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Posts posted by ispeaktheword

  1. Hello,

    Seemed like I was in a nice hotel. There was a church event taking place in one of the conference rooms there. I walked into the event with Strawberries in my hands. One strawberry was Huge like the size of a big apple. It was ripe and looked juicy. I couldn’t wait to eat it.

    I think I was supposed to serve in this service and remembered I was supposed to let someone know that I would not be there to serve. I remember I was going to send the person a text earlier that day but the text never went through. I just didn’t feel like serving that day. I wanted to enjoy my fruit!

    I went into the ladies room / bathroom to wash off the strawberries. As I entered the door I dropped some of the strawberries. The huge one rolled under the sink. I was annoyed that they fell on the dirty floor. I grabbed the huge strawberry hoping it wasn’t damaged and it wasn’t.

    A friend of mine named David appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. He’d picked up the rest of the strawberries and handed them to me. He was looking at me with google eyes or with a great attraction toward me. I took the fruit and began to wash the huge strawberry thoroughly. EOD

    In real life David has mental health issues but it’s under control and he loves God and has written several books. We don’t hang out or talk on the phone, we’re just friends on fb. His name means beloved.


  2. Hey Mark!

    Thank you for responding to my dream. You’ve given me good information to chew on. You always help me to see my dreams from a different perspective and I appreciate that.

    The Fran symbol is still throwing me off. I get that it’s about what she’s doing but why Fran and not someone else? I know two people named Fran, why was this Fran used and not the other? I know you’re like let it go! Lol!  

    There is something that I think about doing but I haven’t done it because I don’t want to do what everyone else is doing. I want to be set apart and unique, so I’m constantly trying to figure out how to be different and it involves social media. That’s the only thing I can think of that relates to the “copy cat” mind set.

    But once again, thank you so much for the detailed response.


  3. Hello,

    I was in a bathroom looking in the mirror brushing my teeth. I kept brushing and brushing. I noticed Fran from work was standing behind me a little distance away brushing her teeth with an electric toothbrush. I thought about using my electric brush too but felt like I’d be a copy cat, so I continued to brush with my regular brush. I didn’t feel any kind of way. EOD

    IRL Fran is my co worker. She is an old woman of 70. Her body is frail and full of ailments and pain. For the past couple of years I have been dealing with ailments. I’ve been standing and speaking the word of God for healing in my body. I’m trying to understand the meaning of Fran in my dream. I know her name means Free but is there something the Lord is trying to tell me? She’s using an electric brush, I’m using a regular brush?? Your thoughts are appreciated.


  4. Hi Mark!

    Thank you yet again for such a detailed response.

    I do believe this dream is about my family and in particular my husband because of the dreams I had before this one and after.

    My question is, do you think the man in the trench coat is a negative or positive symbol?

    I question this because, it seemed like he was looking for my husband. He didn’t respond to me but as soon as my husband said something the gun was pointed at him. The man didn’t shoot him but seemed to have shined a light on him. I’ve read that guns sometimes represent authority. I’ve been praying for hubs to surrender to the Lord. He’s been running a long time.. Any thoughts?


  5. Hello,

    Me my husband and two children were in a dark room. It seemed like my daughter was asleep (name means hope & faith). Me, my husband and our son (name means God fearing) were looking out the window. It was dark outside. A black man with a tan trench coat was walking on the back porch.

    The man started walking away down the stairs and I yelled out for him not to come back here anymore. Then I said to my husband, “Say something so that he knows a man lives here”. So my husband said something but it wasn’t strong and firm (irl, my husband is very confident and not afraid to confront someone). When the man in the trench coat heard my husbands voice, he turned around and pulled out a gun or a long rifle. Me and my son came out of the window and onto the floor. I thought shots were going to be fired and I hoped my daughter would not get hit.

    My husband smiled and was like “aww come on man” as to say, ok you got me. He raised his hands like a surrender and I saw a bright light shining on him from outside of the window. He just stood there with his hands raised and the light shining on him. EOD


  6. Hi Mark,

    You are a blessing. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with me such a detailed interp.

