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Paul RT

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Posts posted by Paul RT

  1. Hi Traveller

    Since the dream last night I have today been offered another job, which will at least temporarily get me out of some conflict with my current company (my industry has a lot of conflict and pressure to get results).
    I have also applied for a position with a community organisation for whom I act as a Board member at present, and was expecting a call for a job interview with them this week. I think these are the 3 "families" in the dream.
    I currently don't have much contact with floods, Mudgee or Indigenous people, so I'm not sure what the connection is there yet.

    Thanks for your interest


  2. I was involved in disputes with three different families. I tried to order one of these families out of my life.
    In the dream I was describing a dream I had to one of the other families. I dreamt about trying to move to a small town (Mudgee NSW?) that was covered in floodwaters with trees sticking out of these waters, and I described this dream to another family involved in the dispute. The dream also had some connections to Indigenous people and land possession.
    In the background I could hear the song “Sunshine lollypops and rainbows” sung by Lesley Gore:
    “Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
    Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together,
    Brighter than a lucky penny,
    When you're near the rain cloud disappears, dear,
    And I feel so fine just to know that you are mine.
    My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
    That's how this refrain goes, so come on, join in everybody!
    Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
    Everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way
    When you're in love to stay.
    Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
    Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together,
    Brighter than a lucky penny,
    When you're near the rain cloud disappears, dear,
    And I feel so fine just to know that you are mine.
    Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
    Everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way
    'Cause you're in love, you're in love,
    And love is here to stay!
    (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_v468ptuXw)

  3. Thanks SCGirlyGrl

    No I haven't lost any money, nor am I am gambler, at least not with money.

    However I have had a number of disappointments lately, including being overlooked for an internal promotion, missing out on another job application, and in recent times not being able to exercise my gifts at a new church I'm attending.

    I think the song is the key here (sorry I couldn't track down the lyrics to post them). It is a prayer that in spite of these apparent disappointments that I shouldn't give up and stop caring and seeking to serve Him.

    The passage comes to mind - Rev 2:4, which is a warning not to forget our "first love".



  4. I was invited to play in a Soccer Grand final for a Tradesman’s’ Club team. This was a team mainly comprised of people of Italian descent, many of who were associated with my son-in-law.

    The team and supporters were meeting at the licenced club before the match, and we sat down at a table that had been temporarily booked for us until the tables we were to eventually sit became available.

    While we waited I was invited to place a coin on a row of other coins as some sort of gamble. The person taking the bets was disappointed that I chose to place a coin on the spot that she had chosen.

    We sat down at the temporarily reserved tables to wait, and then most of the party moved to the final destination. I sat patiently and waited my turn. There was a long wait, and I eventually missed out on the meals that had been served. I complained to a waiting staff member of the club about missing my meal.

    In the background I could hear the song “Passionate Man” by Geoff Moore

  5. In the first part of the dream I was involved in a military parade, and was wearing two different pairs of shiny black boots, and one pair of black leather shoes at different times. I felt angry and defensive.

    In the second part I was house sitting at my old home in Muswellbrook NSW. I was feeling angry and defensive about a woman who wanted to come into the house and commit a crime such as burglary.
    Then two women pulled up in two different open topped sports cars – one red and one grey. I came out of the house and started speaking to them and eventually calmed down and we had a rational conversation. I then felt less threatened and angry.

    In the background I could hear the song “Consider Christ” by Bryson Smith/Philip Percival. playing:

    Consider Christ, the source of our salvation,
    That he should take the penalty for me.
    Though he was pure, a lamb without a blemish;
    He took my sins and nailed them to the tree.
    My Lord and God,
    You are so rich in mercy,
    Mere words alone are not sufficient thanks.
    So take my life, transform, renew and change me,
    That I might be a living sacrifice.

    Consider Christ, that he could trust his Father,
    In the garden of Gethsemane.
    Though full of dread and fearful of the anguish;
    He drank the cup that was reserved for me.

    Consider Christ, for death he has defeated,
    And he arose, appeared for all to see.
    And now he sits at God’s right hand in heaven,
    Where he prepares a resting place for me.
    (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5Lq3ZhKUGo)

  6. I was on a farm owned by relatives that was running sheep. I asked if all the sheep manure was good to rehabilitate the farm by fertilizing the pasture. I was told that it didn’t help.
    I noticed a young female was running away and I picked her up and brought her back to the rest of the flock.

    Possible manifestation: I believe the lamb is my daughter, who is a prodigal at present. Her relationship that lasted 7 years ended 2 years ago and she temporarily moved back home.
    She is now doing a lot of travelling in order to sort her grieving out. She is unsaved, and my relationship with her has been strained for some years now.
    I think we had a mini breakthrough with her yesterday, as she wanted to hug me before she headed off on her latest trip

