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Paul RT

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Posts posted by Paul RT

  1. Hi Dreamster
    Our pastor is teaching on a series from James and preached on the destructiveness of gossip this morning. Our church has a history of women being critical of the leadership, and I've found this draining in my recent past role as Secretary.
    I'm not sure I like the idea of a role as Sheriff - I've tended to shoot on sight and asked questions later in the past!
    I've had dreams that could be interpreted to mean that I should take on the role of Elder, but I'm trying to be patient and wait on the Lord if this is what He wants.
    I'd value your prayers for wisdom and discretion.
    In His Precious Name

  2. I was acting out some scenes from the Bill TV series, patrolling a park in the role of a policeman. I came across people who were infested with black spiders in their hair. I tried to kill these spiders with insect spray.
    I identified a woman who was responsible for these infestations
    This has been a recurring dream.

  3. Hi Peter

    My brother is in his 60s and has had a lifestyle which has had its consequences on his body which is typical for the navy, plus he's worked with some nasty chemicals in his occupation.

    I've been trying to organise a time to visit him, but this has been put off several times by his medical treatments.

    When our father was about to die God called on me to minister to him just beforehand, and I feel I'm getting a call to spend some time with my brother. I can't say for sure that he is close to death but I just want to be obedient.

    Thanks for your interest

    In His Precious name


  4. I was involved in some staff training in a new company, and was served some sandwiches that were paid for by this firm but had really tough slices of meat in them. I tried to eat them but they were too tough to chew. I handed one back to the chef and explained this too her, but she said nothing and tossed the sandwich grumpily into the garbage. The next time I visited that café I was again served sandwiches with tough slices again.

    I was in the building with my new colleagues and the overhead sprinkler system was accidentally set off and I ran outside to escape being soaked.

    The other part of the dream involved animals. Firstly I was combing a native duck, then three large dogs brushed under my armpits. They didn’t frighten me. They were short haired with dark and grey coats. I also saw two small birds in a tree that looked like ducklings. They were climbing in the lower branches of a tree and were covered in yellow powder, and were only a couple of days old. I also saw their two parents in the tree, and they were a little higher in the branches. They had striped feathers and looked more like pigeons.

    I then heard the following song in my head (How Deep):

    “You were broken that I might be healed

    You were cast off that I might draw near

    You were thirsty that I might come drink

    Cried out in anguish that I might sing

    How deep is Your love

    How high and how wide is Your mercy

    How deep is Your grace

    Our hearts overflow with praise

    To You

    You knew darkness that I might know light

    Wept great tears that mine might be dried

    Stripped of glory that I might be clothed

    Crushed by Your Father to call me Your own”

  5. I was attending BBC, a nearby church that I attended in the early 90s. I looked in my mail pigeonhole and found a pile of mail for me, and a written request by Linton, a former paster who used to serve there, but now attends my current church. The instructions were to deliver two Bible readings. I spoke to some of the congregation there about me moving back there as a member. I had trouble finding a seat, as most of them were taken.

    The second part of the dream was set in Africa. I was travelling in a bus and we were following a car, which was travelling too slowly, so the driver tooted his horn at them. The car turned down a country road into the property next door to our where we were heading. We arrived at our destination and were met by the local park ranger who was riding a camel. We joked about the traffic incident and talked about unemployment in that country, and how in my country I ran work experience programs for unemployed people.

  6. I was being shown a building that was being tenanted by a German Bank and was going to be where my employer was going to move into. It was a brown granite sided building that looked like a pyramid. It had a water feature running down the side of it and was situated near a lake and has lush green lawns surrounding it. I commented that the water feature was full of green algae, and this needed treating to remove the algae.

  7. I just received a phone call from my CEO. He offered me an early exit date, and I would still get to receive my retrenchment package. In fact he asked me if I wanted to go THREE weeks early if I wished!

    Praise God and thanks for your prayers.

