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Paul RT

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Posts posted by Paul RT

  1. Hi Mariakitty

    Pretty good for a learner interpreter!

    I'm currently in the process of handing over my responsibilities and training my wife who last week was appointed Church Secretary, which is the role I last occupied.

    I'm also settling into a new paid job, and this has been very busy and I'm conscious of managing my time effectively.

    As for the celebrations and spiritual battle, our church has been involved in spiritual warfare for some years, with a number of the congregation experiencing serious health issues.

    For some months I've been waiting on the Lord for new direction in my church ministry. This could be something along the lines of Eldership, however I think the Lord is also teaching me the importance of patience and trusting in Him instead of jumping ahead as I've done in the past (like a sports car).

    As I write this response I'm also listening to "You're Not Alone" by Meredith Andrews, which is a wonderful reminder that He is is by my side and cares for me.

    Thanks for being the vehicle for God to encourage me

    Every blessing



  2. I was driving a low slung racing car. I had my wife’s watch, wedding ring and another valuable item and was sitting in the car wanting her to come and collect them, as if I left the car it may have been stolen by someone else.

    The next part involved cakes that were covered with thick layers of whipped cream, colourful hot air balloons (mainly red), and threatening Afghans riding camels with long knives. They didn’t frighten me

  3. I was in a multi storeyed building and was walking from floor to floor. I stopped to speak to a shopkeeper who was having problems with the local authorities (planning or revenue issues). I think he was selling something that looked like Bonsai shaped trees.

    I then walked down the stairs to a floor and went to exit through doors that had their windows shattered. A gang of four men was following me, with the tallest of them having a dark beard or moustache, a black beanie and smoking a cigarette. He appeared to be their leader.

    I turned around to face them, and I wasn’t afraid or concerned.

  4. Thanks Butterfly, Justblueskys and Lola for your interest and comments

    In my professional career I was offered two different jobs recently, and it looked like I would have to make a decision between them. The position with the much higher salary was deferred for 3-4 months at the last minute. I thought at the time that the Lord was teaching me about focusing on work which would do the better good in the community instead. As it happens I've found the remaining position has been very satisfying and rewarding (helping long term unemployed to find jobs), I'm working with a friendly and ethical group of people, and at least one of them is a Christian!

    Maybe that's the golden thread!

    In His Precious Name

    Paul :yes:

  5. I was walking around the building where I worked in the 70s and 80s. I caught up with a number of my old colleagues as I walked around, and reminisced. I felt relaxed and enjoyed this experience.

    Possible manifestation:

    The 70s and 80s were a difficult period for me with my relationships at work. I believe that God is showing me that in my current job that he cares for me, and that that through the former difficult period he has taught me a lot about valuing work relationships.

  6. Hi Sunshine
    I've been waiting on the Lord about some new directions I believe He's leading me into. I'm thinking it could be Eldership, but I haven't received any confirmation about that yet. This could require a new level of faith, as I've never taken on this role before.

    I've recently started a new paid job, but nothing has come up about Asia yet.

    Thanks for your interest Sunshine


    In His Precious Name


  7. I was at a swimming pool. A baby girl in a light blue swimsuit was there. She looked of Asian descent, and had a streak of blonde in her hair. She came up behind me as I sat around the edge of the pool and hugged me from behind. I was thinking of climbing to the top of a high diving tower and jumping into the pool. Some others from my nuclear family were also gathered there.

  8. I was on a plane traveling to the Middle East and was talking to some archeologists about the meanings of artifacts. They argued with me that the artifacts had non-Christian meanings, whilst I thought they had relevance to Jewish history.
    When I arrived in the Middle East I was at a conference with some other people sitting round tables of around 5 people each. Someone had stolen some vodka and they were spiking drinks, but I prevented them from doing this.
    From then I sat at a table for two with someone opposite me. The waiters started bringing out food without showing me a menu or telling me the prices. The first course was sliced cucumber with sour cream, followed by small portions of deep fried meat.
    I was then walking through a market, and bumped into someone who stole my wallet and passed it on to an accomplice. I yelled out stop, police! Thief! The accomplice (who was very dark with a black beard) then handed me back the wallet, but it had no cash or credit cards in it.

  9. Thanks Sunshine

    I have been previously involved in a prison ministry in my paid work, which has since petered out.
    My current paid work involves coaching other colleagues from my long experience in helping long term unemployed to find jobs. The "glue of love" sounds applicable though.
    In our church my wife was recently nominated for the position of Secretary which I previously filled. Through gossip and lobbying she failed to get elected by 1% of the votes. I have been encouraging the leadership to reconsider this result, and one of the women on the team wants to again nominate her for this position. Could be the meaning too.

    Thanks for your interest Sunshine.

    In His Precious Name


  10. I discovered that my brother G*** was living in Queanbeyan (a nearby town) in holiday premises supplied by his denomination. This was because of the financial difficulties that this denomination was experiencing. I went to visit him and was shown appalling hospitality and I was made to feel ostracised.
    In one scene I was trying to get changed in public. I was doing this on a bench in the park, and was being licked by a puppy.

  11. Hi Palmira

    For some years I have been involved in leadership in my local church, having finished my last term as Church Secretary late last year.

    I have also taken up a new paid position in assisting long term unemployed people to find sustainable employment

    I am currently seeking confirmation from the Lord about the next ministry He wants me to take on.

    I'd value your prayers abut this

    In His Precious Name


  12. Hi Palmira

    For some years I have been involved in leadership in my local church, having finished my last term as Church Secretary late last year.

    I have also taken up a new paid position in assisting long term unemployed people to find sustainable employment

    I am currently seeking confirmation from the Lord about the next ministry He wants me to take on.

    I'd value your prayers abut this

    In His Precious Name


  13. Hi Dreamster
    This dream interpretation and prophecy ministry is all new to me - only starting around late last year. Some of my dreams have been prophetic, but many are still a mystery to me.
    My current church has a history of criticism of pastors by women in the church, with one incident splitting the church.
    My ministries up until last year have mainly been in exercising administrative Gifts, so I'm reluctant to go jumping into a prophetic ministry without some pretty strong evidence.
    On revealing some of the interpretations of my dreams to my Pastor, including my sense that I could be being prepared for an Eldership type role, he responded that the best evidence is to see other members of the congregation treating me like an Elder.
    At this stage I'll just allow the Lord to do His work in my life, including the qualities of patience and humility.
    Thanks for your interest (and challenges!)

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