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martin from Africa

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Posts posted by martin from Africa

  1. hi there, just some thoughts, purple (blue/heaven and red/earth) for authority, which can be Godly or a false authority, walls either protect or are part of our defence mechanism, nose could point to discernment, God could be using this to help you understand a quality/character, could it be that they are thirsty for God or an invitation to come to the fountain and drink?, please pray, blessings martin

  2. I had a dream I was at a drinking hole, like you see at a one of our national parks in South Africa, it’s for game.

    I was on the right and Debby (IRL my wife) was one the left say three meters from me.

    I was careful not to too close to the water, I knew that there was a crocodile in the water.

    I was concerned that Debby was going too close to the water, next thing, the crocodile rushed out of the water.

    I woke up with a fright…blessing any comment would be appreciated, I am aware of Job 40 leviathan etc, its pride etc, we will do some repenting, please speak freely thanks martin

  3. Hi All,

    My daugthers dream, she is 6 years old she has many dreams...there is no occult...neither TV etc in our house, so I would hope be for someone else....any suggestions are helpful, blessings martin
    Barbara was pregnant with twins she had a supporting strap around her tummy because it was so large.
    Barbara was walking in the snow and she fell.
    Barbara called “Please come and help me Savvas” (husband IRL)
    “No, I never spend time with Debby so we are going on holiday with Debby and not you!” he said in a loud angry voice.
    Then Barbara had the babies in the snow, smoke came out her belly button and snakes (rattle) out of her feet.
    The babies were dragons with tails. There was blood on the snow.
    She was laying spread out on the snow with the babies on each side of her arms.
    Then Savvas and Ashleigh got married.
    But God says to me you are not the right husband, you can marry Gareth.

  4. hi there, consider in prayer, just a few thoughts...a place were relationships/fellowship (table) collapsed, the Lord asking you to open up to someone or a family situation from the past, empty plates on food no spiritual provision or training in the situation, now is the season of grace and unity in the situation, blessings martin

  5. hi there, i could be way off track, therefore please prayfully consider, it appears that you think you know which relationships are right but it appears from the dreams that you are wrong, (said with love and grace), the rain in the the first dream could be blessing and the priest blesses you, the second dream there is no heavenly blessing and no blessing from the priest and then it appears that your boy friend has stuff. Again this could apply to other situation which you feel certain about but the Lord could be saying something else...My God give you wisdom, i did think the dreams were significant when i read them, blessings martin

  6. Hi Traveler, All glory to God, blessings Martin ...I also thought of

    Revelation 12:10-12 (New King James Version)

    10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”

  7. hi there, ... i looked up the qualities of penquins and there feet...And the penquins are very good at regulating their blood flow to keep the temperture in their feet just above the freezing level. ...They do not get cold feet even in adverse conditions, therefore they do not suffer from discouragement! Getting cold feet, is to withdraw for some reason. You could be asked to encourage/teach on the topic, being faithful to the Lord and overcoming discouragement...either for yourself or others...Just an idea! Please pray, blessings Martin

  8. hi there, just a few ideas, please pray, the women could be generational sin which is causing a dangerous situation, but it looks from the dream you defeat the enermy completely, crush his head, under the table could be something unseen in the family/busness/ministry, ask God to comfort you, ask the Holy Spirit to come along side you and warn you as has already...Trust the Father for a complete victory in this situation, blessings martin

  9. hi there,

    I dreamed that i was in a banqueting hall and there was going to be an announcement. The king needed a helper or assistant. It was like an Austrian ball room. People were in there evening clothes. Everyone had lots of expectation. I was not running for this job (kings assistant), it was like behind the scenes election. We were expecting the king to come in. There was a crowd at the door, a red carpet for the king. The next moment, I had an invitation to be the king’s assistant, it was a water colour invitation, like a card, I had been selected to service the king, I did not expect the nomination, I was pleased and honoured to receive it, and it was a little overwhelming…end of dream, all thoughts welcomed i will discern and take them to the Lord in prayer, blessings martin

  10. hi there, you may want to ask the Lord if the fire is positive, it could be the Lords fire and He is going to increase the fences so that He fire burns away that which is not from Him, all that which is chaff, ask the Lord if you are resisting Him in any way, please pray on what i have said, blessings martin
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