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martin from Africa

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Posts posted by martin from Africa

  1. Hi there, just some thoughts, this site has a dream dictionary, a car is ...To dream of being in your car represents something that is going to happen in your waking reality. Our cars are very much like our bodies in reality. I feel it could mean that God has been send you messages (dreams & prophetic & other) but you have not opened it them, I feel God is send someone to help you in your walk with Him, He will help you clean things up, its a continuous process, take what i have said prayfully to the Lord, blessings martin

  2. hi there, just a few thoughts, sound like a slumbering spirit in the church, people are asleep in their spirits, the word prepared was from the soul, the microwave speaks of quick preparation, the word is half prepared or prepared very quickly, my prayer is that God comes with a Word in season for your church to awaken people to Himself, please pray about what i have written, take what witness with you, blessings martin

  3. hi there, i suggest you read Job 41, Eph 6, Ps 91, you must have come across something unclean, also could be witchcraft with the head ace, thank God for His protection and blood of Jesus, give the situation to God and release it to Him, ask God to cleanse you from any defilement, take what i have said prayerfully to the Lord, Gods blessing and protection, martin

  4. hi there, thanks hislightbeam for your thoughts, there is a battle, i think it may refer to the scripture below:

    Zechariah 1:8-22 (Amplified Bible)
    8I saw in the night [vision] and behold, a [a]Man riding upon a red horse, and He stood among the myrtle trees that were in a low valley or bottom, and behind Him there were horses, red, bay or flame-colored, and white.
    9Then said I, O my lord, what are these? And the [b]angel who talked with me said, I will show you what these are.
    10And the Man who stood among the myrtle trees answered and said, These are they whom the Lord has sent to walk to and fro through the earth and patrol it.
    11And the men on the horses answered [c]the Angel of the Lord Who stood among the myrtle trees and said, We have walked to and fro through the earth [patrolling it] and behold, all the earth sits at rest [in peaceful security].
    12Then the Angel of the Lord said, O Lord of hosts, how long will You not have mercy and lovingkindness for Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, against which You have had indignation these seventy years [of the Babylonian captivity]?
    13And the Lord answered the angel who talked with me with gracious and comforting words.
    14So the angel who talked with me said to me, Cry out, Thus says the Lord of hosts: I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy.
    15And I am very angry with the nations that are at ease; for while I was but a little displeased, they helped forward the affliction and disaster.
    16Therefore thus says the Lord: I have returned to Jerusalem with compassion (lovingkindness and mercy). My house shall be built in it, says the Lord of hosts, and a measuring line shall be stretched out over Jerusalem [with a view to rebuilding its walls].
    17Cry yet again, saying, Thus says the Lord of hosts: My cities shall yet again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion and shall yet choose Jerusalem.
    18Then I lifted up my eyes and saw, and behold, four horns [symbols of strength].
    19And I said to the angel who talked with me, What are these? And he answered me, These are the horns or powers which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.
    20Then the Lord showed me four smiths or workmen [one for each enemy horn, to beat it down].
    21Then said I, What are these [horns and smiths] coming to do? And he said, These are the horns or powers that scattered Judah so that no man lifted up his head. But these smiths or workmen have come to terrorize them and cause them to be panic-stricken, to cast out the horns or powers of the nations who lifted up their horn against the land of Judah to scatter it.

  5. hi there, just a few thoughts, having revelation for me is frightening, the size of me and the size of God gets put right, God gets very big i get small, the world looks with indifference when we increase our closeness with God, but when you have a word which comes to pass people will sit up straight, there was a missionary family who built their house on stilts as a result the tsunami did not affect them, i am sure they had more converts after that, the volcanic eruption could be spiritual or physical, the Lord is increasing your ability to receive revelation from Him, praise Him, blessings martin

  6. Hi there,

    my daughter, 8 yrs old had a dream...she was brushing a white horse, the horse stood still, and allowed her to brush it end of dream ...IRL she has sat once or twice on a horse in her life and not for a year or so...could it be a warning that God is preparing for war, and His horse is almost ready to ride? Does it relate to our family or the body of Christ...Please share...blessings martin

    scripture verse below....

    Revelation 19:11 (Amplified Bible)

    11After that I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse [appeared]! The One Who was riding it is called Faithful (Trustworthy, Loyal, Incorruptible, Steady) and True, and He passes judgment and wages war in righteousness (holiness, justice, and uprightness).

