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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Ive got three dates in mind the 11th sept 18th sept or the 9th october... all sundays. Day101 is in the process of planing and posting a map of the ride we intend to do, if anyone is interested in joining us we will be providing bacon butties bigger and better than what Dave made us last time so have look and let us know, lets see were the thread leads us, warning, if its raining then theres no ride 18th sept it will be
  2. Not sure what its called but i use it in me toolbox trays at work
  3. Hello and welcome onboard
  4. Hes had is op on his knee and needs cheering up as he cant sleep, and his knee is the size of a football, so get well soon mate and hope top see ya back on two wheels soon
  5. yep the paint on a bandit is nearly as thin as stu's sleeping bag Like i said when camping me sleeping bag was that thin i could read me book through it
  6. I know who it is then bloodyhell Gaz ive gotta come and view your collection soon
  7. Your prob right there Dick, none come off om me cloth yet
  8. im using dry lube just used for the first time today...as for cleaning me chain i use me secret tin...ile give you a tin next time we meet up Bet thats not all you will give him when you next meet up
  9. yes and £10 for posting it on the forum Luke and hes bloody Tennas
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