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Paul RT

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Posts posted by Paul RT

  1. Hi Deborah
    A new thought. As a child growing up I was raised by a very controlling and manipulative mother. Because of this I have had trouble being assertive with authority figures, and have been vulnerable to grooming by controlling people.
    In recent times I have been able to exercise Eldership skills and to meet and confront a number of angry and controlling people in my congregation and in my professional life.
    Maybe this is part of the dream, that the Lord has been able o help me with.

  2. I was staying in a large house that wasn't mine on my own, and my wife and family were away. I was speaking to a member of a gang from Thailand on my mobile phone and he was threatening me. I saw photos and blood on the floor in two rooms.
    My family arrived home and I had a savage dog that was locked in a room of the house but all the external doors and windows were open or unlocked. As I was securing the external doors and trying to hide the photos from my family the dog escaped from the room and came up close to me.
    I felt pretty frightened but it didn't bite me.

  3. This dream most likely speaks about the conflicts I am seeing both in my workplace and church life. In both environments there are poor relationships and criticism of one another, and I believe that God wants me to challenge inappropriate behaviour, even though others will question my interpretations or statements.
    The swarms of insects and earthquake most likely represent gossip, sin and these conflicts.
    The test for me is to remain mature and allow God to heal these relationships, and not to think that I can

  4. I was invited to a camp for relatives and extended relatives. I was introduced to extended family members that I hadn't met before.There were opportunities for various members of the family to put on skits or role plays and have dinners together. Most of the people involved were pretty dysfunctional, with one mature aged person describing another younger person as a cretin because the younger member had some kind of disability. I went over the the person who made this critical comment and challenged them openly about making their statement. I was then spoken to by another family member, in that I had made this challenge inappropriately. In the background there were swarms of bees and other biting insects, and we had an earthquake, but I felt unafraid and stood in the middle of an open theatre with taller rooms or walls surrounding the open space.

  5. I believe that the meaning of this dream goes to my two year journey with the Lord in preparing me for Eldership. In my previous ministries and in my professional work I have tended to get offended and angry in the past at leadership or my management when I felt that I wasn't being listened to or appreciated for my skills, experience and giftings. I have had a history of resigning or moving on to another job or simply withdrawing from my ministry in these situations.
    The reference to teaching my partner in the dream is about the fact that I have been helping and encouraging my wife, who took on the role of Church Secretary after me about 18 months ago.
    Yesterday in my job as manager I had to deal with an emotionally volatile staff member, and had to give very strong direction to her, to manage the risks she posed to herself, her colleagues and our often fragile or unpredictable clients.
    I recently wrote to our Diaconate and openly disclosed that I felt God was calling me to the role of Elder, and that the church needed some Elders. Both of these situations were a test of my emotional stamina, my trust that God has the situation in hand, and not to rely on my own abilities or run ahead of Him.
    Other recent dreams have spoken about the prospect of conflict or spiritual warfare, something my church has experienced for the past 8-10 years, and to speak up when needed.
    I'd value prayers that I would remain strong and courageous, and still demonstrate Eldership qualities as I face these situations.

  6. I drove a car down into a car park in a basement, then I was pushing a small motorbike with off-road tyres up a hill in the outside lane alongside some other car traffic. I told the other motorists that I was preparing for the GFC.
    In the background I could hear the song Amazing Grace (My chains are gone) by Chris Tomlin:
    "Amazing grace
    How sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me
    I once was lost, but now I'm found
    Was blind, but now I see
    'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
    And grace my fears relieved
    How precious did that grace appear
    The hour I first believed
    My chains are gone
    I've been set free
    My God, my Savior has ransomed me
    And like a flood His mercy rains
    Unending love, Amazing grace
    The Lord has promised good to me
    His word my hope secures
    He will my shield and portion be
    As long as life endures
    The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
    The sun forbear to shine
    But God, Who called me here below
    Will be forever mine
    Will be forever mine
    You are forever mine"

