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martin from Africa

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Posts posted by martin from Africa

  1. Scene 1

    I was standing on a railing attached to a Boeing plane. The plane was flying in the sky. I was not right near the front of the plane but close to the front. I was on the outside of the plane. I knew the head winds were very strong in front of the plane near the nose of the plane. It was dangerous to be too far in front and if there one would have to hold on very tightly. I felt being in front was for someone else and not me. I was concerned being on the outside of the plane.

    Scene 2

    I was on the ground and the captain was standing in front of me. He apologised to me for only being able to ride on the outside the plane. I could see the captain’s face was big and square. I was pleased that the captain had said sorry. I felt relieved and grateful.

  2. just a few thoughts, please pray, .... You were acquitted on lost evidence, a specific person who has something against you has stopped judging you, celebration of relationships and a reconciliation in relationships, road getting narrower and the Lord expecting change in your life, passage way, restriction, God is the narrow way ... freedom in the Lord as you meet Carol, a process of education through the Word, green could be growth and eggs something new, the Lord helping and teaching you in relationships... these are just ideas, allow the Lord to speak to your heart, please say if something struck home, love and blessings martin

  3. just thoughts, please pray ... someone releasing water spirits on something foundational in your life in an ever increasing way ... an additional though, air conditioners are meant to regulate the temperature and humidity and it failed to do so, someone who you think should be blessing you is bringing destruction to an important area of your life, doing it gradually ... blessings martin

  4. Hi all,

    I am involved with a ministry in which the leader (women) never responds to my emails which i find very frustrated ... dream follows...

    I am in a red London double Decker bus sitting on the top right hand side, windows in front of me, I have three people sitting to my left, I have a grey blanket over my legs, I was feeling cold, the teacher (lady) choose me and two others to do something special/competition, she said that my glasses were dirty like her sons, I said that she was being rude to me, I said to her lets go and see the head master, she said Yes lets go...

    Any comments are welcome, I will discern!! Bless you all ....

  5. hi johnsonJJJ, just a few thoughts to pray about, i am a beginner, well done for putting your messy dreams here, it takes courage to believe that God is speaking, I have had a dream where the bus was a large ministry, are your parents at odds regarding a ministry and whether to join and are you unsure of whether to join or not? The snakes to me would be each person using demonic power against the other, this could be hate / anger etc ask the Lord to show you why the snakes are fighting, it could be about speaking, shouting at each other, ask the Lord if there are any attitudes you need to repent of, eat the meat and spit out the bones!!!, blessings martin

  6. Hi All, all input will be taken to the Lord in prayer, please feel welcome to give it a shot ... blessings martin

    Debby (my wife) and I were traveling on a tar road in the country side. As we were driving along a horse galloped from the right to the left straight in front of the car, continuing up into some hills on the left hand side of the road.
    I saw the horse through the front wind screen it was a magnificent white horse.
    I immediately wanted to tell the owner / farmer that his horse had escaped.
    Next I was trying to find someone we could tell.
    There were three coloured farm workers on the road wanting a lift. We stopped before them and reversed back to a small wooden guard hut on the left hand side of the road. The hut was like one would find at a picnic spot. No one was in the hut. I was annoyed with Debby as she had not locked car and the coloured workers were at the car. We could find anyone to tell the farmer that His horse was out or find out where we were so we could phone the farmer at a later stage.

  7. hi all, thanks so much for your interest, it was just waking up and seeing a leopard, the feeling was dread or terror, i am visiting my parents in law ... they need to come to Jesus... I read in Jeremiah 5:6, leopards will watch over their cities ... its the continual threat of evil due to sin. There is no protection in the spirit, they are open for attack, many blessing & revelation to all of you, martin

