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Paul RT

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Posts posted by Paul RT

  1. As I was waking I could hear this song in my mind (by Jane Saunders):
    "Little lamb she hears the song
    She's seven and she sings along
    The words just keep on spinning through her mind
    Later on that very day
    In a precious deep and simple way
    She calls to Jesus come into my life

    Throw the gates of heaven open
    Sing you angels sing
    Little lamb was lost but now
    she's coming in
    She's coming in to Jesus

    Little lamb she can feel
    The Shepherd's there and he is real
    Hearing every single word she prays
    She brings her little sack of sin
    And faith and casts it all on him
    And all the wonder as he hears her prayer

    Throw the gates of heaven open
    Sing you angels sing
    Little lamb was lost but now
    she's coming in
    She's coming in to Jesus

    You still marvel little lamb
    At how your life with him began
    Forty years and you've never been alone
    You know that the time will come
    And he will call his little one
    And as he promised he will take you home

    Throw the gates of heaven open
    Sing you angels sing
    Little lamb was lost but now
    she's coming in
    She's coming in to Jesus"

  2. Thanks Peter

    The previous evening home group subject (from Acts Ch 22) and my regular devotional rfeadings have both covered finding God's will. I have also been listening to an album in which this song is included.

    I have recently taken up a managerial role that utilises all my personal and professional experiences, and I can now more clearly see how God has led me to this point.

    Looks like He's sending a clear message!
    God Bless

  3. Thanks Deborah
    I've just won a position as a manager in my profession in helping others to find a job which was competing against 2 other candidates, and yes I'm certainly required to speak more often, to coach and encourage my new staff.
    Your suggested interpretation makes a lot of sense to me, as there is also a good chance I will also be asked to take up a leadership role in my church at the end of the year, after a two year break from that.
    Pretty good for a newbie!

  4. In the first part of the dream with my fingers I extracted pins from the top right hand part of my mouth that were imbedded there.

    In the second part was speaking to a news media office about obtaining work with them. I was successful in winning the job, even though 2 others had been successful over me in the recruitment process.
    I introduced myself to the staff there on my first day, and a staff member was saying that she was surprised about my writing skills, given that I was of mature age.

    In the background I could hear Jane Saunders singing:
    “I remember she was beautiful

    With her hair pulled softly back

    She stood so close we could have touched
    The bedroom hadn't changed at all

    Though long years have past

    So many things I need to know

    But never got to ask
    And she said the flowers need some rain

    And that's why I have come back again

    And she said I hate to see you cry

    So close your eyes and dream of me tonight
    They say I look a lot like her

    With my hair pulled softly back

    I feel her gently smiling

    From that faded photograph
    And she said the flowers need some rain

    And that's why I have come back again

    And she said I hate to see you cry

    So close your eyes and dream of me tonight
    And she said I've come to say goodbye

    Sweet child I loved you all my love

    Don't cry for me 'cause I'm alright

    Just close your eyes and dream of me tonight”

  5. I now believe that this dream was about a woman I had helped to join the same organisation as me (the "favour").
    This company had a pretty aggressive management culture (represented by the "dogs in prison").
    This woman then applied for the same management position as me and won it, and I was disappointed with this decision (represented by me being in a car "following").
    I now believe that this was God leading me out of the organisation, which is now having some major performance problems, high staff turnover, retrenchments and likely loss of contracts.
    The management culture there is still dominated by aggressive and controlling management.
    The cutting up and burning of the wood for a "Russian"could represent the separation and leaving behind of a "foreign"environment to me.

    I'd value other opinions on this interpretation. Does it sound right?

  6. I now believe that the dream was about me moving out from a role on my church leadership team as Secretary (signified by the "family gathering").
    I was disappointed at this move at the time, but can now see that this move allowed my wife to take up the role instead.
    As a result, she has blossomed in this ministry.
    I suspect that God took me out of the role to free up a place for her, and so that she wouldn't feel that she was working in my shadow.

  7. As I look at me career over the past couple of years I can see that in spite of my disappointments in missing out on promotions, that God was preparing me for my current role as manager, which requires a broad industry experience.

    The last two organisations I worked for have also had some difficulties, including loss of market share and retrenchments caused by poor performance.

    I can also seen how the management climate in those organisations was unreasonable, and I would have been pretty dissatisfied with my work if I had stayed with them.

    I believe that in this dream was God assuring me that despite my disappointments, that He was working everything out in my best interest.

  8. I returned home on a Sunday at 3pm with my wife and we decided to go out for a meal. As I went to lock the front door I discovered that it was coming off its hinges because it had been nailed on instead of he hinges being screwed on. I did some repairs on this.
    As I went around the building I also noticed that a window frame needed repairs, plus there were a number of small wasp nests around the building, with miniature red & black wasps flying around.
    I took this in calmly and wasn’t concerned about the situation.

  9. I jumped a long barbed wire fence, which was on either side of a trench filled with water. I waded in water up to my chest and encountered a large stag, which didn’t frighten me.
    On the other side of the parallel barbed wire fence were armed guards patrolling what seemed to be Poland. I picked up a card that had had a covering insert. When I tore out the insert out of the card I could see writing in what seemed to be Polish. The writing appeared to have a connection with some people I know who in real life immigrated to Australia from Poland – Archie & Kinga.
    In the second part of the dream I was working for a team of 7 people providing some kind of financial service like a trade exchange. I signed up one client for a fee of $600, who provided orthodontal services. It turned out that they were in competition with a similar service provider of orthodontal services.

  10. I travelled to the South Coast of NSW and stayed in a building which an old friend Rob Kable had purchased. I remarked that it was only 20 minutes drive from my home. I ended up buying a unit in the same building.
    I then caught a bus. At the front of the bus was Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who was doing a political tour. I listened to him while I flossed my teeth.
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