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Paul RT

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Posts posted by Paul RT

  1. I was walking down a lane beside a farm and talking softly about the behaviour of the farmer on the other side of the fence so he couldn't hear my conversation.
    As I walked further I could see this farmer, who had a stubbly beard and was lying down with his sons. He had heard my conversation despite my low voice.

    When I reached the paddock that I was walking towards I noticed that it was surrounded by a barbed wire fence.

    I then could see a number of people that I knew, but they had gotten younger and were dressed in striped business suits or in character costumes

  2. More possible manifestations:
    I have recently taken up a new paid job, working with homeless men and putting them into public housing tenancies.
    In every case IRL where I have called in on clients, their places are unkempt and they have poor housekeeping skills.
    The other aspect that came through with my dreams in late 2010 about potential eldership is that this role IRL involves a form of "pastoral oversight" of the clients - looking after their health and well-being and encouraging them to develop life skills and emotional resilience

  3. I was working on a committee in connection with the game of squash, and we had trouble finding the right venue. We finally settled on one and I was asked for a ruling on a game that had been held nearby.

    I also met up with an Ian R who IRL is someone I worked with some years ago and IRL recently discussed working with his training firm.

    I was then interviewing someone with red hair and a stubbly beard for the position of chef along with Liz H who IRL is on another committee with me. I talked with the applicant about the need to be well presented, have a broad range of skills and being flexible with his duties. We then tried a meat dish that he had prepared.

  4. My wife was speaking to an employer about licences to operate earth-moving equipment. I suggested we go out and meet him in person.

    When we got these we started negotiating potential jobs for our client(s).
    As we were leaving we talked about the heart I had for helping people and I became quite emotional about this mission.

    I then was talking to an employment agency about working with them, and was told that I would be replacing a "Deb" whom I worked with at another previous agency.

    In the background I could hear the following song by Chris Tomlin:

    "What hope we hold this starlit night
    A King is born in Bethlehem
    Our journey long, we seek the light
    That leads to the hallowed manger ground

    What fear we felt in the silent age
    Four-hundred years can He be found
    But broken by a baby's cry
    Rejoice in the hallowed manger ground

    Emmanuel, Emmanuel
    God incarnate, here to dwell
    Emmanuel, Emmanuel
    Praise His name Emmanuel

    The son of God, here born to bleed
    A crown of thorns would pierce His brow
    And we beheld this offering
    Exalted now the King of kings
    Praise God for the hallowed manger ground

    Emmanuel, Emmanuel
    God incarnate, here to dwell
    Emmanuel, Emmanuel
    Praise His name Emmanuel"

  5. I was on a leadership team and realised that all the others were introverted and I was the only extrovert.

    I was organising documentation and asked someone to supply a photograph so I could issue Identification for their business .

    I was on the edge of a precipice and fell over. I managed to fall onto a tall tree that was burnt and dead and clambered down this. I called out for help and one of the team came and rescued me.

    In the background I could hear the following song by Chris Tomlin:

    "Rejoice, o world, your Savior has come
    Through the love of a virgin's womb
    Son of God, Son of man, born that we may have life
    You were born that we may have life

    A throne in a manger, the cross in a cradle
    The hidden revealing this glorious plan
    Of a Child who would suffer, a Child who would conquer
    The sin of every woman, the sin of every man

    Rejoice, o world, your Savior has come
    Through the love of a virgin's womb
    Son of God, son of man, born that we may have life
    You were born that we may have life

    Rejoice, o world, your Savior has come
    Through the love of a virgin's womb
    Son of God, Son of man
    You were born that we may have life

    Rejoice, o world, your Savior has come
    Through the love of a virgin's womb
    Son of God, Son of man, born that we may have life
    You were born that we may have life
    You were born that we may have life

    Rejoice, o world, rejoice
    Rejoice, o world, Hallelujah, the Savior has come
    Rejoice, o world, join with the angels
    Rejoice, o world, rejoice

    Rejoice, o world, for the King of kings
    And the Lord of lords
    Rejoice, o world, a Savior is born
    Who brings us life and brings peace

    Born that we may have life
    You were born that we may have life
    You were born that we may have life"

  6. Possible manifestation:
    I have had tumultuous events in my paid job over the past few months - with conflict with my new manager over workplace safety issues including faulty air-conditioning and resultant angry clients. This has meant that I have changed careers to one where I now help workers injured in workplace accidents to find new careers (God apparently gave me appropriate experience to be empathetic to my new clients).
    My new job has far less responsibility, and it appears that God is taking me through a "wilderness experience", as I've also been out of church leadership for 3 years now.
    I believe that this dream was to prepare me for the workplace conflict and career change and to reassure me that He had everything under control.
    Maybe God is doing some maintenance on me!

  7. Possible manifestation:
    For the past two months I have been working for an agency that assists injured workers to find another career. This has much less responsibility that my previous job, and it does appear that God is giving me some time out from a pressured paid job and from leadership responsibilities in my church.
    It's interesting that my daily Bible study notes are speaking about the "desert experience" where God takes us to a place of solitude to get our attention

  8. I was travelling with a group of people and was given a small pointed kickboard or surfboard. I lay down with it in the water and was being pushed along with a string of people lying in the water behind me, with me being in the front.
    After we stopped I walked over to an outdoor restaurant and saw my wife and grownup children sitting around the table. As I sat down on my right was a document that had the names "Mily & Lily Sion" on it

  9. I was working from home, developing a spreadsheet forecasting financial surpluses.
    I went into my office on the 3rd floor to say that I had done the first draft, but that I had a headache and would Email the results in.
    I went out to the lift area and fell over and was lying face down and although i could see I couldn't speak - something like a stroke. Everyone who was going home walked past me to the lift without checking on me. Someone came up and dropped cash on the floor in front of me to see if I was play acting.
    Eventually someone covered me up with a blanket and an ambulance man came and looked after me until I recovered.
    Although it was awkward I felt OK about the experience and fully recovered.

