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Linda Irish

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Posts posted by Linda Irish

  1. Do you have a history of God giving you prophetic warnings?

    In a dream, I was in a similar setting in the "White House" when the President of Iraq came to the White House to ask that we not "bomb" his country....(and more to this dream) this was before 9/11 and Iraq was not in the news...within a short time, the Twin Towers were destroyed and we were bombing Iraq....

    This dream has the same feeling. I am praying now for God's divine will and for God to give His children understanding in this dream. Amen

  2. It doesnt sound like I helped much, but still learning to understand how God talks to us is an adventure! I do have a few questions though for my own understanding.

    may I ask, what was the condition of your heart that God revealed to you through this dream, and when you understand more about this dream, please post. I think this dream could teach us all a lot about understanding God through our dreams. Thanks

  3. Ok I am learning to understand dreams and I am just sharing ideas on what i am learning. This is just suggestions, prayerfully seek God for the fullness of what He has for you.

    Make up is a way to cover or change your identity, perhaps you are being called upon for your identity to be in Christ alone.

    You are hurt angry in the dream, and desperate to get back what you had (the securtity of the makeup (maybe where the inside you was in the world and the outside you appeared to be "in the spirit")

    You are trying to get what you want, by doing the wrong things, getting in the flesh and using fear tactics or threatening with violence.

    But in the end....you are confused that you are getting blessed...a gift...actually grace.

    I dont know what the "closet" means but closets conceal things, and can have doors that close...is there anything that you have tried to close the door on or conceal regarding your sister or the past?

    I hope something here might help, I am praying for God to reveal to You His message. God Bless

    Thoughts, pray to see if any of these notions are from God. I pray for your discernment and for God to continue teaching me as well . amen!!

  4. Correct me if you see that I am seeing it wrong.

    First you were angry that they didnt care what you were going through (anger covers hurt actually)

    Then you suspected that they took the makeup

    Then you tried to threaten them (with a curst) to get them to give it back

    Since the closet and the marriage jewelry and the sister are in your dream it may be important to know what that means to you. It was your closet growing up....now your sisters marriage jewelry is in it....she I suppose may be the next to get married. Do you miss "your closet",

  5. I learned from Mias site that it is important to write down the feelings that were attached to the parts of your dream.

    What were the feelings that you had, that will assist in understanding the dream.
    It looks like you were surprised and angry that you were robbed.
    In your anger you try to manipulate with fear.

    (question: "I saw because I pray", does that mean that the other girl did not believe you would curse her, because she saw you pray?)

    how did you feel when you first looked up and saw the wedding jewelry in the closet, and what does that personally mean to you?

    does this closet look like your sisters closet in real life....how do you feel about your sister and how does the wedding jewelry relate to her. is she married?After this you say you were furious, to me it appears that you are continuing throughout the dream to be furious and powerless...no matter what you do (in the flesh).

    How did you feel when the girls gave you the 500.00 worth of stuff...(grace?)...how did you feel about "moving out" was it resolved or unresolved.

    I believe this is a detailed and specific dream for you. I hope you answer the questions and that God reveals to you what He is saying specifically to you.

    I feel some understanding from God in my heart but feel God will reveal to you as you earnestly seek Him. I am leaving for the day but will check back in later ...God Bless.

  6. Thank you for sharing your dream Sonny. I am understanding this better Mia...the fruit (purchase) was, or appeared to be dangerous to attain, in other words the "purchase" may have been an unwise or foolish,a decision, possibly not worth the price. Mia, does a tree with fruit always indicate a purchase? or is there other possible meaning as well?...(so I can gain more knowledge)
    Another question, So many of my dreams are a call to prayer or instructions to do something that God would have me do. This dream appears to be a dream that brings a situation to the table, lights it up, so that this couple can seek Gods will for their life. Does that sound right Mia, or is there more? Thanks, Sonny and Mia, for letting me learn a bit more, from this post. God Bless, Linda

  7. I havent worked in 8 months. I was fired for a fabricated cause, my generosity and earnestness was slandered. It was a vicious and spiritual warfare, a sticky wicket my husband would say, and attack from the enemy that was a hard hit on our family and on my spirit, I was mistreated by my employer as I was thought to be a whistle blower, for the neglect of a disabled woman. but I know that I know that I know it all will turn out for good, because the Bible says so. "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called together for His purpose".

    So in giving you that background I can say that my husband and I, we survive on our combined income and it was truly miraculous that we did not lose our home.

    On the past Friday, five days ago I got my first check on my new job after 8 months of no work. I had a list made out of all the people and places that I owed money to and was so happy to pay back my debts....but when I got down to the last 45.00, I made out a check to my dentist ~ and I was so happy because I havent been able to pay her in months....thats when I realized, wow....I did not tithe any of this check, I didnt even think about it. The dentist is just going to have to wait.

    So I was talking to God as I was driving and since I am not a member of a church right now, I asked God where He wanted me to tithe it. He brought to mind a young man who lives on the streets with his dog. Ive known him for a couple of years and hadnt seen him for eight months, but he moved back into our town recently....just a few minutes later I turned down a road and there he was...the boy, walking his dog down the street.....so I pulled over and waved him down. after a big hug, I told him that I was going to give him 27 dollars (10% of my first check) but he said no, he didnt need any money right now. I told him, look, God told me to give this to you, If you need it right now or not, I want to do what God wants.

