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martin from Africa

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Posts posted by martin from Africa

  1. hi all, i must say that what has happened to my step son is nothing short of a miracle, he gets dream after dream, the latest was he must read the word, he just received three of those, God has take him from being luke warm to being on fire, we can only shout Praise the Lord, God is speaking to us all the time if we are in right relationship with Him, God can never be silent when we are in right relationship with Him, He is after all 24/7 and know no limits, He cannot be contained or limited in any way, ….Is 57:15 I dwell in the high and holy place, but with him also who is of a thoroughly penitent and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the thoroughly penitent [bruised with sorrow for sin]….my advice to the friend is spend a few minutes acknowledging her faults ( sin) before bed time and then trust God for the rest…

  2. thank you all very much for your input, two steps, two batteries, one for each step, one for the heart, the other for love, the heart reflects back to love, walking in unity of the spirit, the door could be a ministry that i am doing to move into, i also feel i am coming against Jezebel so need heart and love, the door was very close, blessings to you all, much love and appreciation for your inputs, martin (i still struggling to believe that i wasted 46 years of dreams)

  3. Hi There,

    is there any word that is the same in your life and you keep eating the same word without feeling satified...may be the word is not have the effect in your life and is tasting like nothing, its lost its power for some reason, for chewing ....blessings martin

  4. Hi All,

    Last night....

    I picked up two rechargeable batteries, i was very pleased as i knew they would be useful, they looked old and the label was faded, the name of the battery was liba [not a name IRL], I put them in my pocket, I was on the steps of a building, only two steps, I was about to go inside, the building was on my right, a colonial building the door was a very close to me, the door was a metre/yard from me...

    End of dream, blessings, and your inputs will be appreciated and i will prayerfully consider...blessings martin

  5. chicken is everyday food, how many dreams are you having??, could relate to that ??? and you just can not get enought!!!, just a thought please pray about it, blessing martin

  6. Hi all, i agree with the theological concept of a right to hear God as sons and daughters, but no right to force Him to speak to us in a particular way, thats where i agree with dreamster, we need to have the right attitude, in humility we can request it, i will never forget this story, a prophet wanted to hear if he should fast for 40 days, a direct message, from God, should he or shouldnt he, he was travel from one place to another, at the train station a drunk hobo comes up to him and says Jesus fasted 40 days....needless to say the prophet was mad with God...Lord please dont send a hobo to speak to me, we dream every night so God is speaking...we need to learn to write it down fast before the ink fades off the page of our minds...one could start by repenting for not hearing God, repentance to me is a key, i have learnt God has no issues and He is perfect, if any one needs to change its going to be me, my opinion is you have the right to request a dream, a friend of mine asked God for everything through dreams its the primary way He hears God, we will all have a way of hearing God and He will use that way most of the time, being around the Daniel and Joseph anointing you will dream more, i have found that over the last few weeks....blessings martin e

  7. hi all, what a lovely web site, this is the first and only blog i have ever joined and i am so glad i did, before i started on this dream thing a few months or so ago, i only looked at the very, very loud dreams, like i have had only three in my life, now i am looking at all as they all have meaning, the kids dreams, my step son of 17 has been transformed by hearing and knowing that God is speaking to Him though dreams...its just so sad that God is speaking and most people ignore Him, i find it worrying, as judgement day is going to be real bad without knowing the forgiveness of Jesus...signs and wonders, i would like to do a few market place healings, i want to see Jesus heal and see the Kingdom of God come... the TV stuff leaves me cold, the spiritual warefare....well if you living on earth then you are in the middle of the biggest battle of mankind being fought with most people in a very deep sleep...

