Essex County Council , reported the following: "After digging down to 30 feet in Colchester, Jack Lucknow, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found “absolutely f *** all”. Jack has therefore concluded that “250 years ago, Britain had already gone wireless." Makes you bloody proud to be British!
  19. Get one of these in fact at this price I might get one to! http://www.machinemart.co.uk/shop/product/details/heavy-duty-blast-cabinet
  20. Judas priest! there well nice!
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