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martin from Africa

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Posts posted by martin from Africa

  1. hi all,

    A well known prophet prophesied to me and "said i feel good about the person you are going out with..." I had said to the Lord if the prophet says those exact words...it would be a sign that she was the right person...

    I think one of the key’s to receiving a prophetic word is can you give it back to the Lord, I could not, so I got married and got divorce three years later….

    I was in error, there was an idol in my heart and I want the prophet to say those words, he spoke the idol and I said great let’s do it…

    This is about 20 years ago but it was a great lesson… to give it back to the Lord, to wait for His timing, to confess any idol in one’s own heart and let Him do it…

    If a prophetic word is from God and we are in love with Him then Gods does not need our help, effort or striving for things to happen…we can rest in Him…

    If I get a prophetic word about anything, I praise Him for speaking and ask Him to bring it to pass …living a Godly life etc and ask Him to confirm it … the word belongs to Him and He brings it to pass…I have learnt to travel light and it’s all about Him rather than what I am going to do, be and say…

    I know you were in different circumstances maybe something I have written may witnesses with someone…it's an important topic.

    The next lady I met was four years later (after the divorcé) and I never prayed about marrying her, I knew it was right and I had peace and all my church friends said go for it. Ten years later I am very, very happily married. God is good….

  2. just a few throughts, the devil has come to kill, steal and destroy, he will try and take the gift/revelation in you in whatever way he can, legal ground, temptation etc...the sister showing you a cat? doesnot sound positive, it could be someone close who is distracting you from receiving the word, remember to take this to the Lord in prayer ...blessings martin

  3. hi lovestone, just a few thoughts, the shop could be a place of receiving the word, the gay person could be a perversion of truth, God could be bring truth to you and someone could be trying to pervert that truth, if that witnesses with you, i suggest then you pray against all deception or pervertion of the truth, the perversion could be a foundational truth that satan is coming against, and it will sap you of the Holy Spirit, Jesus is the truth, blessing martin

  4. hi Change, the cat could refer to a hinderance to improve or come closer to the Lord, i would allow the Lord to show you any obsticles to coming to Him. The fact that the intruder comes as soon as you make food, its a direct attack on receiving the Word/Jesus in your life...a demonic spirit coming against the word of God in you...Eph 6, could be a good place to start, pray over this and see what witnesses with you...Blessings Martin

  5. Hi His Light beam,

    Just a few general ideas ....

    The thigh could mean a covernant with something or someone, or the enermy coming against your weaker or more human side, the right side being the side of strength, someone in authority coming against you, the shirt your protection, mantle, it was a suprise, almost like a betrayal, someone in authority coming against your convernant relationship with the Lord, sorry i tried to look up the name but found nothing, that could help....hope something witnesses with you, blessings

  6. Hi Mystic Girl,

    Please eat what speaks to you and disregard the rest...

    I feel the dream is about your life, the snake is getting bigger, but praise God you have sort help so God is going to deliver you, the snake in the bedroom could point to a relationship where the demonic can be in, i think you could be doing something unaware which is unbiblical, not to worry just ask that the blood of Jesus cleans you, sin is never a problem if you bring it to Jesus, the mother could be a symbolic of the origin of the demonic, allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart according to ps 139 and He will show you ...i would spend time just waiting on the Lord He is faithful. If there is any occult involvment, repent and bring it to Jesus. Many blessings be encouraged God is cleaning His bride...

  7. Dear Dreamers,

    I had a dream....

    In the dream I saw a helicopter flying upside down, i told those around me (about five people) to get out of the way, then next i saw the helicopter had crashed in the fork of a branch in a tree, there was a net in the tree, i was relieved, i then phoned the police, Sunnyside police station, there was an oil leak from the plane, i was grateful that the helicopter did not explode, the next picture was a white trap door that i had to go through to get back to the helicopter....

    The interpretation, i employed a secretary who is unsuitable for the job, i do not want to fire her, she is the helicopter, God is going to undertake, and I phoned the police (authority), when I employ another secretary do it Gods way the white narrow trap door.

    I have had another dream and God says he is going to fix the situation...I trust that he will work things out...

    If you have any comments please submit them...

    Blessings form African.
    Martin E

  8. Hi All,

    I have over the last month been busy with a friend doing dream intrepretation, its very exciting to hear God speak, and amazing that God is speaking to the whole world every night, i find that frightening and sad...lovely to be with you all. I have found that dreams go directly to the heart...God bless you all. You all seem to be very friendly and open. Blessings and His peace from Africa. martin E
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