    There’s two commitments that this could possibly be about.

    I used to sing on the worship team at church. I left because I didn’t like the leadership style of the woman who lead worship. I felt the Lord was dealing with me about going back because the WorshipTeam needs help. A couple of Sundays ago there was an announcement that the worship team was holding auditions. I felt the Lord was confirming that he wanted me to go back so I sent in an audition video but haven’t heard back yet.

    The other one is a new position at my job. Last week I applied for an internal position, interviewed 2 days later and got the job on the day of my interview  :glory:  I haven’t started yet but everyone in my dept is very happy for me. But those outside of my dept keep asking me questions about this position as though they can’t believe that I got it. It’s a weird vibe.

    I will be in prayer about this ‘threat’ Thank you sooo much for giving me something to think about and knowing I will be victorious in the end gives me peace.


  7. Hello.

    I was getting married. Not sure to who. I was in a room in a building putting my makeup on. My mom kept complimenting me on my make up. She said I did a good job, better than she could do it. My childhood friend Stacey was quietly sitting and waiting for me.

    I went outside (it was daylight) and there was a woman that was angry with me. She turned into a man and he was yelling and threatening to kill me. I grabbed some pepper spray from my pocket book and sprayed a whole bunch of it in his / her face. It took a few minutes for the spray to work. He / she grabbed a gun and started shooting at me. It was spraying fire. I hid until the pepper spray kicked in. When it did I grabbed the woman’s bag and belongings and went back to the place I was getting married. EOD
    FYI: I'm married IRL.

    Your thoughts are appreciated

  8. I agree, the "reality shows" don't portray reality but them producers know how to keep people watching them.

    I'm sure Erica and her family are good people. Thank you for sharing that.

    It's funny how God wastes nothing and will use things to reveal something to us. I'm glad I received understanding on the dream and all worked out in the end.


  9. Hi KDRE,

    I feel this dream was about a worship team that I sung on. The worship leader represented Erica and the team represented the sisters. There were only women singing on the team (sister's in Christ).

    The baby represented a "responsibility" that the leader had regarding the team and "ministry of praise and worship". At the time, I felt the leader was about self and did not take the responsibility seriously or did not care for it the way they should have. They were more interested in pursuing things they had going on outside of the ministry.

    Now let me say lol! I like Erica, I think she's hilarious and a gifted artist. To me, the season 4 episodes portrayed her as selfish at times. She was trying to get her name out there and be known as a solo artist and I think that's why she was used as a symbol in my dream.


  10. Hello,

    I was sitting outside during the day talking to my father (my dad is alive and he's a man of God). He said to me, "You know how there may have been a few opportunities in life that come your way but for some reason you let them go?" I said yeah. He said, I may have done that, but I'm going to talk to him (some man on his job - my dad is retired irl). He said it's 30 hours part time on the fire department. I said, "should I prepare to leave my job?" He didn't give me a definite answer but told me to basically be prepared to do that if it came down to it. He said he will talk to the person. EOD

    In the dream part of me was excited and part of me was confused because I thought my dad was talking about himself but the postion seemed to be directed toward me. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  11. Hey Mark,

    Thank you for responding to my dream and giving me a different perspective. These were my initial thoughts.

    I do see the supermarket as either ministry related or something spiritual being made aware of.

    When I was watching him I thought, what's wrong with him? Why is he running recklessly with this gun? Where are his clothes? IRL My husband carry's a fire arm for work and for his business he has a firearms training school, so I wasnt too alarmed I just had questions.

    I agree that guns and shooting could symbolize words / arguments. But, I saw the big gun as someone with authority and power. Running recklessly with no clothes made me think he's not fully equipped to handle the authority / power or spiritual responsibility that he has been given but he'll develop quickly?? It went from running recklessly with gun in hand, to riding a bike (which may not be a car but he's learning to mature in the power he's been given. The gun was now under a green covering. Maybe he's becoming conscious of this power and realizes it doesn't have to be brandished for everyone to see.

