I have a quick story to share in a way that God recently taught me a couple of lessons.
I had a dream on Thursday evening, August 21. The dream bothered me very much because it was about a sin from my teenage years, of which I have confessed, repented and have turned my back to. I prayed about all day Friday and some on Saturday with no answer from God as to why I had this dream or what it meant. My brother came for dinner on Saturday evening and in conversation asked if I'd dreamed the night before. "No," I replied. He sighed. "But I had a dream the night before that and it's bothered me ever since!" My brother asked what I dreamed and as I started to tell him, he broke out in tears, saying "Praise God." That was enough for me. You see, only since earlier this spring has he returned to the Lord and I SERIOUSLY wondered if I'd EVER hear those words (of praise to the one and only God) from HIS mouth. My brother had been "pulling a Gideon". You know, "puttin' out the fleece" and had asked God to send me dream on Friday night on that very subject matter. Now how good is God??? Giving me the very dream my brother had prayed for the night BEFORE he prayed it!!!! Pretty good I'd say!
And what did I learn from this? #1. Despite the cute teen t-shirts that say so, It ISN'T always about me! #2 Patience. I wait at the foot of God's throne, not vice versa!