  7. I was at a market and was discussing making candles, and lost an eye tooth from the lower left part of my jaw.
    In the background I could hear the following song by Michael W Smith:

    "Where the angels see
    You are praised as You should be.
    But how can I express
    My yearning for Your Holiness.
    May it be (that)
    I will open UP my heart
    Search me in the deepest part.
    And I will stand in cleansing fire,
    By You, purified,
    By You I'm purified.
    Savior of my soul
    To your strength I yield control.
    Purge me from my stain
    Sin will lose it's mortal reign.
    Make me free (and)
    I will open UP my heart
    Search me in the deepest part.
    And I will stand in cleansing fire,
    By You, purified,
    By You I'm purified."
    See also

  8. I was flying without being in a plane or any obvious form of propulsion over the top of a group of runners or a walking race. Most of the participants were wearing red and white with the logos of either the Salvation Army or my favourite rugby league team, the St George Dragons. The logos on their shirts also spoke about ANZAC Day, which is an Australian national event commemorating the sacrifice of soldiers from World War I.
    I accelerated past all of them and approached a spectator stand filled with mature aged or elderly people, which is when I stopped and caught two straw hats of some of the spectators. I felt elated and honoured at their applause, but I don't think that the applause was directed at me, but the racers, and they didn't seem to see me.
    I then travelled back and was alongside a short pitch with teams of race walkers who were in team colours including on team in blue.
    The racers were right alongside a bus lane and I was trying to warn them of the dangers of being so close to the buses.
    Again, I think my advice was being ignored.
    Possible manifestation:
    I think the meaning of the dream is that IRL I have been warning my church's leadership about the fact there hasn't been any Elders appointed for some years, and have felt that I'm not being heeded

  9. During a "sharing" time at this morning's service I expressed my concerns for my wife working long hours as Church Secretary and Administrator. As the AGM is coming up and her term of office is due for renewal I challenged the congregation to either support her or not vote for her at the election of office bearers.
    Somewhat of an emotional risk, but the sermon was out of 1 Kings 18:16-39 and challenging the prophets of Baal. I thought it was worth speaking out.
    Thanks Deborah for your interest and concerns

  10. I was at a meeting with a number of other people from other Baptist churches in what looked like someone's home. I introduced my self as an experienced person on Pastoral search committees.
    We were playing something like cards or Mah Jong with tiles, and I was teaching someone who was acting as my partner.
    I placed a tile with the King of Hearts on it's edge in the middle of the table and it fell over, revealing itself to the opposing player. He picked it up and proceeded to meld it with his cards and I retrieved it, saying that that this was a simple mistake.
    The opposing player started arguing with me and I retaliated by pushing him against the wall and dishevelling his hair ( he seemed older). I eventually lost my temper and declared that I was withdrawing from the meeting, resigning my position and going home.

  11. I was leading a team of men and women whose job it was to put out a fire in a group of buildings on a hill surrounded by a forest. We fought our way to the two entrances of the building but the flames were too hot and we were beaten back. We retreated to another hall that looked like a large eating area, had a quick meal and left everything on the tables as we knew that when we left that this building would also be engulfed by the flames. At no time did I feel afraid.
    In the background I could hear the hymn "It is well with my soul"

  12. I was looking for a squash partner in Parramatta (western Sydney) and travelled there to find a squash court. When I arrived there I saw some brochures advertising a match making service. I was then sitting at a table with two women and another man and we were meeting for the first time. I was feeling guilty because I was conscious that I was already married.
    The next part of the dream I had applied to join the army. I met this military officer with a huge bayonet on the end of his rifle that had mean looking curves and lines carved into the blade.