    My friend finally backed down when I told him, Look, I cant outgive God, He will bring in the funds to take care of what I need.

    I had my little grandchildren over for the weekend while my daugher was out of town and among the excitement one of the little boys stepped on my open phone and broke it in two pieces, I didnt tell my daughter as I didnt want to burden them. When my daughter and son in law got home the two of them insisted on paying me a bit, she slipped 60.00 into my pocket.
    Funny how the next day I paid exactly to the penny, my new phone came to 60.00.

    Well, I was talking to God again, I was telling God,thats good and all, and I don't want to be a complainer or anything...but that was kind of like not getting paid, right? Still a new phone, how can I possibly complain right.

    The next day, I meet my friend and she has a card for me...for what? She says that she's been talking to God, and that two months ago when I watched her cat while she was out of town, she did not pay me enough. She said she calculated the gas money and she counted the extra days and when all was said and done, she'd not paid me enough. I opened up the card that said thank-you, and there were three 20.00 bills. I tried to tell her that I didnt need it that she didnt owe me anything....but she said she had to give it to me....it was a God thing.

    You can't out give God. I am so happy to be able to mail my dentist her check!!!

  8. Sharing ideas for you to pray about. I believe this is a prophetic dream. The school ~ a place where one gains knowledge.

    When a baby is born, in a dream it is a symbol of a new thing, like a new ministry, new goal new road that you are on, a new way of looking at things.

    The ones who are helping deliver the babies are babies...( in the Bible a baby drinks the milk, symbolic of reading the word of God but the mature Christian eats the meat, the meat being not just reading but actually doing the will of God...big difference)

    The arrogant ones delivering the babies are possibly ones who are not walking in the word of God. There are those who call themselves Chrstians, and I believe they truly believe that they are but they deny the power of God. In my experience these are the ones who become outraged when a born again believer shares that the gifts of the spirit are real and work in the children of the living God.

    Another idea, the number 8, I was told, is a number of completion. I have my own belief that God in His true church, puts His children into the places that He wants them to be...I also know there are church ministries out there, with people running them that are not chosen by God, but by man only, and not only that, but some of those churches may not allow the Holy Spirit much room at all if any. I see a change coming and I believe that God is calling out His children from the church without belief in HIS POWER.

    Hope some of this makes sense. moreover these are ideas that God is showing me, but just like the word of God will reveal different things to different people, so will dreams, so I pray you will only believe what God confirms to you.

  9. Wow. Dreamster...I read your other dream tonight then took a break off the computer and came back to read this dream. Did you read the post about the ship being tossed about by the waves earlier today? Ill have to look it up and get back with you, but there was a prophetic word about a ship and a warning with the number 23....gonna look at that again, personally I have been dreaming of storms and water for a few years now, in my dreams they are signifying the end times, and symbolically the ship, the "rapturo" (if thats how ya spell it)...I am fascinated by all the interweaving dreams right now. It is exciting times that we are in. I so love this site and have learned so much..ok, off my soap box now...lol

  10. It takes more faith to believe that this world and the heavens are an "accident" truly. I believe it is the love. Agape that is the biggest talker to the unbeliever, really. The athiest,agnostic,unbeliever, they watch us closer than any believer....they watch to confirm that we are not real and we have ill motives and that we are full of crapola....so to speak. I so want to stay focused on walking in His light..I love Mias saying that ticker tapes across her posts....it reminds me to keep pointing to God and keep tellling others I am sorry for my falling short...because God is not finished with me yet....lol.

  11. Lola, and Owen, God uses the number three in my life...like doing things three times or three pats on the back or...When my granmom on her death bed and in a coma....when I witnessed to her, she shook my hand three times. God uses 3 in my life to tell me over and over again..."pay attention~ I really mean it"

  12. Mia I agree, I also have been given dates in my dreams that are literal. In the summer a few years ago I had a dream I was in a big home with all the people I love it was a good time....but then I heard a narrator say to me, Enjoy this while you can, after the 24 life as you know it will cease, and then I heard my son yell "mom" which is the way, God often makes me wake up...to rememer my dream and to intercede.
    I did intercede...I called my daughter into my room to pray with me. We didnt know what the "24rth" meant, but God did. We prayed for God's divine will.
    A few days later, my daughter showed up in my room with an ashen face, she was really upset, she'd just gotten off the phone with her brother, and he had a ticket to fly out to visit us. The ticket was for the 24th of the month. She was really upset by it but I was happy that God had given us the dream, I asked her to pray with me again and assured her that there was nothing to worry about because God had given us this opportunty to know how to pray. On the 24th the plane that my son was on had mechanical difficulties and they had to bring it down in anther state, they put the customers up for the night at a nearby hotel and found them another flight out the next day. We should all be praying for Gods will in this situation, Praise God He is so Good!!!!!!!!!!! Amen
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