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martin from Africa

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Posts posted by martin from Africa

  1. Hi Cholette, thanks for your interesting comments, i know i have gone from warm to very hot, and realizing everything I do is being recorded by God. It’s amazing, I understand that if one has a church of 200 and each person has five dreams a year regarding the church the fivefold ministry could be very busy...I do think we would be closer to the Lord and His purpose if we listened to our dreams. It is also very sad to see that the world is focusing in on dreams and the church is asleep. I am reminded of,

    Rev 3:16 Amplified

    15I know your [record of] works and what you are doing; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot!

    16So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth!

    17For you say, I am rich; I have prospered and grown wealthy, and I am in need of nothing; and you do not realize and understand that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.(F)

  2. Hi all,

    Who of you feel that the Lord is saying that the new move of God is going to include an increase of the interpretation of dreams?

    I don’t want to get caught up in something and run ahead of God.

    I am seeing God doing some awesome break through in dreams.

    Some of the fruit I have seen includes: addressing the western idea of dating, poor spiritual food in churches, error in doctrine, repentance, revelation of ministry direction and immediate response to sin.

    I don’t judge the churches who do not accept that dreams are from God or need interpretation.

    If we remember often those people in the previous move of God often do not want to embrace the new God has.

    Please post your thoughts....blessings martin

  3. Hi there, my daughter 6 years had the following dream...

    God/Jesus was not alive. I asked mum if I could go to God to see Mary. Mum said yes, but you must go with someone older. Tim said he was going and he invited me to go with him. We were walking, we were far from home. Tim said run. I ran. Then we were there. Jesus was born. Then Jesus was big. Then we lived with Him. end of dream, blessings martin

  4. hi there, in our dream group hair is a symbol of obedience -

    Ezekiel 44:20 (Amplified Bible)

    Neither shall they shave their heads or allow their locks to grow long; they shall only cut short or trim the hair of their heads.

    blessings martin

  5. Hi there, just a few thoughts, in the passage below a small army wins the battle, must not trust in our own efforts, Gideon won with a few men the battle, could be a financial need and the Lord is saying do not trust in finances trust me...please prayfully consider, blessing martin Judges 8:4
    4And Gideon came to the Jordan and passed over, he and the 300 men with him, faint yet pursuing.
    5And he said to the men of Succoth, Give, I pray you, loaves of bread to the people who follow me, for they are faint, and I am pursuing Zebah and Zalmunna, kings of Midian.
    6And the princes of Succoth said, Are Zebah and Zalmunna already in your hand, that we should give bread to your army?
    7And Gideon said, For that, when the Lord has delivered Zebah and Zalmunna into my hand, I will thresh your flesh with the thorns and briers of the wilderness!
    8And he went from there up to Penuel and made the same request, and the men of Penuel answered him as the men of Succoth had done.
    9And [Gideon] said to the men of Penuel, When I come again in peace, I will break down this tower.
    10Now Zebah and Zalmunna were in Karkor with their army--about 15,000 men, all who were left of all the army of the sons of the east, for there had fallen 120,000 men who drew the sword.

  6. Hi there, (my daughters dream)

    There was a large piece of land, very green with grass, square, people were dancing on the land, and there were special black Alice bands and red dress for those who wanted to dance. All the men were already dancing and in the right clothes. Natalie asked mum if she could have a shinny Alice band. Then Natalie and I got an Alice band, and then I ran across the lawn, to Cali. I gave an Alice band to Cali so she could dance. Cali said: “Why must I ware an Alice band? I said: Please ware it so we can dance together. There was orchestra was discussing amongst themselves, they were all men no girls, sitting on dark green chairs, private, all British, their haunches, very close to one another, the conductor was very old and speaking with his hands. Next scene I am in forests, animals could speak; the bear and wolf (step dad) signed a contract they would look after me if anything happened to Papa or Mum. There was a big insect catcher, with branches around it, very nice and clean, I was throwing the bad squirrel into the insect’s catcher every time the squirrel lost some hair. Then a dwarf appeared and he said my bear (step dad) will be taken away if I continued. I stopped doing this, to the squirrel and said sorry. The dwarf I am sorry but I am going to put the bear in the red shipping container. Then they pushed the bear over the cliff. I would have to be protected by the wolves, if anything happened to Papa and Mum. I was very upset that the bear had been hurt. end of dream, blessings martin

