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Paul RT

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Posts posted by Paul RT

  1. I was doing some networking at a meeting of a political party I used to be Secretary of.

    I then attended a meeting addressed by GH (Senator for the ACT). He was giving a presentation about a death and the people he was addressing had to try and guess the cause of this death.

    I was also meeting with some people who ran an aged or disability facility, making assessments of their occupational health and safety risks.

    I also attended a business networking breakfast, talking to Phil White, a former politician I knew. We talked about how his rural property was going, including entertaining tourists. I suggested he consider aquaculture in his dams.

  2. I was riding a motorbike at very high speed. I could see a high overview of the map where I was travelling at this high speed.

    I then was speaking to some squash team members about registering for the next competition.

    One of the team members disclosed that he had been molested as a child. I then got involved in assisting his court case to have the perpetrator charged. The victim changed his appearance during the case, and started dressing like a young girl.

  3. I was supervising a class at my workplace on the second floor, and made a cup of coffee, but left out the coffee granules.

    I was then scheduled to address a group of people (mainly women) from the training industry, but ran late to the meeting. I arrived and listened to them criticising me because they didn’t know I was the one scheduled to lead them. I then showed them my name badge and then talked about the reason for my late arrival.

    I was then involved in preparing background research for court cases being addressed by one of my current bosses who runs a vocational training program for prisoners.

    Then there was a large menacing looking ant, and I was blowing on it to frighten it off, as my hands were tied. It went away eventually. A bee then buzzed past me.

    I was then asleep (in the dream) and woke up to see something moving along the floor under the carpet. It turned out to be a large toy ant that was dark green with light green stripes. I saw my son who explained that it was his, and that all was OK.

  4. Thanks Nae2Glory

    There are certainly lots of changes in my life right now. Late last year I declined to accept nomination as Church Secretary for another 2 years. In my professional life I am working on two projects - one organising work experience programs and the other admin support for vocational training of prisoners in a new jail being built here.
    Since last August I have also begun to recollect and record many of my dreams, and with a small home group we are learning about dream interpretation, prophecy etc, while also considering the meaning of a multitude of my dreams.
    I am seeking direction about all of these areas, but also trying to be patient, as dream interpretation is entirely new to me, and is not generally discussed in my fairly conservative denomination.
    I'd value your prayers
    In His Name

  5. I was with my wife and children and we had just returned home to our old house in Sydney after a short holiday. I was negotiating help with my children over doing housework, in particular with my daughter L****. I then proceeded to do some of the housework as an example to them.

    This then expanded to me doing some work outside, including raking leaves and loading them onto a tip truck.

    I then went to nearby commercial premises, and was doing vacuuming of a crimson coloured carpet. I kept finding some objects on the floor that looked like dark coloured artificial gemstones in silver settings.

  6. I was watching a TV telecast about Democracy in Australia from St James Cathedral in Scotland. They were talking about 12 principles. The commentator had recorded the broadcast on his deathbed to be shown later, as he was dying of cancer while his mother sat at the foot of his bed. They played the Hymn – “Be still my soul”

  7. I was playing squash in the building I used to work in in Sydney in the 70s & 80s. The players were all having supper afterwards, and I was so busy talking that I nearly missed out on having any thing to eat.

    A JM whom I know from squash competitions in Canberra was there. She was standing in the balcony overlooking a squash court and died of a heart attack.

    I was then riding my bike to a garage to obtain a refill to a gas bottle, when I met someone who knew the M****s. I asked him if he knew about the funeral arrangements. This person responded that the service would be held online through a Satanic church in St Kilda Victoria.

    I then rode my motorbike to a street where there was a lot of debris or rubbish in the street. I parked my bike, and when I returned to it there were puppies playing with the cover of the bike.

  8. I was playing in a touch football game and I was in the blue team against a red team.the field was very large. One of the players was T B, who previously managed the Christian Youth Travel campsite in Cooma NSW Australia.

    I was then doing voluntary work in the snowfields (near Cooma?). The site had a heritage dairy milking setup inside a hill, which also doubled as a tourist venue with ropes and pulleys. I was trying out the ropes and was caught up in a snowslide and partially buried but wasn't afraid and escaped.One of the other volunteers had an American accent, and spoke about his father flying in to help out.

