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Tony nitrous

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Posts posted by Tony nitrous

  1. /t5376-the-joys-of-ducati-ownership

    you dont have to they just seem to go wrong of their own accord.

    Last Ducati I rode was a dealers trade in they gave me as
    a loan bike (trying to sell it to me) and I broke it on the test ride.
    (bent chain adjusters and pulled the wheel out of line)

    I decided then maybe they didnt suit me personaly... Laughing

    Then again, there's thousands of Harleys out here.
    I broke one of them too (several times)... scratch

    Now I remember why I ride Suzuki's..... thumbs

  2. If you earn over a certain amount out here,
    the tax man hits you if you don't take out private medical insurance.
    I fall under this figure but the Mrs is above it.
    It's cheaper to take out medical insurance than
    Pay the extra tax. It keeps high earners off the public
    Hospital system.

    Mrs put me on her policy.
    I get a pair of glasses and a pair of sunglasses
    at no extra cost every 12 months.

  3. There was a lot of talk of "200 mph" Gen1 unrestricted Hayabusa's,
    and although a few saw 200mph / 321kph on the clocks,
    I'd question how close a stock bike would actualy get to it
    (true speed, not speedo speed)

    If owned a couple and ridden lots of others,
    some stock and some heavily modded.
    A true 200mph is not easy on a normaly aspirated stock motor Gen1.

    Not saying its not possible.

  4. Stock engine, pipe and P.C, but what else has been done ?

    looks like the mirrors have been removed ?

    It wouldnt pull that top end without a TRE or a "flash" to the ECU to remove the restrictions ?

    203 is stretching the limit a bit on stock gearing ?

  5. I'd be happy to build a naked bike around just a Busa motor.
    Sponson frame, shorter arm, ohlins forks etc but my budget
    and ability both fall far short of that.

    I want a good naked bike and there's not much choice when
    You start looking at the big stuff. BMW1300R or B-King and both
    Have their faults. Everything else seems to lack torque, be
    Low tech retro, lack horsepower, or be cruiser based like
    the V-Max, or have shaft drive or odd ball tyre sizes.

    I'd like a 1300cc naked GSXR sportsbikes.

  6. Got half a dozen guys out here running Naked Hayabusa's.
    A couple of them Turbo'd. Mines starting to look dated and
    really isnt quick enough. Can't think of anything that's going
    to make a better naked bike. Although I'd love to do a 1340cc
    Gen2 but they're not cheap enough....... Yet.

  7. Got a few things that I don't like the look of,
    Front guard, rad header tank, seat and tail.

    Biggest goal for me is I want it to be better than
    a B-King in EVERY way. It's already shorter,
    lighter, better tank range and more leg room.

    It needs better brakes and at least 5 to 10 more
    ponys and it'll be close.

  8. I dont drink, Smoke or gamble (boring B@stard)
    but i'll support anyone's right to as long as it does me no harm.

    If you can drink and not effect me I'll support you to the end.
    (Dont quote police and hospital bills to the tax payer as just
    like smoking they are easily covered by the tax they pay)

    I dont like smokers and drinkers being banned or taxed out of existance,
    because I have a stupid hobby called "riding a motorbike"
    and dont want it done to me.

    Too many stupid law's and do-gooders taking away
    Joe Averages ability to make his own choice.

    To Quote Martin Niemöller:

    “First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—
    because I was not a communist;
    Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
    because I was not a socialist;
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
    because I was not a trade unionist;
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    because I was not a Jew;
    Then they came for me—
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

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