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Everything posted by Change

  1. i still stand by what i said 100 %. when you choose not to do something...you show you have no faith, which also limits god.
  2. my left wrist is damaged. nerve damage or a torn muscle. i am also chronically constipated...because of stress and boredom...i just eat and eat...yet it's hurting my body. and neither i nor anybody in my family have the money to afford surgery. pray for healing.
  3. Well since you asked...don't get mad when i or someone says something that you don't like. i ABSOLUTELY have the right to ask God for dreams. i say anything and everything that i want to God and no lightning bolts have ever fallen out of the sky on top of me for it. i have the FREE WILL and RIGHT to do ANYTHING i want to....the effects withstanding. is that the answer you wanted?
  4. i've done this for a very long time...i mean, not only did i sin, i flat out Abused God's Grace...and then some. but if my relationship with God can be salvaged NOW by my everyday sacrifice of NOT doing it anymore...then this is what i need to do. because spiritually, i'm so dry now...and i'm not surprised if it's because of this. i don't hear God, i don't read the bible often, i'm focused on any and everything but God. there was a time in my life where i enjoyed reading the Bible...but i was still so involved with porn by then, that i didn't hear god then either i presume. now it's all just...dead. it has to be revived.
  5. hi Cholette, look, you don't have to participate in this thread. all i need is someone to help me understand this word. READ the word first...this "Word" was about my Job/Path situation...nothing more. i mean, when everyone else makes a prayer request, nobody gets on to them... i'm NOT doing ANYTHING that any of you wouldn't do if you were in this same situation.
  6. below is an excerpt of a word that god gave me in the prophecy section. "you have tons of choices. Realizing you have choices over your life will help you feel empowered and that you can be that guy again who loves to be out and about. Don't buy the lie that you can't be that any more." ^^^ so when i CHOOSE to apply to be a police officer and i DON'T get the oppurtunity...WHAT is god really saying here? when i CHOOSE to apply to at least 5 different grocery stores and i DON'T get the oppurtunity...WHAT is god really saying here? when i CHOOSE to apply at some breakfast diner and i DON'T get the oppurtunity...WHAT is god really saying here? when i CHOOSE to apply for a job at McDonald's and i DON'T get the oppurtunity...WHAT is god really saying here? when i CHOOSE to apply for a job at Wal Mart and i DON'T get the oppurtunity...WHAT is god really saying here? and the list goes on. i have done ALL of this listed above at one time or another in the past year alone ^^^ and i was DENIED every...single...time. so when you read that WORD that God gave me and then you see all the DENIED oppurtunities i have had...WHAT is your response to me? WHERE is God when I CHOSE to apply to those places? WHY did He NOT open up the door(s) for me? WHAT is going on here?
  7. 1. that's still good. 2. as long as you're not starving. 3. does your Grandmother tell you what to do? does she control your life?
  8. hello, i have a few questions for you if you don't mind answer them. 1. do you have any friends? 2. do you have a job? 3. do you live in your own house and have control over your own life? the REASON i asked all of this was to put things into perspective for you. if you have at least 2 of these things...consider yourself blessed.
  9. if god placed it on your heart, then he has a plan. praying.
  10. hello Hislightbeam... to answer all of your questions in short...I DON'T KNOW. that's just it! i don't know any of that... i NEVER had a plan...i NEVER EVER thought about this in Higschool. i NEVER knew. and believe it or not...i don't even know what i like to do...at least that's relevent to getting employed. i LIKE to sleep...i LIKE to play videogames...i LIKE to watch movies... i'm getting a sense that i either have to go back into the military which i DON'T want to do...unless God Himself told me to OR just get on with some prestigious job. pray over this.
  11. here's my confusion... i have SPECEFIC examples of this... i applied to be a police officer...i was denied. i remember i applied to one cheap fast food joint and i talked to the SAME guy THREE freakin' times...he made it sound like he was interested and i was STILL denied... this year...i applied to a pizza place who again said they WERE hiring...i was denied. i applied to a car parts manufacturing center who were HIRING...i was again denied. i applied to a stinky run down yet somehow popular breakfast diner where they were HIRING...i was denied. just the other day, i applied to a McDonalds who were hiring...i sent my application TWICE...and ONCE MORE...i was STILL denied!!!! THIS IS MESSED UP!!!! what is going on here? it makes me very mad and it hurts even worse.
  12. i appreciate the human advice but THIS problem has a SPIRITUAL root. a JOB...a GOOD JOB is a BLESSING...it's not a mere side dish of life. there is a REASON behind my lack of success. i have been told everything from "speak positively" "speak the lord's promises" etc... but it's just not working.
  13. yes, i will pray that what is right for happens. only her and God can truely know the pain and can make a judgement call.
  14. nobody hires me. i have been applying to places who ARE HIRING...and i never hear back from them. that's NOT right. that's NOT god's blessing.
  15. Change

    mine too...

    requesting my account be deleted too, i'm out of here.
  16. thank you i'm just sicking of PRAYING about stuff...WHEN do things actually HAPPEN? i can pray until the cows come up but if NOTHING changes, what good is it?
  17. yes, continue to pray. and i'm actually a guy, so...just thought you'd all be informed.
  18. this is true. i haven't been able to find a job in almost 11 months now.
  19. can god give us dreams without him appearing in the dream itself?
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