  9. I then dreamt about working at my current job. I kept getting headaches. I went to the doctor, and then caught a bus with C F (a woman who had an elder like role in my Sydney church). I was on the bus, and had forgotten to pay the bus fare. A ticket inspector was walking down the aisle but I got off before I was asked for a ticket. It was winter and it was snowing. I got off the bus in the main street of the Sydney suburb I lived in up until 1992. Most people were wearing red.

  10. I was travelling in a car and took a wrong turn, ending up on the road to the Spit Bridge towards Manly (where a former friend lives). I tried to head back, and was in the passenger seat of a small white car (a mini?)

    We ended up being blocked by an oncoming white car that had accident damage. We came under gunfire and hid behind a wall. We pulled over to the side of the road and were ordered by the police to go into a run down building and were asked by the police to check it out and let them know what it looked like inside. There were two criminals in there and they came towards us and threatened us. By then there were more people with us. We pretended that we were checking out the place to have a party, and the two criminals fell for the ruse. We drove away, but still had difficulties with traffic blocking the way.

    The next part was that I was hungry and checked out the menu. I didn’t like to offerings because they were Middle Eastern dishes and mainly vegetarian. The chef tried to talk me into staying and trying some of the food, and I chose red meat dishes.

  11. I was travelling in a car and took a wrong turn, ending up on the road to the Spit Bridge towards Manly (where a former friend lives). I tried to head back, and was in the passenger seat of a small white car (a mini?)

    We ended up being blocked by an oncoming white car that had accident damage. We came under gunfire and hid behind a wall. We pulled over to the side of the road and were ordered by the police to go into a run down building and were asked by the police to check it out and let them know what it looked like inside. There were two criminals in there and they came towards us and threatened us. By then there were more people with us. We pretended that we were checking out the place to have a party, and the two criminals fell for the ruse. We drove away, but still had difficulties with traffic blocking the way.

    The next part was that I was hungry and checked out the menu. I didn’t like to offerings because they were Middle Eastern dishes and mainly vegetarian. The chef tried to talk me into staying and trying some of the food, and I chose red meat dishes.

  12. I was given a job back on the 6th floor of the building that I worked in the bank I worked for in the 70s to early 90s in Sydney

    It was very formal, with the title of my new boss very complex. I went to the site early to introduce myself to the staff there.

    I talked openly with my new colleagues about attending a church in the nearby CBD.

    The area had a reduction in staffing, and the security levels had increased.

    I felt comfortable with this new environment.

  13. I was working with a work colleague (DP) helping him edit a document he drafted on prison education material.

    I was then involved in teaching female prisoners. I was conscious of not getting emotionally involved with the prisoners. There were limited toilet facilities and I identified with the prisoners in that I didn’t think it fair that they had assignments to submit within an unreasonable timeframe.

    In both these situations I wasn’t afraid and felt very comfortable in doing this.

  14. I was given another song:

    Lyrics of “Deliver Us” (Prince of Egypt)

    'River, o river, Flow gently for me, Such precious cargo you bear
    Do you know somewhere he can live free?
    River, deliver him there... Brother, you're safe now and safe may you stay
    For I have a prayer just for you: Grow, baby brother
    Come back someday Come and deliver us, too...'

    Conclusions: God is in control, not to be afraid, and that He will lead me out into a new Ministry to do with leadership

  15. I just read an Email from my denominational regional administration. It had attached a summary of a meeting of pastors. Some of this document states:

    “How can we identify, nurture and equip up and coming leaders in our Church?
    Recognition that it is the responsibility of the local church to do this – and not left exclusively to (bible college). In ongoing church life should take place inadvertently, surreptitiously, and intentionally. The local church should search for those with aptitude; intentionally mentor people”

  16. I attended my brother Peter’s farewell from the Navy. I was helping keep his wallet safe on my body. He appeared to be drunk and being sentimental
    I woke to the song In Christ Alone playing in my head:
    "In Christ alone my hope is found;
    He is my light, my strength, my song;
    This cornerstone, this solid ground,
    Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
    What heights of love, what depths of peace,
    When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
    My comforter, my all in all—
    Here in the love of Christ I stand."
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