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  1. Every demonic spirit gains access through a gate or door. 3 gates-list of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Doors olfactory, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, reproductive/sexual, motion/movement, action & accomplishments You must identify the strongman-this is the key to getting rid of the spirit at the root rather than just symptoms and companion spirits. The spirit of affinity is the strong man for soul ties, unholy alliances, familiar spirits, carnality and spirits of inheritance/ and generational curses. Soul ties attract and unite-a force of connectedness. To break: Make God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit your new gate and door keeper. Break all ties,and declare the word of the Lord to your situation. No weapon formed against you will prosper. greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world. If God be for yiu whi can be against you.
  2. severe the tie at the root. Do you have anything that would be a portal (spiritual access) or keep you tied to the person? Have you totally let go or are you still holding on to something? Do you still interact and communicate with the person?
  3. It is there illegally-by His stripes we are healED! Take authority and command the tumor to dry up and fall off or disappear in the name of Jesus. Take back what the enemy is trying to steal from you and command him to return seven fold. (mobility of your finger-talnt to draw and make music). His words do not reutn void, but accomplish all that He purposed them to do. Remember, his promises are yes and amen (it is so!).
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