    I thought making the right turn could literally be making a spiritual turn. Something was dropped near a dumpster. Maybe getting rid of something that helped cause him to change.

    I agree that the last part could be more of a sign post. I had this dream Nov 2016. I don't believe it has fully manifested yet.

    I really appreciate you taking the time to help me sort out my dreams.


  12. Hello,

    Me and my two children were in a supermarket. I could see out the window my husband was on his cell phone sitting in my vehicle (Ford Explorer). I watched him run out of the car with a huge gun, maybe an ak 47?  All he had on were boxer shorts and socks. He was running so fast, slipping and sliding  to the supermarket to get us. I hurried the kids along and we followed my husband on foot. Now he's on a bike riding super super fast with this huge gun. The gun was covered in a bright green case or covering and it was somehow attached to the bike. He still had on boxer shorts and socks on.

    My husband takes a right turn down a street that's in "the hood". He dumps these white "things" he has near a dumpster. I'm not sure what they were, they seemed like shells or casings idk. Now he no longer has the bike or gun.

    My husband, the kids and I are now walking together. This black woman who is all bloody starts walking toward us, the blood was coming from a wound in her back. I held my daughter close to me. The lady starts singing I guess about her struggles, and it seemed like two other ladies joined her. I told her she had a beautiful voice and my husband and I began to encourage her. EOD

    FYI: I want to add that my husband is not into criminal activity lol! and we are not having marital problems. My husband is successful at work and in his business but sometimes I feel the spiritual piece is not as important.


  13. Hello,

    I was in my aunt Corrine's home going through different rooms. I stopped in a bedroom and began touching and looking at brand new baby and toddler clothes with tags on them. I was really curious about these items.

    Could baby clothes represent a new assignment?

    My aunt is deceased
    Her house did not look the same (normally it's dark and dreary - the rooms were sunny)
    My aunts name means: Maiden ( I see this as me being a servant of the Lord??)


  14. Hi,

    Everything you said makes alot of sense. I was thinking that these were girls that may need my help as well. But I appreciate how you helped me see the bigger picture and that this assignment may not be for me.

    I have not been made aware of or presented with any opportunities to work with a group of young women.. But if I am, I will definitely bring it before the Lord before involving myself.

    Thank you again for your time and providing a detailed response.

    Have a blessed day!

  15. Hi Mark,

    Thanks for responding. I feel thankful that she comes to my home to braid my daughters hair. It helps free up time for me to do other things. So in the dream it felt normal besides the eerie feeling in my home.

    Also, the girls in the dream seemed to be young women in their mid teens to mid twenties. Not sure if that matters, thought I'd just add that info. Thank you again.

  16. Hello Everyone,

    In this dream my daughter's cousin Shani was in my home (irl) braiding my daughters hair. My house felt a little errie, not sure why. My 10 year old son kept jumping out and scaring us for fun.

    The dream kept switching from my home to me being in what seemed like a foreign Asian country. I was in a dim lit building with long halls. It had an eerie presence. I wanted to use the bathroom. The bathroom I tried to go into was dark and had a female guard in it. She had on a navy blue vest. Even though the bathroom was dark (no lights on) I could tell there were lots of girls in there. The bathroom was extremely crowded.

    I left and waited a bit. I tried to go in again and the guard was letting me know it was still crowded but ok for me to come in. I asked the guard where the girls were coming from and she said the walls. I looked to my right and noticed the walls bulging. The girls were coming from the ground up into the walls and into the bathroom. I was a bit afraid, so I stepped out of the bathroom and decided to leave.

    I noticed another female guard with a blue vest on walking the hallway. She had a blue vest on. As I'm walking to leave I noticed girls on my left in a crowded room with their faces smashed up against a grate. That's how crowded and packed it was. They looked like they wanted me to help them. I started walking to get out of this place and I felt demonic entities grabbing at me. I began to speak in tongues. They didn't want me to leave. I felt fearful. They were trying to hold me back and I felt something bite my right thigh. I was still speaking in tongues. EOD

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