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Paul RT

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Posts posted by Paul RT

  1. A postscript to this - my pastor's wife had a miscarriage earlier this year, which seems to have been connected with the spiritual warfare being waged in our church.
    The G****s are a family involved in the leadership at my former church.
    I think the dream was speaking about the consequences in the families of those in leadership when Satan is attacking the church.

  2. I sat on the port side of a large motor cruising boat. As we went to take off it sank stern first, and all the passengers had to swim or tread water while the boat was being repaired.
    There were a lot of people wandering around shallow water flats in some sort of resort. A number of small sharks, which were predominantly black with white stripes, swam between the people walking around, approaching from behind.
    I started talking to a woman who was a former territory head politician (Kate C). The conversation was friendly. She was then taken away by a group of women who appeared to be relatives – some younger like her daughters and some older, like grandmothers.

  3. Hmmm. I have been a bit frustrated awaiting the Lord's direction on my current church ministry. I stepped down from the role of Church Secretary almost a year ago, and my wife took on this role a few months ago, and she has been struggling a bit with the workload.
    I was surprised I wasn't nominated for another leadership position for the upcoming AGM.
    I'd value prayers for my patience and clear direction in this area.
    In His Precious Name

  4. I was riding a motorcycle and doing some risk taking. Firstly I crossed a highway and turned right against a stop sign or red light. I headed down a dirt lane and someone serviced it. When I took off and headed back down the lane I was traveling too fast and went off the road temporarily, but it didn’t crash.
    After crossing the highway again I was confronted by a family who were wandering in front of my bike. I complained to the family about them risking their safety by not looking where they were walking.
    I then noticed that there was a fuel or oil leak down the left side of the bike, over the fuel tank. I took the bike back to the man who serviced it, and found that he had left a seal or valve out when he had serviced it.

  5. I was at a club and was asked to sign a confirmation of an entry to a lottery. In the envelope were a lot of small gold coins.
    I then put in a form, which said I held a diploma in Export Marketing. I received a call asking for advice on importing mobile phones. I felt unqualified to respond, but said it was a risky proposition, and recommended against the proposal.
    I was then looking to park my motorbike in an underground site, and had trouble finding a legal spot.

  6. Hi Peter

    I think this is a combination of past and current experiences. In the past I was bullied by a university lecturer.
    Lately a work colleague tried to bully me, and they have since been counselled for this behaviour, resulting in their resignation

    Thanks for your interest

    In His Name


  7. I was enrolled in a university course and was asked to utilise a copyrighted textbook as part of my studies. When I objected to this the lecturer was bullying me. I then stepped in dog faeces. After I made the complaint the university lecturer then bullied me. Nothing was done to address this bullying behaviour.

  8. I was visiting the house of my family of origin. In the back room of the house was a litter of kittens – around 6 that were a few weeks old and one smaller one that looked newly born. I was thinking about having the problem of multiple births of unwanted kittens, and was considering drowning them and getting the older cats de-sexed.
    In the second part of the dream I was sitting on a park bench. I was approached by someone who was asking for my help. When I responded and took off my glasses I broke the right arm of the spectacles off and several small parts fell on the ground. As I was looking to pick them up I was surrounded by a group of young men from the political party to which I belong. The chairman of the meeting spoke down to me so I grabbed him by the arm and he somersaulted forward. This caused me embarrassment among the group and the local member (AC) said he would speak to me privately about this matter.

  9. I was visiting the house of my family of origin. I saw my late father in a dream within the dream as I was lying down.
    I was looking at replacing a TV aerial from an old TV that needed updating. We fixed up a room by putting curtains up on every wall. I had a knock on the door and let in a young woman who had two young children. The young woman was looking to give the younger child a bath.
    I came back to this house later and was met at the front door by two small dogs who were very friendly, and I also let them into the house.
    I was then given the name “Cessnock Baptist”

  10. I was attending one church, and was thinking of staying home during the evening service. I was told that the church I attended some years ago was putting on a concert, and decided to go there for the evening. I offered to pick a woman up and give her a list to this meeting, and take her a meal on the way.
    I ran late to the occasion, and neglected to pick the woman up, and saw her there. She reminded me that I broke my word, and was asking where her meal was (I think in jest).
    The church hall looked very different, as the seating was rearranged to face another direction.
    I observed the meeting, but didn’t participate up front with the different singing presentations.
    I left the church hall at the end, but unlike I expected, I didn’t feel guilty for letting others down

  11. Thanks Mark

    In my professional life I coach long term unemployed to try to help them find jobs. They are often from a different world to me, and come with addictions, criminal convictions and other major barriers, and can lash out from their hurt (even towards me).
    I'd value your prayers for me in this work


  12. My wife has recently been elected to the position of Church Secretary, which I held up until late last year.

    I think that God has called me to step aside while He sorts out some of the "dead leaves" including gossip and criticism of our leadership by a number of women in the congregation.

    I believe that this process will be a way of God bringing out the "gems" which my wife has, including an ability to see and address the relationship issues, rather than the traditional administrative focus of the Secretary's position.

  13. butterfly wrote:
    Paul it seems as if God is sending you a very important message involving the colours red and blue. Pray and ask God what red and blue really means.

    Hi Butterfly

    I think the colours red and blue represent the spiritual conflict that has been going on in my church over the past 10 years, and that my wife and I will be both in leadership while God deals with this conflict.

    I'd value your prayers for protection for us both during this time.

    In His Precious name


  14. I went to call in on a former workplace that was in the basement of a building in a room that was very secure and being surrounded by steel bars. I walked past two or three guards, who let me past because they recognised me.

    After I walked into the office I realised that my former colleagues had moved out and the office was now tenanted as a law court, and everyone was dressed formally in black suits and some having legal wigs.

    I walked to the front of the court, passing in front of the judge and out of the room.

  15. I went to a town council building to pay my land rates. The reception desk was like a high pulpit. I climbed to the top and spoke to the cashier and told them that this was an OH & risk, and then climbed back down.

    I was then walking around what looked like a library with aisles of books, and they were reading a book to children.

    I was then involved in the planning of a wedding for one of my children. The waiters and waitresses were dressed in kilts and were parading in a line carrying small glasses of red drink like cocktails. I squeezed past them to get into the venue.

  16. I was at a gathering of my family of origin for a wedding. We bought some cooked prawns that needed to be reheated, but they were off, resulting in a spate of vomiting attacks.

    After peeling one prawn I saw that it was crawling with maggots.

    My mother was at the kitchen sink doing the washing up.
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