  7. hi there, just a few thoughts, the first part of the dream speaks of receiving revelation and getting closer to God, do that before you do anything, when you are close to Him He will show you, the boots make me think of spiritual warefare, so there could be a time for that, and being preapred while you wait, please prayfully consider what i said, rest in Him He is faithful, be sure to surrender you own agenda completely, blessings martin

  8. Hi there, had a dream...in my sleeping bag in an army camp, my wallet was out my sleeping bad i put it in the sleeping bag to protect it, end of dream, in IRL i am doing spiritual warfare for the church, the tent, temporary, tents are places of great anointing, ready to receive revelation as i was sleeping in the dream, feeling vulnerable, any comments are welcome, blessings martin

  9. Hi there, my daughters have had very detailed dreams regarding the church... i lead the intercession team for the church, i am aware that 99.9 percent of the time we dream are about ourselves. I have submitted my daughter’s dreams to a friend {who has interpreted a few hundred dreams and is not connect to the church in any way, he has no vested interest} and we have worked through them. What the dreams say witnesses with me and manifest in real life, control, pride, not open to the Holy Spirit. My pastor said to me the other day that he does not believe that dreams are New Testament and i should not use dreams in intercession meetings. I have said i will abide by his decision...I want to do want God wants and in the right spirit...it is impossible for a 6 and 8 year old to put symbols and pictures together as my daughters have done...Its impossible....so its God ...should i ask one of the elders? Its very serious stuff...Holy Spirit leaving the church, people are very hunger and there is very little food...etc Part of me wants to call fire from heaven, another wants to run away...I donot want to be an Ahab and walk away ...If people disagree with the pastor he shows them the door...in a friendly and loving but firm way...if any one has wisdom please share, whatever is shared will be pray through before implementation, blessings martin

  10. hi there, just some thoughts, is any spiritual authority which gave you advice which you found difficult to receive? 2 Kings 5:10 (Amplified Bible) 10Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored and you shall be clean, the Lord asking you to humble yourself?, the symbols appear to be out of context, please pray, blessings martin

  11. hi there, Gods compassion and heart for you came out as i read your story, and i am sure that will apply to each person reading this, thank you for your honesty, many of us have things (sins) we are battling with and are trusting God for victory, you are not alone in your battle, i too am battling to be victorious in many areas of my life, as you have confessed your weakness He becomes your strength, I feel very strongly between the tears that God loves you with an everlasting love, every lack you have felt in your life is made perfect in His sons death on the cross, may God nuture you to a place of increasing wholeness...many blessings martin

  12. hi there, just thoughts, 7 could be completeness/forfullment of time, while 10 perfection, and then 7 x 10 X 10, the timing on this one is going to be perfect, blessings martin

  13. hi there, just thoughts, could you be called to interceed for the family? I am sure you are but it could be a process to get everyone in unity about the relationship, I suggest you give every incident, situation back to God and allow Him to speak to you any action etc, the Lord would not have you carry anything, give the situation, in Him there is peace and the fullness of joy, it sound complex situation, allow Him to sort out the storm, He will in His time, prayfully receive what i have said and take what witnesses with you, blessings martin

  14. hi there, just a few thoughts, did your husband turn left (could be negative or right could be positive) ?, it sounds as if there is a poor decision, look at all decisions taken in the last few months, ask God forgiveness if you have walked ahead of Him, God is protecting you in spite of your choices, if possible ask God to help you to change/reverse any decision which you took without His prompting, ask the Lord for wisdom and discernment, take prayfully to the Lord, blessings martin
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