  7. I called in on Canberra Baptist Church on a Saturday and there was a group of women meeting there. They were all wearing a uniform with pink tops and floral skirts. I happened to be travelling with 3 women who had been there for the first time and they got out their pink outfits and put them on.
    I then moved in to a luxurious cliff-top residence. I saw two women there out of Desperate Housewives who were in an intimate relationship.
    The next thing I saw some huge waves rolling in towards me. They crashed over the top of me but I wasn’t drowned.
    I then went outside the house and took some photos of the cliff for posting onto Facebook.
    I then walked into a guest bedroom and realised that my son had moved in, so I apologised to him for invading his privacy
    Possible manifestation: I believe that the 3 women in pink refer to either my 3 daughters or 3 women from my church, being critical of me of gossiping about me.
    The above church is dominated by feminine leaders, and is inclined to be involved in secular Humanist type teaching.
    I believe that the symbolism of me taking a photo of a cliff waves crashing over me relates to me taking some time out to attend another church which I believe is more sound doctrinally. I'm hoping my lack of fear of the waves means that God is helping me through this situation, and giving me encouragement to get through this trial

  8. Hi Karen
    Your Bible passage speaks to me about staying the course and being faithful even against objections from those close to me.
    The decision to change churches was a painful one for me, and this brought some embarrassment to my wife as she continues in her important ministry at my former church. However I believe I have received multiple confirmations (including in dreams I've had over the past two years) that this is what He wants. I am now determined to proceed in this direction until I hear otherwise from reliable sources
    In His service

  9. Hi Karen and Unaday
    I think the dream is most likely a blend of two things happening in my life right now.
    Firstly, my paid profession involves career counselling of long term unemployed people with severe barriers to employment, including health issues, drug dependency, homelessness etc. I have a job interview for an internal promotion in my present company on Thursday morning, and am looking for some guidance from God. If I win the promotion I will be spending less time with the clients and more time in managerial duties.
    Secondly, I have just changed churches. This last Sunday the church celebrated the Lord's supper, and the song I heard in the dream was one from that service. It would be helpful if God confirmed the decision to change churches, as it is a big decision, considering my wife continues to act in the role of Church Secretary at my previous place of worship.
    I'll need some time to digest the long Bible quote Karen, so I'll need to get back to you on that one.

  10. I was doing my current job – seeing clients. I interviewed three clients who came to my office one after the other without an appointment. I rescheduled the third one to the next day at 2pm, saying that I hadn’t written up my case notes from the first two interviews yet.

    In the background I could hear the following hymn by Behold The Lamb (Communion Hymn) by Keith and Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend:
    “Behold the Lamb who bears our sins away, slain for us and we remember the promise made that all who come in faith find forgiveness at the cross. So we share in this bread of life, and we drink of His sacrifice as a sign of our bonds of peace around the table of the King. The body of our Savior Jesus Christ, torn for you- eats and remember the wounds that heal, the death that brings us life paid the price to make us one. So we share in this bread of life, and we drink of His sacrifice as a sign of our bonds of love around the table of the King. 
 The blood that cleanses every stain of sin, shed for you- drink and remember He drained death’s cup that all may enter in to receive the life of God. So we share in this bread of life, and we drink of His sacrifice as a sign of our bonds of grace around the table of the King. 
 and so with thankfulness and faith we rise to respond and to remember our call to follow in the steps of Christ as His body here on earth. As we share in His suffering, we proclaim Christ will come again! And we’ll join in the feast of heaven around the table of the King. As we share in His suffering, we proclaim Christ will come again! And we’ll join in the feast of heaven around the table of the King.” (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alvX9Fa53-o)

  11. Possible manifestations:
    1. The first part of the dream was a warning from God about me maintaining an inappropriate relationship (which I have withdrawn from over 12 months ago)
    2. "The next part was that I was hungry and checked out the menu. I didn’t like to offerings because they were Middle Eastern dishes and mainly vegetarian. The chef tried to talk me into staying and trying some of the food, and I chose red meat dishes."
    This is a parallel to Acts Ch 10 & 11 where Peter was challenged to minister to the Gentiles, even when he didn't want to.
    On the first Sunday I attended my new church, the sermon was based on the passage Acts Ch 10 vs 33 - Ch 11 vs 18 entitled "The Gentile Pentecost".
    I believe that this is another confirmation that I am to attend this church even if I don't like what's on the "menu"

  12. I was in a class studying parenting. The tutor referred to the town of Verdeoot that was historically significant in it’s effect on parenting theory.
    I then walked into a bathroom to find that someone had left a bar heater on. When I asked why it was on I was told that the fuse had blown on the regular ceiling heater or light circuit.

  13. Possible Manifestation: I believe the meaning of this dream is a confirmation that I would be moving to a new but more formal church. This is from the same denomination as a church that I attended in Sydney for one year in the 80s.
    This new church that I now attend has recently had an elder step down. I believe that the reference to "security levels" being increased refer to having sounder doctrine.

  14. I had this dream around about the time that a congregation member from my old church who is caught up in Humanism and the environmental movement wrote to the leadership and questioned my character. This was because I was prepared to raise issues which Christians should be concerned about in Australian politics - tending to worship creation instead of the Creator.
    At that time, and over the past two years I felt that my old church leadership was being led astray, and failed to support me or have the character to stand up against Humanism. Even now the old leadership has agreed to take instruction the same person who is highly educated but operates in the Secular.
    I now believe that Dreamster's interpretation (above) was valid, and that God was leading me out to a church who recognises error, and won't be drawn in by the Egyptian crocodile in Ezekiel Ch 29

  15. Hi unaday
    He is someone who who was supported into his position by the union movement, and has made a number of gaffes. He is the former Attorney General, but was caught drink driving. His series of gaffes have now caught up with him, and has now announced that he stepping down from politics
    Thanks for your interest
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