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Paul RT

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Posts posted by Paul RT

  1. Thanks Thisissparta and Jodi for your suggestions

    By way of background, the organisation I work for was advised last week that we had lost most of our government contracts for the next three years, which means I could be retrenched by June 30 if I don't find another job in the meantime. Maybe that can explain some things.

    As for feelings during the dream, most times I don't recall many feelings after mine. The closest I can recall was being unafraid and confident.

    I applied for another job about 2 weeks ago, and i believe I have been shortlisted for an interview. I feel that I have strong claims to that position, but my challenge has usually been not to run ahead of God and trust him to make a smooth path if that's what He wants.

    The only other matter the dream may relate to is that my daughter is just trying to extricate herself financially from her marriage to a very controlling man. Again, I'm inclined to jump in and rescue, but my wife always tells me to stop trying to interfere!

    I'd value your prayers in both areas, and for wisdom and patience in dealing with them

    Yours in Christ



  2. I was riding a bicycle, returning home to Auburn in Sydney. I reached down to the front wheel as I was traveling across a railway crossing, and could feel something grabbing at my left hand, something like a cat biting me, but when I looked down it had gone.

    I was then traveling faster downhill, and just missed hitting 3 or 4 large potholes in the road. I skirted past on the right hand side of them.

    I then felt something wrapped around my bottom left eye tooth, which turned out to be a thin strip of toweling.

  3. My wife Anna and I were walking together in the middle of a Russian military camp. We saw a small high-speed military speedboat being carried on the back of a transport carrier. It had blue and green camouflage paintwork, seating that could have doubled as fishing seats in the rear and a heavy machine gun mounted on it.

    We walked further and saw a cavalry patrol on horseback and had to step aside into the long grass beside where they were going past.

    I yelled out “Isviniti pajalister” (“excuse me please”) in Russian.

    By way of background, my wife is of Russian descent, and last night our new son in law’s mother gave her a Russian Babushka doll at out daughter’s wedding. I also speak a few Russian phrases from getting to know her stepfather some years ago.

  4. Hi Jodi

    This dream may reflect some of my sub-conscious anxieties, as the service contracts in my industry which will apply for the next three years are about to be announced, which will have career implications for me.

    It's probably God telling me to stop worrying and start trusting Him (I have a history of trying to jump ahead of God in solving my career problems)

    I't nice for you to take an interest in my posts, thanks Jodi

    In His Service



  5. Hi Jodi

    She's been doing my tax returns of recent years, is getting married today, and her sister is trying to get out of a marriage where her manipulative husband lumbered her with his debt.

    They're the only connections I can think of.

    Maybe I should ask the one getting married about her career considerations

    Thanks again for your interest Jodi

    In Jesus

    Paul thinking

  6. Hi Jodi

    See responses below:

    In the dream, do you remember the teacher explaining how or why s/he wanted you to color the maps?
    For example:
    * "Color in pink the areas on the map that have [a particular resource] and
    color in red areas that lack that resource."
    * Or, "Use dots to show places where these kinds of jobs will most likely
    happen and use hatches to show where these types of jobs probably
    won't happen."
    A; No, but your conclusions make sense

    Did you and the others talk about other kinds of career options besides tax or finance?
    A: No, but my daughter works in that sector, and my first career was in banking. Not sure about any connection though.

    Did you and the others use any other criteria for choosing careers besides focusing on ones which would be the most important or the most financially rewarding?

    Was the group you were in equating the importance of a job with the financial reward it would provide? (even if in real life you might not feel this way?)

    A: No. Maybe God is saying that I should. This could be the general meaning of the dream. At the moment I'm considering a job application for a new career path which would have a considerably higher salary, and He could be warning me to look past the financial benefits and consider the ministry implications


    Thanks for your interest Jodi



  7. I was on a committee set up to explore the options for reviving my old church in Sydney – Sans Souci Baptist.

    We looked at physically constructing a new building on a parcel of land next to the current building, and talked to the existing congregation, who were mostly older people.

    The consensus seemed to be that the task was too difficult to carry out, as the existing congregation didn’t have a real enthusiasm or desire to revive he church.

  8. I was holidaying with my wife Anna, and was staying at a run down motel called the City of Lilacs, which had a sign in cursive writing in light purple (mauve). I think it was in Victoria.

    I was looking around the buildings, thinking that they looked very familiar. When I walked into a back room I realised that it was one where a dog had been sleeping. I turned around to exit the room and was faced with an Alsatian dog, and felt afraid. The dog bared its teeth at me, and I picked up a rope to defend myself with it. I then realised that it wasn’t a very helpful weapon, so I tried to use it as a skipping rope to befriend or distract the dog.

    My wife then arrived and helped me escape the room.

    I then went to look around the buildings a second time, and the same things happened again.

  9. I was talking to Chris G, a former work colleague about the awarding of vocational training contracts being awarded in my industry.

    Chris was saying how much rain they had been receiving in Queensland or the north coast of NSW, and that this had affected fish catches, and brought out snakes.

    We were sitting diagonally opposite in an L shaped lounge, and he thought he could see a snake under my seat. I could feel my seat being bumped by it, but couldn’t see it.

    I wasn’t afraid of the snake.

    By way of background I was talking to a work colleague yesterday about the awarding of contracts in our industry, and there have been rumours about an agency from England coming in to take over contracts in our industry.

