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Everything posted by sweban

  1. C 6 N no problems but the rest impossible
  2. I can`t see it on eurosport in sweden
  3. Hehe my english will improve by time I ment ride your bikes on holiday
  4. Hi all I dont plan so mush, some ride down to Denmark are you planing somthigs
  5. and i complain about small things in comparison sad to do rigth now
  6. Idiot! He give all other bikers bad reputation
  7. wool socks, cotton underware,and some windproof like cyclist use under the MC clothes,boots I used to use is realy cheap waterproof that is to hot for the summer
  8. Hi rose no we dont have any winter training. It is just some of us crazy enough to do it What specialist kit do you use to ride in then? I'd be interested to know. thanks sorry my bad english do you mean to the bike
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