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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. glad its not one of your guys then. looks quite hurt all the front ends flat, forks have pushed wheel under the exhaust
  2. evening mark. im good, how about yourself?
  3. yeah. really windy out is one of your b-kins on salvage at the min, had a nasty smash. shame colours. only £2650.
  4. weathers awful anyway no point if you wont enjoy it
  5. blimey thats long for you dave, mines be parked since xmas eve
  6. i have bt internet so can somehow through that but means watching it on the laptop. plus im usually out when its on.
  7. No because then bt win for stealing the gp
  8. scotlands a bit far for me for a forum rideout but wasnt wales on the cards? thats about the same give or take a few mile to what i was for the 300 miles to yorkshire so that can be done
  9. i always get tonsilitis, never did as a kid but last few years have, but this has gone to the voice box instead. but when i first got tonsilitis at about 16/17 i didnt know how bad it could get it got all the fever and i was throwing up the lot. so i catch it early now. but this i dont know if itll get as bad as that, i hope not, hopefully it will just go. can only hope but its bloody painful and annoying.
  10. it must be bad i have never had a day off of work in my entire life and i had 3 this week :/ but this sore throat that is now being a pain is worse ive ever had, cant even talk, so bit of peace for some people
  11. we have bt broadband i need to sort it is year just crap using it on the laptop. if/when we move house as lot of interest here might sort a tv linked to laptop in my own room no point here.
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