  8. hi king rex, these are a few ideas, please prayerfully consider, could the situation refer back to a past situation where you took something from the girls father in question, something is established by two or more witnesses, two friends, could you have taken something personal from someone, [just an idea], you hand over the bank card, you have or will repent, the 10 speaks of perfection, forgiveness, I could be way off track, please prayerfully consider, blessings martin

  9. hi change, you could be seeing ministry as only church stuff while God is expanding your understanding, telling people about Jesus at work is ministry, starting a prayer group at work, the list is endlist, ask God to show you He is faithfull...please prayerfully consider, blessings martin

  10. hi dreamster, i love reading your posts, you are always friendly and loving and full of His grace, just a few thoughts on your dream, expansion for you in terms of revelation and the word, [the biger house & supermarket], could the older friends being reaching a new level of maturity and/or wisdom, the daughter [growth/expansion], 8 [new begining], could refer back to you test dream, you were empty, God says in this dream, you are halffull, [take heart there is an improvement], the silver [wisdom], scepter [authority], the result of your interpretation/spiritual action results in a pile of occult stuff, God is giving you authority and wisdom in dealing in these situations, of supplying goods/word [dreams to people??], allow the Lord to keep filling you up with His Holy Spirit, please prayfully consider, blessings martin

  11. hi there, just some thoughts for you to pray over, the open top car is your life/ministry/business and you are open to heavenly revelation, the open car, sky is blue, and can refer to revelation from God, you are concentrating on your walk/path with God, you are driving through a desert {Gods sees its difficulty in your life}, you are in His will traveling on the narrow road, many people travel on the way of destruction going the other way, you have choose the road of righteousness, truck and trailer could speak of you had to carry a heavy load, but you have passed that, or you are through it, you kept on driving, God are determined to complete Gods race, nothing is going to stop you, same with the brick wall, then again Gods light around you, {He is there to help you} the boat could be a new spiritual ministry that you will be in, children something new from God, the hair may refer to your obedience you kept on the narrow road going for God, orange, could refer to joy, happyness, white purity of spirit, biblical you can not see God and live, you are driving in the spirit in the natural it looks weird, it takes faith and courage to drive like you do, in the natural its fightening, hope something witnesses with you, Gods blessings and love, martin

  12. "Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense" a quotation by winston churchhill...Dreamster, God will never give up on you, take courage and fight the Good Fight!!! blessings martin

  13. hi there, just a few suggestions, ask the Lord if you have dishonoured your mother in any way especially in the area of finances, if the Lord lifts something up in your heart allow His to cleanse it, receive His forgiveness, the Lord may also use the situation so that you look only to Him, you may feel the need to repent of looking to your mother, you may also want to act in the oppisite spirit, ask the Lord to direct you in this, I am sure you are doing many of these things, many the Lord encourage and strengthen you, keep on receiving His love in the difficult situation...blessings and His peace, martin

  14. hi there, lots and lots of wisdom above, my step daughter, my niece, have both just had dreams to break up with the person they are going out with, God is not into dating, I also think too spooky christian stuff is also out there, taking one word and acting on it, if marriage is the second biggest decision then prayer, fasting is needed...many of my wifes girl friends have husbands which are miles behind them in terms of their walk with God, women also need to ensure that the husband that they choose are moving forward in Him, today anything built on sand will not stand as the enermy is out there...

  15. hi there, just a few thoughts, i like the light, God is light, and you must be walking in His light, a family dinner, time to eat the Word of God, you cutting or refining the Word, then eating more mature food (Word) the meat, the fact that you knew your grandfather was there, like the Holy Spirit, could also mean wisdom, the couch could refer to receiving revelation knowledge, your sister, someone you trust, the family leaving, could refer to distractions from receiving the Word...the fact that you become confused after they get up from the couch could mean you in a season were you need to receive more revelation from God, receive what witnesses with you, and take it to God in prayer, blessings martin

  16. hi Paul, just a few thoughts, a wedding (celebration of covenant) should be a day of great celebration, and everything should go right, its sad that the food for such an important is polluted, the prawns something hidden, and are also regarded as unclean, the maggots (fleshy, corruption) also speak of uncleanness, the fact that food is reheated and makes people vomit (demonic activity), this may have to do with a setting you find people speaking ungodly words, lifeless, word is old and has no nutritional value, the mother could be the Holy Spirit in the kitchen who is starting to assist in the cleaning up process, making the unclean...clean, if you are in a situation God want to say the word is old and there is no celebration and no covenant, take whatever witness with you, it’s a very meaty compact dream (it has lots to say), blessings martin
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