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Paul RT

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Posts posted by Paul RT

  1. My wife and I had downsized and purchased a house previously owned by another church family (Steve & Andrea M) from real life.
    The house was run down and tired, with concrete and brick construction with dirty floors, and a small garage that included a rusty white station wagon. I tried to reverse out of the garage, but the entrance was narrow and the driveway was uneven, making it very difficult to do without having an accident.
    Two of our daughters visited, and we were very embarrassed about the unkempt state of the house.
    I felt depressed and frustrated with the situation.

  2. I was driving a delivery truck with a small trailer attached, and waiting inside a large warehouse to exit. I pressed a button to open the entrance roller door. Because I pressed it too early a large white incoming truck nearly hit the door on it's way in.
    The driver was angry and it swerved and almost collided with my truck. A policeman saw the event and spoke to this driver, who had calmed down when he stepped out of that truck. I didn't react emotionally to this incident, even though I could have been afraid.

    I was asked to collect a very small load of children's books and deliver them to a St Matthias' Church Playgroup at Farrer ACT (Australia). As I was bending over to load the goods my jeans tore. A woman approached me and said that her jeans had also torn and this had revealed her buttocks.

  3. I was on a church leadership committee and we were dividing up tasks for each member to undertake. On the committee was Linton, who IRL is a retired pastor. He advised that he had ordered stationery in advance for the committee to do its work. I asked him if he wanted to to take on some sort of administrative tasks as part of his duties, but emphasised that this was voluntary, given his pastoral role. He was non-committal in his response.
    I felt confident in my leadership abilities during this process, and accepted Linton's response

  4. I was with a group of people chasing an American Indian tribe coming on evening. We knew they were to the Northwest of us. We fired arrows into the sky in their direction. Some of these arrows fell back directly onto us, and the Indian tribe also fired back many times more, so we had to duck for cover.
    I looked behind us and saw one of the arrows we had fired falling, which had been lit up by the setting sun.
    In the background I could hear an old Elvis song. The words were as follows:
    "I'll never know the reason why you love me as you do - that's the wonder of you"

  5. Possible manifestation:
    In September this year I was promoted to a job managing a site which helps people get jobs. this site is based in NSW.
    I believe that part of the dream was for God to tell me that he was calling me to this new role.
    The song was to encourage me to be patient about how long this journey would take. In the past few months there have been some trials in the new ministry which have tested my resolve.
    Praise God that He has sustained me through this "barren land".

  6. Hi Mia
    In the past I would have jumped ship readily, and could change jobs easily. My wife has been telling me for years that I will keep encountering the same problems with each new job anyway.
    This year, however, I believe the Lord is teaching me to have more courage and endurance.
    I saw the movie Chronicles of Narnia:Voyage of the Dawn Treader for the second time today. Through it the Lord has been speaking strongly to me about not giving in to my fears and trusting Him more.

  7. Thanks Mia and Owen
    I believe that the dream relates to a difference of view I have with my Pastor at present.
    On the one hand I believe that God is calling me to the role of Elder, and my Pastor now accepts that the church needs to appoint Elders (they currently have none). However, my Pastor feels that God has laid on his heart the names of 3 other people, but not me. Mind you, I believe that those 3 people all have Eldership qualities.
    Earlier this year I found my Pastor's position that the church wasn't ready for Eldership then difficult to understand or accept, I now have a peace about this situation, and await more confirmation if God wants me to step into this role, including the timing of this appointment.
    That peace was reflected to me in the dream also.

  8. Looks like I'm due to do some handy-work tomorrow.
    This week I was physically confronted and threatened by an angry client at my paid work, but was able to stand my ground.
    God gave me a passage from Joshua about the sin of Achan in my devotional readings in the early hours of the next morning.
    I believe that God is asking me to make some prophetic statements at my church to challenge the sinful behaviour there during the morning service.
    Please pray that I will have the courage to speak the truth in love then

  9. Possible manifestation:
    I believe that this dream could refer to a time of conflict in my church congregation. There have been some rumblings for a few years over someone who demanded to be church administrator and Secretary, but was declined by the Pastor (and rightly so).
    As a result there have been some grumblings against the leadership, which came to a head at our Sunday morning service. A prophetic utterance was given to challenge the resultant spirit of bitterness and resentment (I think it is the Jezebel spirit).
    I have also been part of an assertive response to reject the attempts at emotional blackmail by two of the main people involved.
    Fortunately I have kept a cool head in this situation, and not allowed it to divert me from what I believe is my calling to Eldership at the church.

  10. Possible manifestation:
    This last Sunday there was a prophetic uttering during our morning service. I believe it was challenging two members of our congregation who have been very critical of our pastor and leadership.
    At the time, our daughter was sitting in front of me turned around and asked me what was going on.
    This was pretty embarrassing to me at the time, as our daughter and son-in-law have only recently started attending our church, and they had never heard a prophetic uttering before.
    I went around to their home on Sunday night to reassure them and explain that just like any families, we often have "problem children".
    I believe that the reference in this dream to trying to hide 2 photos relates to this issue in our church, and my desire to protect my family from the sin that lurks around our fellowship

  11. PS: I was just reminded by the Lord about the following song:

    By Jimmy Dale Gilmour/Rick Smith/David Hammond

    If you must hide in shadows
    If you must run
    If you must find yourself the only lonely one
    There's someone waiting somewhere
    When you turn around
    There's something you never lost but have not found

    Don't be a stranger to your heart - oh no
    Don't be a stranger to your heart - oh no

    This is no mystery
    Things aren't what they seem
    In your most secret sorrow
    In your most secret dream
    You shelter you history
    From love and from life
    Stealing what's already yours
    Like dark from the night

    Don't be a stranger to your heart - oh no
    Don't be a stranger to your heart - oh no"

  12. Possible manifestation: I have been managing a worksite for the past two months, and the air-conditioning doesn't appear to have been working. It is now into Summer here, and the temperature and humidity readings showed little variation from outside conditions.
    My predecessor simply installed a fan in the corner of her office.
    As a result of my persistence in reporting the matter to my Property department, the air-conditioning unit appears to now have been fixed.

    Also, after some 17 years of being on anti-depressants I believe that I have been healed from Depression and am totally off medication!

  13. Possible manifestation:
    Muswellbrook is my childhood home where I was raised by an angry and manipulative mother. As a result I have suffered Depression for many years, and a common trigger has been having to deal with angry women.
    In the past 17 years I have been receiving treatment, including taking antidepressants, however I have finally come off them despite having to deal with an angry and controlling female staff member in the past month.
    I have also been able to face another angry older congregation member recently, and handled it much better than in the past.
    I believe that the dream is God reaffirming my healing through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus, and reminding me that I can trust Him to deal with confrontational situations, especially women
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