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martin from Africa

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Posts posted by martin from Africa

  1. I dreamt that I was I in the front of a big passenger bus chatting to Trevor Rens the bus driver, the road was a gravel road, and it was light brown in color. We were driving fast for a gravel road. We would have to drive the whole night, he showed me if he gets tired, he closes his eyes, I said look at the road, I was a bit tense, he was relaxed. End of dream... please help I have prayed and looked up symbols to see what witnesses, but I am stuck... any comment would be appreciated as I will discern and only take what witnesses..


  2. This may sound trivial… but it has affected me badly… I have had a secretary for 2 years and she cannot do the job, I want God to remove her as soon as possible. I have prayed for the situation. I have repented for appointing her in the first place. I have run out of any of my own plans. She works from my house so it make family life very difficult…Please pray that the Lords will is done and she leaves out of her own accord, without any legal issues. She leaves quickly quietly and silently. Praise God for victory, any words or thoughts do not hold back i will prayfully consider Martin from Africa

  3. Hi there,

    I dreamt I was under the wash line on my left was Mr. Lariche. I had blue short shorts on. My xyz slipped out (male organ). I realized Mr. Larich had not seen so I adjusted my shorts. We were just chatting. I then got up and started walking, to where the ground was higher, I looked up and there was a big beautiful owl flying ahead. While I was looking at the owl it dropped a brown and green feather which looked like a wing. It was a long feather from one tip of the wing to the other it was continuous. It was not a normal feather. The feather was exquisite.

    blessings many thanks martin (mature christian will discern in prayer and wise council)

  4. Hi there, my daughters dream, Natalie her name means new birth...is it about the neighbour or Ashleigh, help...., or Natalie...

    There was a mattress and my sister (Naomi) was sleeping outside her bedroom near the big open windows on the balcony. From this position she could see the neighbours across the road, the had a little blue car with a sun roof. There was a fire on the roof of the car. The flames were dancing like people on the roof of the car. Someone said to me that if you make a fire on the roof of the car it will make a bomb. At the top of the stairway the banister had a purple curtain on it. If you open the curtains it has windows on it. Naomi was sitting up on her mattress. Ashleigh (my other sister) was sleeping in our room on the bottom bunk in a cozy place, it looked so comfortable. I wanted to sleep there. I slept on another bed in the same room.

    Comments welcome, I will pray into what ever you receive, i look forward to your insight into the dream blessings Martin

  5. Hi there, just a few thoughts, could the boyfriend represent something old that has resurrected itself in your life, could be good or bad, like a habit, if the relationship is positive then it could be good, your association with the old boyfriend would be the key, if you felt let down after he left then that’s the picture…betrayed, disappointed, etc, or a literal interpretation is to pray for salvation, soul ties (which you have done), blessings martin

  6. hi there, just a few thoughts, in one dream I had a bicycle was an individual rather than a car/bus which is more a ministry idea, could the dream be something about taking you back to a time when you could not find spiritual food? The bicycle appears to make progress but it takes you to a store where the food you want and need is unavailable, are you deciding in your own strength what you need to eat? These are only thoughts, please pray, blessings martin

  7. hi there, just a few way out thoughts, a warning against American people, some disaster will come or did come (history?) but God will bring it for His glory, people will open up to God, come from there darkness, people will be more open and you will be able to speak Gods words in power and under the anointing, I feel this is on a higher level or for more people than just yourself, there is a war in the spirit between good (bees) and bad (fly’s), maybe not for our own needs finding the right husband or wife, time to encourage pastors, the 11 refers to chaos, but a time of hearing God and seeing the power of His word, I am unsure if the travel at the end links to the beginning, traveling to Arab countries to evangelize, blessing martin

  8. hi there, when i read this i thought that it may not be symbolic but an actual situation, i then read your posts and saw from other posts you were at one point looking for a job, so if this witnesses with you accept my prayer for a job, the right job, check out any job you have applied for that fits the dream and ask the Lord if you need to call them, please prayfully consider, i could be way off line, blessings martin

  9. hi there, just a few thoughts, in my dreams DVD's are receiving devine revelation through dreams, are you frustrated that you are not receiving dreams? Is your relationship with God ok? Ask the Lord if there are any blockages, I would spend some time in the bathroom/toilet (symbol of repentance and cleansing) blessings martin

  10. hi there, just a few thoughts, as a result of a family situation in her youth, God wants your friend to draw emotional support from HIM and not other things as she has tended to do in the past, waking up crying could be a cry for help, for me nightmares are dreams in CAPITAL LETTERS, David opened his heart to the Lord, encourage your friend to open her heart and speak about her childhood, everything, writing a letter to the Lord daily can bring focus and allow us to release stuff to HIM, blessings Gods grace be with your friend, its wonderful that you posted that, your friend is going to be blessed, martin

  11. Hi there, my daughter of 6 dreamed this....
    It was in Ice land where Polar bears live. We were sitting on rocks watching movies.
    Mum said: “We cannot go to the movies tomorrow because the polar bears are coming.”
    There was a bald man who thought that the polar bears were not coming tomorrow.
    He has an orange skin colour on his face. Looks like his face was dead.
    There was a polar bear eating and Papa and mum were setting up a train (red/orange)
    I saw the Polar bear just like the bald man except it was white. While it was eating I (Natalie) was dancing around it teasing the bear.
    Papa took out a long sword and said to the bear: “Do you want to fight with my girl friend. Papa killed the polar bear dead with his sword.
    The one Polar bear mum was very kind and said : You can have my club until tomorrow because she had to fight. I was holding the bear club tightly in my arms.Then we climbed down the mountain. We got in a big bus.
    All comments welcomed, blessings martin
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