  8. Hi all, wife's dream, any ideas or thoughts would be much appreciated, blessings Martin...

    I dreamed we were in the office of a pimp. It was a very small office, more like a cubicle actually. There was a wooden counter all around him that had many small drawers all the way round and they were all filled with money. Around the top of the counter was glass all around. The “pimp” was quite a big man, stocky to plump, very hairy on his arms – a light red/ blonde colour, the same as the hair on his head.
    Leigh Potgieter (a friend of mine) had gone to him for an interview and got the job. She was busy doing the wages and I thought that I wouldn’t like to do this job – working with all the cash, but she was very good at it. Then I had to go and call this man, the pimp, for some reason. I knew he was in a meeting and I was a little apprehensive about interrupting, and I was surprised that he was so friendly and willing to come when I did call him. The room where I had to call him from was a kind of boardroom. It looked like a canteen – tables in rows and people sitting at the tables. I thought they were eating, but they were all sewing with sewing machines.
    I can’t remember the next part very well, but Naomi (my daughter) and Jon Jon (Shirley’s son) had to go out into the street together to do some kind of errand.
    Then I was with Shirley (a friend of mine). We were in her kitchen. Samantha (Shirley’s child) had fallen and hurt herself. She was crying and we were wiping her face with a piece of cottonwool. I had some liquid in a glass and I put some green food colouring into it and told Shirley to make Samantha’s face green, but even though we wiped her face with it, she didn’t turn green. Shirley said: Here, this will make it all better now, ok. Then she gave me the glass to put at the sink and pointed out to me that it was leaking. I looked at it carefully and saw that there was a crack from the top to the bottom and the liquid was dripping out at the bottom. I tipped it out into the sink.
    Riaan (Shirley’s husband) was lying on the couch and he was moaning about how the “people” in the house (which are Shirley and the kids) always break things and that whoever cracked that glass is in big trouble because those glasses are crackproof. I said: That can’t be because this glass is cracked. I think that I woke up then.

  9. Hi Dream3, Be encouraged God is lifting things up, allow Him was wash you, repent as the Lord directs, don't worry if you have done it, He is the boss so we repent until there is break through and until the dreams change, expect big blessings in the months ahead, don't be frustrated with the process, its one step at a time, they entered the promise land and God gave them land at the rate of one step at a time, only the land they could hold, God can bring total deliverance but He knows we may fall back, Hang in, these things take a life time of surrender and walking in humility, blessings Martin

  10. hi dreams3, just a few ideas to pray about, (1) right hand has to do with strength, ask yourself where in my life is my strength been affected, it sounds like occult, symbol, if it lands then keep it, i would say a few prayers on cleansing regarding the occult, (2) Again ask the Lord to show you what to repent of, do spiritual warfare (3) cities can represent our character, this idea relates to Sodom in the bible, can you link your character with the town? (4) in my dreams teeth are for chewing the word or wisdom, ask yourself where you have lost wisdom (5) Warfare, blood of Jesus, I have been interpreting my own dreams for a 1.5 years, I try and use the symbols to find out what I need to repent of. Rather than focus on the interpretation!!! The heart of God in the matter is to long for and love Him, its a process of coming closer to God. As long as He see a humble and repentant heart, you are doing well, blessings Martin

  11. thanks so much Delightful soul, yes that lands in the right place, i was just wondering if its dream is a big picture comment from God on my whole life or an aspect of my life and then which part of it: business, number of different ministries i am in... blessings many thanks martin

  12. i had a dream the other day, i was on my bicycle and a white car drove me over, like squash ... well a few minutes before i took my nap, i had received news that my tender was unsuccessful for a forestry project, a larger international consulting business was awarded the tender, i was on the bicycle, i tendered on my own and did not ask anyone to join me in the tender, the dream helped me process the disappointment of not being awarded the tender...

  13. hi powerhouse, no interpretation, just a few thoughts and ideas, could the business / or ministry you are in not be right? Some symbols, like Bangkok could be a form of sexual sin, this could be having a love affair something other than God, the lack of shower (ability to clean oneself), small bathroom (repentance), business dealings make us close, if we deal or associate with people who have stuff (sin) that could affect us, ask the Lord if it is so, again ending on the dirty buss could be a business or other situation which is not sanctified, some situations one can pray into and while others can not be redeemed. Ask the Lord if you need to repent and allow Him to cleanse you, I hope something lands in your spirit, blessings martin
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