    PS: the call came at 3pm when I was starting to be tempted to take action myself. Great prayer Lola!

    In His Precious Name


    happy dance

  8. I was doing a tour of Canberra, during a tourism festival. Firstly I saw cardboard cutouts of police mounted on sticks. This was supposed to stop the tourists from littering.

    As I walked around I saw some shallow square pools of water that were green coloured. As I peered into the water I saw white fish with black speckled spots.

    I then started to write up a report that this was an indication that the drought had broken. As I was writing it up a Marcus who is a former president of my local squash association commented on it (I think it was approval).

    I heard the song “Thankyou for the cross” being played in the background

    Thank You for the cross Lord
    Thank You for the price You paid
    Bearing all my sin and shame
    In love You came
    And gave amazing grace

    Thank You for this love Lord
    Thank You for the nail pierced hands
    Washed me in Your cleansing flow
    Now all I know
    Your forgiveness and embrace

    Worthy is the Lamb
    Seated on the throne
    Crown You now with many crowns
    You reign victorious
    High and lifted up
    Jesus Son of God
    The Darling of Heaven crucified
    Worthy is the Lamb

    (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azYQqzoEjgU)

  9. I was on a church committee that was required to find a replacement for one of its members. We went through a very structured process along the lines of the commercial steps. We had a number of long tables set up and were going to have selection criteria interview questions etc. In the dream I said to a committee member that I couldn’t understand why we couldn’t follow the model set out in Acts 13:1-3

    The church at Antioch had several prophets and teachers. They were Barnabas, Simeon, also called Niger, Lucius from Cyrene, Manaen, who was Herod's [a] close friend, and Saul. 2While they were worshiping the Lord and going without eating, [b] the Holy Spirit told them, "Appoint Barnabas and Saul to do the work for which I have chosen them." 3Everyone prayed and went without eating for a while longer. Next, they placed their hands on Barnabas and Saul to show that they had been appointed to do this work. Then everyone sent them on their way.

  10. Thanks mbstudent & Lola

    I am currently in dispute with my boss over the termination date of my pending retrenchment. I've been made an offer of employment which is conditional on me starting the new job 2 weeks earlier than my current exit date.

    My boss is demanding that I resign if I want to take up the offer, meaning I will miss out on my retrenchment package if I do.

    I am awaiting a decision from my CEO who returns to the office on Monday.

    I'd value your prayers that I trust the Lord to deal with this instead of dealing with it in my own strength

    In His Name


  11. Thanks Truflight & Starpop

    I think I have the manifestation.

    My daughter became involved in a relationship with a man who has connections to the entertainment industry who turned out to be a very controlling person. I believe she was co-dependent on him, however my wife and I have just prayed and waited on the outcome.

    Late last year she had the good sense to realise the kind of person he was and leave the relationship.

    As a result their joint possessions ended up in my house and garage. He recently came to collect his things and now I believe he won't be back (hopefully).

    The good news is that my daughter's relationship with my wife and I has improved dramatically, and she is home with us and for the first time in many years I'm not arguing with her - praise the Lord!

    I'm hoping that the end of the dream is prophetic, and that she will come to know and accept Jesus as her Lord, as well our other children

    Thanks for your interest and prayers



  12. My daughter formed a relationship with a celebrity. As a result my house was invaded by the press, and brought with them all their unsavoury practices – damaging my house by partying in it and stealing my personal information such as address books etc. Following this I got involved in a business in the entertainment industry and it went sour, leaving me with a large quantity of furniture and equipment that was unusable.

    I could hear the song “Today I choose” in the background:

    “Today I choose to follow you
    Today I choose to give my yes to u
    Today I choose to hear your voice and live
    Today I choose to follow you

    As for me and my house
    we will serve you
    as for me and my house
    we will spend our lives on you

    Wonderful counsellor , Everlasting Father
    Eternal King , Lord of hosts
    willingly we follow”
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