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Everything posted by sweban

  1. Hi rose no we dont have any winter training. It is just some of us crazy enough to do it
  2. looks like her 3weeks ago
  3. nice photo dont you have any snow left
  4. sorry i dident see them in the list but some small GBR band lol http://www.swedenrock.com/index.cfm?pg=17&pr=526
  5. hi is ther anyone who planing to go to sweden rock festival
  6. yes I was at the gasstation and fild up last week but it was the first real ride it was lovley
  7. sweban

    hello all

    Hi jerry and welcome
  8. my girlfriend have your adress on her facebookside hope its ok dave
  9. it was the FZ8 i wating for some parts from justbandit befor i will take the 1250 out
  10. first good day for riding this year 7degrees and sunny i took a ride for 40 miles it was nice
  11. It's a camping weekend and ride out in July, might be a bit far for you mate I GUESS SO
  12. just wonder what is July ride and camping ?
  13. I use avon venom on my intruder and i like them
  14. sweban

    hi folks

    Hi and welcome
  15. I am in to bikes,clay pigeon shooting if i have time, PCgame ( CoD ),and bikes
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