  10. I was setting up a new office, and organising the printer network etc on the 5th floor of a tall building.
    I discovered that on a floor higher up in the building that there was a conference on the future of the printing network for that organisation. Although I hadn't received an invitation I went up and attended this conference anyway.
    I went around collecting handouts and stationery items such as rulers and placed them in a folder.
    As I went to exit the floor there were two security guards speaking to people who were leaving. They asked me what I was doing there and I explained that I had come from the 5th floor, and that although I didn't have an invitation that I was there on my own initiative.
    I was anxious about being questioned, but the guards accepted my explanation.

  11. I was working in a call centre and most of the staff were being trained in how to field calls from Western Australia. The name Karratha came up. One of the staff involved was a Lynn M whom I'd worked with recently in real life.
    There was a fire coming down from the ceiling and she was standing right under it. We all yelled a warning out to her but she couldn't see what the danger was. I ran over and smothered the flames and spoke about when I'd put out a similar fire in an office years ago.
    I then talked to Lynn and asked her how she felt about the prospect of being transferred back to where she had just transferred from. She said she was OK about that, and that her husband would find another job back there.
    An older man came into our office and told me that I had too much personal or confidential information on my desk, and needed to put it away. I said I would do that.
    During the whole of this dream I felt calm and confident.

  12. I have just been given a two month pay-out due to multiple breaches of the Occupational Health & Safety Act by my boss. I believe he is the "tall dark leader" in the dream.
    Although he works for a Christian organisation (symbolised by the "helmet") he acknowledged that he isn't a Christian.
    When he attended my office he was accompanied by a female HR manager. She could be the shorter woman in the dream, as she would have been giving him directions on how to handle the exit interview in a legal and ethical manner.

  13. I think that this dream relates to my current work situation. The people being pinned down and shot could represent my current staff, most of whom have serious health issues and are under pressure in our office - with air-conditioning that hasn't been effective for some months, we have an angry and high risk client base, difficult and complex company policy policies and guidelines, slow IT systems etc.
    Last week I resigned and evacuated the buildings, and have lodged a Workers' Compensation claim to get senior management to address the Occupational Health and Safety issues, including inadequate staffing levels.
    The tall dark soldier could represent an unreasonable and unbending management approach, which focuses on performance and budgets alone.
    The shorter woman could represent the wife of our CEO and chaplain (who is short), and who visited our site yesterday. I raised all these concerns with her then.

  14. I now believe that this dream reflects some incidents at my workplace - see my other recent post about a house needing "repairs".
    As a result of raising concerns about faulty air-conditioning and workplace safety issues I may need to find another job.
    I have also recently applied for an employment consultancy position which would involve assessing workplace risk and rehabilitation of former employees who have experienced serious health issues, managing their return to work safely.
    God seems to have been giving me lots of experience in preparation for this work if it's to come to pass

  15. Well guys I think it has come to pass.
    For the past 4 months I have been raising concerns about air-conditioning in my building not working.
    Last week we had 3 days of extremely hot weather, and although I spoke to my new boss about my concerns he was totally unsympathetic, even when I said that I had taken out an Apprehended Violence Order against a client in December, and we had 3 angry clients in on the Monday.
    4 of my staff and me were ill and eventually I evacuated the building at 3 pm as I was exhausted from the heat and stress of the situation and worried about the Occupational Health and Safety risks of the combination of heat and potentially threatening clients.
    I was subsequently told by my boss that he thought I was unprofessional by evacuating without his approval and should have sent my staff to another site in the company instead.
    I have been documenting the events, and have complained to the Federal Occupational Health and safety investigators about the situation, have resigned by job and need to find another one quick!
    Please pray for me, as I find this situation very stressful. I even another dream last night about being a foreign war journalist (see separate post) which was pretty traumatic.

  16. I was a foreign war journalist, and was covering a war in Africa. I saw an enclosed space and was recounting how a group of soldiers had been pinned down by fire and killed.
    I then saw a tall dark leader of a mercenary army with a helmet on. In front of him, and holding a rifle to his head was a shorter woman, threatening to shoot him. I said nothing, and she did this, and it turned out that this woman had been his captive and been forced to fight in his army.
    I returned to my small office and found that the skull of this man was placed on my desk. The woman was working for me, and I asked her to write a short story about her ordeal, and hugged her.
    I found this really traumatic

  17. Thanks GC
    Things have been stressful at my paid job over the past few months, and I have been frustrated in my church ministry, as I feel called to eldership, but I've been waiting for over a year for confirmation about if/when this will happen. I've also been out of a church leadership for over 2 years, which is very unusual for me.
    What you say about the dream makes a lot of sense.
    The quotation about Joseph is a good one and very encouraging
    Thankyou for your interest and input.
    I will try to wait on the Lord - something I haven't been very good at so far!
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