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Paul RT

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Posts posted by Paul RT

  1. I was living in a community that was struggling financially. One of the people in the community came into a windfall of two million dollars, and this meant that the money circulated in this community and made it viable.
    The other image I was given was one of a pair of boots which were cracked and dry. Some leather softener or polish was rubbed into the leather, which restored them again.

    In the background I could hear a song playing called “How Deep”. The lyrics are as follows:

    You were broken that I might be healed

    You were cast off that I might draw near

    You were thirsty that I might come drink

    Cried out in anguish that I might sing

    How deep is Your love

    How high and how wide is Your mercy

    How deep is Your grace

    Our hearts overflow with praise
To You

    You knew darkness that I might know light

    Wept great tears that mine might be dried

    Stripped of glory that I might be clothed

    Crushed by Your Father to call me Your own

  2. Thanks guys
    I have been a professional career coach for some years, and have advised my son on his career options. He has been working in electronics.
    I have had a conflict with my daughter recently when I tried to resolve our differences.
    Another daughter is pregnant.
    These situations may have prompted the dream, but I'll prayerfully consider your responses thanks

  3. I was working in an old company that I was working for in 1993. The company advertised for more staff and a Dana H applied without telling me about this, and I stumbled across her job application.
    I was with a group of people at something like a staff party, which was being held on a platform. I saw Dana with a young daughter and they approached a group of lions, which were part of the entertainment. She brought her child up really close to the lion but it was friendly and it came and wrestled with her daughter.

  4. I was advising my son Nathan on choosing a study option, and helped him choose an electric blue coloured tie to attend a wedding. He chose a course related to electronics.
    I also was then giving career advice to a client who wanted to work in a school as a counsellor.
    She had several older children. I advised her to start as a clerical assistant in a school rather than a counsellor, so she could get a “foot in the door”. I then got into trouble for putting my arms around her.
    I helped another man who was pregnant and vomiting up something that looked like egg yolk.

  5. I was at a leadership meeting of my church and were looking at developing a plan for the next year, including what ministries should be developed. In the dream I was given the passage Acts 2: 17-21 which had a sentence in capitals in the copy of the Bible I was reading. I was discussing this with Andrew L from my church. The meaning was that God would do a miraculous work in the Church and that we didn't need to plan, but simply allow God to do His part. The verses were as follows:
    17"When the last days come,
    I will give my Spirit
    to everyone.
    Your sons and daughters
    will prophesy.
    Your young men
    will see visions,
    and your old men
    will have dreams.
    18In those days I will give
    my Spirit to my servants,
    both men and women,
    and they will prophesy.
    19I will work miracles
    in the sky above
    and wonders
    on the earth below.
    There will be blood and fire
    and clouds of smoke.
    20The sun will turn dark,
    and the moon
    will be as red as blood
    before the great
    and wonderful day
    of the Lord appears.
    21Then the Lord
    will save everyone
    who asks for his help. (CEV)"

  6. I was working for an agency helping long term unemployed people. The star ratings were announced, and I received a personal rating of 4.99 out of a maximum of 5.
    My counterpart working for a competing organisation was Shobha, who had worked as me assistant in a previous organisation.
    I was then working on a community organisation led by a David. We were walking up a hill surveying the project, which involved three or four dilapidated old buildings on public land.
    In the next part of the dream I was looking to find a parking spot that wasn’t marked for disabled drivers. I eventually parked in a car park under some buildings. I was then involved in investigating some people accused of fraud over the misuse of public money.

  7. The words to the hymn Be Still My Soul" include:
    "when disappointment, grief, and fear are gone, sorrow for forgot, love's purest joys restored."
    I believe God is restoring me from broken family of origin relationships which often used to trigger periods of Depression over the Christmas season.
    The blue and red could refer to the various factions among my siblings.

  8. I was in my yard and spotted a wasp nest in a plastic white box with vents like a bee box. I started spraying the box with fly spray and little by little I opened it up and found thousands of wasp larvae which I sprayed and then washed away with water from a hose.
    It felt like a huge relief. A Virginia from my church then remarked that this explained why I had a long term chronic health problem.

  9. Thanks Lola and Halo

    Hmmmmmm Scratch Chin
    I have been in a bit of a holding pattern with my church ministries for the past 12 months. The Lord has done a pretty major job on a besetting sin that has troubled me for some 30 years in that time.
    I have started a visitation ministry lately, calling in on fringe people from our church that may be a forerunner to an eldership type role.
    In my professional life I've recently applied for an internal promotion - a position that would much better utilise my long and broad experience in the industry.
    The meaning may be that things will look up, however I'll try and not run ahead of Him as I've done in the past.
    Blessings and thanks
    PS: snails being out in Australia are a good sign - seeing most of the country is in severe drought, and they only come out when it rains!

  10. I was working for a former employer and had resigned in the dream. I tried to calculate my final payout and kept on making mathematical errors.
    As I was saying farewell to the CEO I was confronted by Anne K from my church, who said that I had been overheard saying something against her sister on the phone in the office, and was asked to apologise for this.

  11. I was invited to meet the female Ambassador of Indonesia, and I was running late. I was trying to clean my black leather shoes that were encrusted with mud or dirt. I was also looking for clean clothes, but my jeans had grass stains on them. I was changing in the basement of a building which had wooden latticework around the outside of that floor, and I asked my wife who was already dressed to save some time and reverse our car out of the garage. I also noticed that it was about to rain, and that all the snails had come out and were crawling around my front yard.

  12. I was sitting in an auditorium on the right hand side towards the back. I looked over and saw a young woman sitting towards the front on the left hand side. She had dark hair and had a young girl standing on her lap that also had dark hair and dark brown eyes. They appeared to be my daughter and grand daughter. I moved down to them and took hold of the baby.
    I could hear the song “here I am to worship” playing.
    I think the baby’s name was something that sounded like “Nitheta”

  13. I had super powers and could fly. I saw what looked like a UFO, which I flew after. It changed into a double decker bus when I caught up with it and I entered it. Although I had passed through the walls of the bus to enter it, I couldn’t do this again to escape it. On the floor of the bus was a magazine dated 1986 and I picked it up. I talked to one of the passengers about the magazine, and said how mysterious it was that I found this magazine that I hadn’t seen for many years. I offered to give this person my business card so we could stay in touch, but there were none left in my wallet. The stranger walked away thinking that I was imagining things.

  14. Shortly after this dream I was excluded from a program of teaching prisoners, as I failed a psychometric assessment which I undertook. It appears that I am too empathetic to disadvantaged people such as prisoners, which would make me a security risk in a prison, as prisoners may be able to manipulate me because of my sensitivities.

    Since then I found a new job working with long term unemployed people which appears to me the right place for me right now.

  15. I believe the meaning of this dream was that I was about to change jobs (this happened in July this year).
    The new job appears to be going well, and the company is doing very well compared to its competitors in the local area.
    I believe was a way of God encouraging me that He had my professional career under control
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