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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. well its on its way to you Dave the usual woman is back and said the blokes not doing the collection anymore. so expect it any day now hopefully itll be before Christmas day.
  2. has he still not done it! i think hes just old and cant do technology. hes not keeping up with the times like you dave
  3. I dont use it anymore due to plastic tank and having my venturi luggage bag for long distance. It is a big faded and marked etc but all the zip works etc and the magnets are fine. the straps are in the garage somewhere but a quick look i couldn't find them but if i do ill chuck them in. but it may come without them. £12 posted?
  4. Okay so i though sod working ill spend the afternoon giving the like some loving. So far the battery is dead, The new mirror bolts are too long, and i left my paddock stands at work. so its going well
  5. i declare mods to a limit, they even class stickers, im not declaring every sticker. and crash bungs is because sometimes they do more damage and without as yes they save your fairings but people have had frames damaged by them making the bike a cat b.
  6. nice one stan! she will now make you spend that money on her for crimbo though
  7. everyones is sent royal mail first class except daves as it has a surprise in it, im going to ring the couier for his today as sick of them, and if they fob me off ill ask for a refund and ill get a 24hr courier.
  8. thats good. and dave they didnt turn up for your one, fumeing isnt the word. the new courier for myherms keeps not turning up stupid old fart, needs the retire!
  9. thats 4 this year i think may be 3! i have the immune system of a 3 year old!
  10. Have a great Christmas everyone and hope youve been good for santa! Bring on 2015 and hopefully its even better than 2014!
  11. my tuono is on original on a 2007. it starting to get slow for the twin though and told that can bugger the starter clutch on them as they need a good kick to turn them over so might have to change it in the new year to be safe but its another on on an optimiser.
  12. its when they keep phoning me for ppi or an accident, i have never had a loan in my life and no accidents through insurances etc so they can fook off
  13. sorry for delay i must be ill i fell asleep on the floor yesterday evening, but ive perked up today so im doing them this evening to post tomorrow morning
  14. mum didnt steal me envelopes and ive been at work so she will get some tomorrow for me and ill be to the post office straight to 1st class so you will all have them before crimbo
  15. yes the dread lurgi! i feel so crap hurt all over, cant even move. dont worry ill put it in your calendars for you all
  16. i need to go out skidding then im happy and bring on the sun
  17. well he came an bought the bike today cash it wouldnt run right though so he gave me £800 as it is so all fine
  18. working all weekend grrr but been in a while and home alone tonight so ill sort out packaging them
  19. i bet it was set up! if not oopsie
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