  10. I was putting together a jigsaw puzzle and talking to someone (MT?) who had recently visited Ken & Ruth S***. (Ken and Ruth are a couple who formerly attended my church, and have recently retired to the NSW north coast). Discussed Ken’s health.

    The other part of the dream I was talking with Ken about how the Sydney docks didn’t have sufficient capacity to service Japanese aircraft carriers, some of which had crews of 10,000 per deck.

  11. Dream 13 Mar 2009

    In the first part of the dream I was traveling up and down in elevators of a large building with two other people. We ended up near the foot of escalators at a railway station (North Sydney). I saw a woman try to jump across from one moving escalator to another who sustained a head injury. While it wasn’t serious, she was bleeding heavily. Someone else grabbed her and applied a bandage to stop the bleeding.
    I was then riding a bicycle and stopped on the intersection of a road near my home along the bicycle path.
    In real life this intersection is where the daughter of our neighbours (the C*****s) had been running across the road against the traffic lights and sustained a fatal injury to the head.
    In the dream I stooped down and found some one and two dollar coins imbedded in the asphalt of the bike path. Two other men came along and I was competing with them to pick up the coins.
    I then walked my bicycle back to in front of the old home where I grew up in Muswellbrook, and started fossicking for coins in the grass by the side of the road. There were quite a few coins of different denominations there.
    I continued on rummaging through some bags and junk that had been stored over some years previously.
    Two women arrived in a car that were there to visit my mother, and they came over to talk with me. They were friendly and engaged me in friendly banter.
    As I awoke from the dream I could hear the sound of Jane Saunders singing “How Deep the father’s Love for Us”:
    How deep the Father's love for us,
    How vast beyond all measure
    That He should give His only Son
    To make a wretch His treasure

    How great the pain of searing loss,
    The Father turns His face away
    As wounds which mar the chosen One,
    Bring many sons to glory

    Behold the Man upon a cross,
    My sin upon His shoulders
    Ashamed I hear my mocking voice,
    Call out among the scoffers

    It was my sin that held Him there
    Until it was accomplished
    His dying breath has brought me life
    I know that it is finished

    I will not boast in anything
    No gifts, no power, no wisdom
    But I will boast in Jesus Christ
    His death and resurrection

    Why should I gain from His reward?
    I cannot give an answer
    But this I know with all my heart
    His wounds have paid my ransom

  12. I had the following dream on Dream 12 Dec 2008:

    I was opening up an envelope that had been torn in two. Inside was a torn magazine with a picture of the wedding of Joy W. I also saw pictures of Shirley and Garry B and myself as Secretary with mine having the caption “there is Paul signing up and commencing new members”. The surrounding grounds had since been landscaped.

    (By way of background, both the Bs and Ws were from my old church and both their marriages broke down. Both Garry B and Alan W were in leadership at that church)
    I was speaking to RK (former Elder of my old church), and we were discussing the procedure to close a church when it is down to one member. The remaining member just needed to sign a form to acquit the property.

    I was given the passage Corinthians 8:13 (not clear whether it was 1st or 2nd Corinthians)
    1 Corinthians 8:13 (CEV):

    "So if I hurt one of the Lord's followers by what I eat, I will never eat meat as long as I live."

    2 Corinthians 8:13 (CEV):

    "I am not trying to make life easier for others by making life harder for you. But it is only fair"

    Possible Manifestations:

    “Signing up and commencing new members” could refer to the paid job I’ve been doing for the past 3 years. I also arrange landscaping as part of this work in real life.

    The scripture passages may be God may be saying to me to be a good example as an Elder, and that He isn’t trying to make life more difficult for me.

    The reference to RK and eldership could be confirmation that I will be the only Elder in my present church (there are presently none). The reference to “signing up new members” may also refer to part of the role of an Elder – to interview potential new church members. Elders also may also be called upon to deal with broken marriages.

  13. This dream wasn't posted at the time:

    Dream 11 Dec 2008

    I owned a large white Mercedes van (looked like a commercial one). It was sitting derelict on the footpath outside my house, even though it was almost brand new. I took a strip of metal from around the top of it’s roof down to the scrap yard, but halfway there I turned around and went back to where I came from.

    By way of background, on the previous night I took a decision to resign my position as admin support for the prison and return to my old position in the organization.

    Possible Manifestation:

    Follows the line from previous dreams about a warning not to be diverted from Christian ministry by the job offered doing admin work in prison. Speaks about taking parts to a scrap yard (rubbish) and not being turned around.

  14. The dogs in the prison cell probably represent the work in prisons that I thought I was to pursue in late 08/early 09, which I now know, wasn’t what God wanted.
    The woman in the red car could have represent temptation, and her dog latching onto my chest without any pain or fears could represent my resisting of this temptation.
    The second part was me helping out my mother-in-law.
    All these illustrations could have symbolized distractions from the ministry that God is asking me to take on (possibly Eldership in my church)

  15. Possible Meaning

    At this time I was being considered for a job in a prison. As summer progressed (I am in the southern hemisphere), inmates of a local remand centre who were waiting to be moved into the newly built prison that I would be working in suffered from a serious overheating problem.
    Several months after this dream I was excluded from working there after not getting through the psychometric testing required to be able to work in prisons. I was very disappointed because at that time I felt God was calling me into this work.
    I believe that the scriptures given to me were a way of God comforting me and reassuring me that he was in control of the situation.
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