  7. hi there, just a few thoughts, God is asking the church how many souls can you reach in the last few hours, the 11 can also refer to choas, much word will be birthed into China [is it China or just many people] , and released, people will stand waiting to hear and receive the word, the number coming in will be as a result of the power of Gods word...please pray into this, blessings martin

  8. hi there, just a few thoughts, God wants to bless your business but there is a condition that you remove the tiger, ask for a word to identify the tiger, you may not agree with God on who the tiger is, that’s why i feel its long in coming, it has been hidden from you, you will see it as you surrender to Him, it is going to be very difficult/battle to get this person out your life (the dream says that), victory is in the name of Jesus, call to him, prayerfully consider and take what witnesses with you, blessings martin

  9. hi there, just a few thoughts, porch could be a gateway or opening into Gods presents, the field, could be people, who are growing, a whole in the cloud, speaks to me of a portal, like Jacob and the ladder, the fact that you saw the cloud, could mean to some purpose of yours and God is showing you some task you will forfill, like intercession etc, looking at Asia and Africa, Jesus has these two place on His heart, the power of prayer or a specific person will touch these nations, gun, speaking of intercession, the dog could be unclean things, please prayfully consider, very wonderful dream, be encouraged, I would encourage to share your dreams, also pray and trust God for an interpretation, this site is most helpful, blessings martin

  10. hi there, please prayfully consider, scene 1, God bringing you to a place of greater revelation but you are unsure if you want it, larger bathroom greater humility/repentance, scene 2, the guy with the wondering eye, speak to me of a man with a wondering eye who is going to be healed, and have a personality change, scene 3, you are unprepared but make do with what you have and are able to celebrate God, Scene 5, you need to find strength in Him which you do as he directs your paths, God gives revelation so you can find strength, you are leading people in a ministry which takes time to get everyone skilled, its a strange game...,(could it be dreams when we hit the "dung" far away with a single shot), again God gives you direct to find strength...i hope something witnesses with you, was a bold or ?!!, blessings martin

  11. hi there, please prayfully consider, this is a big decision, are you trying to force an answer ... I was convinced that the radio would still work..., the names of the people waiting could have a meaning for your dream...nothing in the dream or in the natural indicates any change in your husband, then accept from God that nothing has changed, so wait on Him, Gods grace and strength in the difficult situation, blessings martin

  12. hi there, please prayfully consider, rain would refer to the Holy Spirit, driving up a mountain closer to God, or there is a need for a revelation from God, the house could refer to a ministry, ten is perfection, God has an anointing, message or plan for your father at this time, the gap, a hole in your fathers journey with God, that God is going to bring restoration to at this time, blessings martin

  13. Hi Desiree,

    Sorry have not learnt to use the quote yet...Someone is always trying to keep me from living my destiny!....

    With your anointing and calling satan working through people are always going to try everything to stop you. Your wisdom and insight is amazing...The reason is that the enemy is afraid of you...like when Saul attacked David, Saul became afraid...blessings, martin

    1 Samuel 18:10-13 (Amplified Bible)

    10The next day an evil spirit from God came mightily upon Saul, and he raved [madly] in his house, while David played [the lyre] with his hand, as at other times; and there was a javelin in Saul's hand.
    11And Saul cast the javelin, for he thought, I will pin David to the wall. And David evaded him twice.
    12Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with him but had departed from Saul.
    13So Saul removed David from him and made him his commander over a thousand; and he went out and came in before the people.

  14. Hi all...in the dream,

    I was in the bath room, the floor was ankle deep in water as the toilet had overflowed, I put my foot in the water on the left side of the toilet bowl, not in the bowl but on the left side, on the top of the foot I had a cut...

    The dream could be as a result of:

    I have been saying a prayer of repentance in terms of Jezebel, which could be the cleaning going to the toilet, the top of the left foot could have to do with worldliness of which Jezebel is part of...i think its an encouragement to continue for a deeper work in my heart...hopefully the next dream will be a clean toilet and not overflowing!! blessings martin

  15. hi there, just a few thoughts, teeth are for eating, the right side (God side), could mean a lack of judgement or discernment in Godly things, the dreams says that there is good word and plenty to eat, in addition God has revelation for you and you will need spirit eyes to understand the events in this season, please prayfully consider, martin
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