  13. I was trying to counsel a woman who said she was a rape victim of Robert Stinson (whom I've never heard of in real life). She was telling me that no matter what she would never be able to forgive the perpetrator.
    In the background I could hear the song "Your Faithfulness" by Brian Doerksen.
    The lyrics are:
    "I don't know what this day will bring
    Will it be disappointing, filled with longed for things?
    I don't know what tomorrow holds
    Still I know I can trust Your faithfulness

    I don't know if these clouds mean rain
    If they do, will they pour down blessing or pain?
    I don't know what the future holds
    Still I know I can trust Your faithfulness

    Certain as the rivers reach the sea
    Certain as the sunrise in the east
    I can rest in your faithfulness
    Surer than a mother's tender love
    Surer than the stars still shine above
    I can rest in your faithfulness

    I don't know how or when I'll die
    Will it be a thief, or will I have a chance to say goodbye?
    No, I don't know how much time is left
    But in the end, I will know your faithfulness

    When darkness overwhelms my soul
    When thoughts and storms of doubt
    Still I trust You are always faithful, always faithful

    Certain as the rivers reach the sea
    Certain as the sunrise in the east
    I can rest in your faithfulness
    Surer than a mother's tender love
    Surer than the stars still shine above
    I can rest in your faithfulness

    I don't know what this day will bring
    Will it be disappointing, filled with longed for things?
    I don't know what tomorrow holds
    Still I know I can trust Your faithfulness"

  14. I was at a denominational conference on a weekend. We were all sitting around tables discussing various aspects of of the churches we represented, and the subject came up about the literacy levels of our churches. The facilitator referred us to the results of surveys of our congregation and I went to look up the report on the table in front of me. I discovered that I had the wrong information and moved to another table which I thought held my information. I found that this table also had reports from another state.
    I then started to get a headache and gave up on finding my information. I started packing up and another female delegate from my state offered to come and help me pack up so I could leave the conference early.

  15. I was standing on a pier in water up to my knees and fishing.

    I latched onto what felt like a large fish, and I moved around the pier trying to bring it in.

    In the second part of the dream I was meeting with former industry colleagues from my last employer and talking about being successful at my job.

    I was then walking around the premises of my former employer and stumbled into a meeting called by the government department that my industry is funded by.

    In the background I could hear the song "The Vow" by Geoff Moore.

    The lyrics are:

    "I could make a promise to you,
    But that would be too easy to do.
    You see I've made them before,
    And broken them and they're no good anymore.
    So I'll dig a little bit deeper,
    Give you something you can keep
    I will make a vow to you,
    And it will never change no matter what I do.
    Right here, right now,
    In the midst of the crowd,
    I stand alone and make my vow.
    Whatever it takes I will be faithful
    This is my vow.

    As the words fall from my lips,
    We both know the life I live,
    How I stumble and fall,
    How many times I land short of the call.
    I will confess my inadequacy,
    Throw myself into the mystery.
    That somehow in the death of your love,
    You will help me do what I'm not capable of.

    Right here, right now,
    In the midst of the crowd,
    I stand alone and make my vow.
    Whatever it takes I will be faithful.
    Right here, right now,
    Let there be no doubt.
    Let every whisper, with every shout,
    Let the whole world know I will be faithful,
    This is my vow."

    (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7ZA3KYPNio&ob=av2e)

    Possible manifestation:

    I believe that this dream is possibly speaking to me about taking on a ministry involving speaking out boldly, and God is wanting me to step out in faith and to make a commitment to this ministry.
    In the last year or two I have felt called to the role of Elder, however the Pastor of my current church responded at the time that he didn't think that the church was ready for Elders at that time.

  16. Hmmmm.
    Can't remember whether it was a school performance or in a church auditorium.
    My daughter and son-in-law christened their first 2 daughters in a Catholic church, as my son-in-law is of Italian descent. While they aren't opposed to Christianity they aren't very active in their faith.
    However, this time they have decided to arrange a dedication service for our grandson at my (Baptist) church , which is like an auditorium. They did this because they felt more connected to the church my wife and I attend.
    The significance of being diagonally opposite could represent our differing positions of faith.
    Maybe my walking across the room could speak about them coming to a more real faith? I hope so anyway.
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